Local Residents to Gather on September 18 for Public Reading of U.S. Constitution

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Local residents will take part in Nationwide readings of the entire United States Constitution on Saturday, September 18 at Third Place Books Commons, 17171 Bothell Way NE, LFP 98155.

In an effort to help revitalize the nation’s civic culture, residents of Snohomish and King Counties will come together at 12:00 pm for a public reading of the U.S. Constitution.

The event, which will feature an open mic scenario for any and all interested parties to step up and read, or just listen as we re-familiarize ourselves with the foundation upon which we were founded. This will be one of hundreds to be held on the same day in cities and towns all across the United States.
“This event, and the hundreds like it across the country, is our way of expressing our respect for the importance of the nation’s founding charter and its relevance today.

“This is a real grassroots effort, of ordinary Americans talking to each other on the Internet, to show there are people who think the nation’s civic culture is important. Everyone should be familiar with the Constitution and what it says. It needs to be read, aloud,” Organizer said.

In addition to the local organizers, the We Read the Constitution Project is backed by national groups including Let Freedom Ring and Constituting America


Anonymous,  September 19, 2010 at 1:20 AM  

"Fascism will come wrapped in a flag and carrying a Bible." ~ Sinclair Lewis, circa 1935
"Patriotism is the last refuge of scoundrels." ~ William Samuel Johnson, circa 1775

This supposedly patriotic reading is sponsored by those who associate themselves with Tea Party goals and Palin demagoguery.

Look them up. You will find that their picture of what America should be is a living nightmare for those who want a nation where all may thrive and prosper, where truth is highly valued, and where appreciation of individual rights is combined with the recognition that we are all interconnected and responsible for one another.

Anonymous,  September 21, 2010 at 9:30 PM  

Isn't it lucky then, that we live in a country where we can disagree?

Amazing that those who comment over and over about accepting everything and everyone are the first to condemn those with whom they disagree.

Evan Smith,  September 25, 2010 at 5:17 AM  

I hope these people did more than just read the original words. Phases like "fair trial,":"freedom of speech," "equal protection,": "due process of law," privileges and immunities of citizenship " "interstate commerce," necessary and proper" and "establishment of religion," mean little unless we study how they have been interpreted and applied. For example, what is a:"speedy trial"? Courts wrestled with that for decades and finally settled on an arbitrary number of days.

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