Late Summer Wildlife Tips from PAWS

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Shoreline Raccoon. Photo by Sonya Reasor.
Even though summer is winding down, wild animals are still active as they prepare for the long winter. This time of year, Raccoon populations are highest as young ones venture out with mom to forage for food. That means encounters may increase, particularly for your pets. What should you do?
  • Feed your pets inside. If that's not possible, then pick up leftover food and dishes when your pet is finished eating and drinking. Raccoons are attracted to pet food and even its remnants on the dishes.
  • Before you let pets outside at night, check your yard. Even if your pets don't mean any harm to Raccoons, they, especially the mom, will act defensively.
  • Do not let your cats roam freely around the neighborhood, especially at night.
  • Close and lock pet doors, as Raccoons may be curious enough to follow the smell of food inside.
Raccoon in bushes
While most wild babies have left the nest, many squirrels are now raising their second litter this year. That means some mother squirrels may have made dens in unlikely places like attics or crawlspaces. Squirrels and other animals will take advantage of warm, safe places to raise their young. If you discover a squirrel has a made a den in your house, read these tips on encouraging her to move on and to prevent her from moving in again.

To get answers to any of your wildlife questions, you can call PAWS Wildlife Center at 425-412-4040.


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