Letter to the Editor: Lake Forest Park City Budget is Missing - Vote NO on Proposition 1

Sunday, August 1, 2010

To the Editor:

Friends and neighbors around Lake Forest Park, observe the political campaign dynamics now that the ballots are in your hands. Numerous campaign pieces, door-bellers, pronouncements from the School Board & Arts Council, etc. coming to your door, your mailbox, and your e-mail. As you sit down to make your ballot decision on Proposition 1, please mull over a few things. City Hall wants you to make a decision that will affect you and your property taxes for 6 years. A lot can happen in 6 years. The economy in the past few years has fooled the experts. In the meantime, City Hall expects you to vote for what?

City Hall has produced no budget, no promises, but lots of scare tactics. It has produced numerous forecasts of dire circumstances. Something is strangely missing in all their material and that is - a clear plan. The fact that the School Board took a position means nothing. The City provided money to the Arts Council, Friends of 3rd Pl, etc.; it was supposed to be seed money. The nonprofit organizations in our community are healthy. They know how to market their services. They can raise funds on their own.

The City of Edmonds responsibly adopted a balanced budget, and then offered voters an enhanced budget if they wanted to pay for it with higher taxes. Imagine that.

Think about all the things you are doing without right now, and how you have adjusted your lifestyle to make the best of this bad economy. City Hall could have and should have given you a plan, and a promise to be held accountable since they are looking for you to hand over your wallet for 6 years. Meanwhile, City Hall sits on a $2 million rainy day fund specifically designed for hard times such as these.

Voting No on Proposition 1 simply tells City Hall your trust and your wallet are worth more than empty promises. 6 years is way too long. There are no caps or limits. No certainty. No accountability. Vote No on Proposition 1.

Tony Holman
Lake Forest Park


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