Pallets for Tent City #3

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Tent City #3. Photo by Patty Price
According to Patty Price, volunteer advocate for Tent City, all the living surfaces at Tent City #3 are on pallets covered with painted plywood.
The Tent City lay-out planner, Roger, says they are always in need of these two items - could use a 1,000 pallets!
Currently, a company in Woodinville has donated some pallets. Tent City needs volunteers with pick-ups to get the pallets and bring them to the Shoreline location this week, before Tent City #3 moves to Capital Hill in Seattle. Contact Patty at 206-546-6717 if you can help.

Photo by Patty Price: Randy (in blue) from Dunn Lumber and TC helper, Michael, with sheets of plywood.
To be usable, the pallets are covered with sheets of painted plywood. Dunn Lumber on N 185th Street by Aurora was asked if they could help and they immediately agreed to donate the plywood, which they cut to easier handling size and loaded it to be taken to the needed location.

A stop at Tweedy and Popp Ace Hardware on NW 185th in Richmond Highlands found more willing help with paint rollers to paint the boards.
"That's what's nice about living in Shoreline!" said Patty.
At the site, several helped to get them ready for painting and later use under the tents and community areas.

Organizing the boards at Tent City 3 with Roger in the lead.  Photo by Patty Price.
Patty Price is a volunteer at the Senior Center Thrift Shop who discovered Tent City #3 when she helped take donated clothing from the Thrift Shop to the TC residents.  She has been an ardent supporter ever since.


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