Letter to the Editor: SESPA members form the face of Shoreline's schools

Sunday, September 5, 2010

To the Editor:

SESPA members form the face of Shoreline’s schools. The first person that one sees upon entering one of our schools or the district office is a member of SESPA. They do an amazing job of making students, parents, staff and community members feel welcome and answering any questions they may have.

If you need information in the Shoreline School District, you talk to a member of SESPA. How do I report an absence? How do I order classroom supplies? How do I enroll my student? When can I pick up my diploma? What do I do when a student is stung by a bee? Should that person be on campus?

SESPA members work closely with the students who need the most support. Without them, teachers would not be able to provide the high level of instruction that we expect for every student in Shoreline. Our amazing para-educators and behavior technicians help us reach students who would otherwise have a difficult time in school.

It can be easy to overlook the many contributions of SESPA, because they don’t tend to draw attention to themselves or their work. Our students need their support to learn and to be safe and healthy. They also process applications, pay bills, and get payroll out on time. SESPA support allows Shoreline’s teachers and administrators to do their jobs.

No matter how frequently or sincerely SESPA members are thanked, that thanks will not heat their homes, fuel their cars, or insure their families. They deserve to be paid living wages, have clearly defined rights and fair opportunities to earn benefits.

Please encourage the Shoreline School Board and administration to show SESPA members the respect they deserve. After years of sacrifices to alleviate past budget woes it is time to bring a smile back to the face of Shoreline.

Eric Scaia
President, Shoreline Education Association


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