Letter to the Editor: Active in the Democratic Party

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

To the Editor:

I would like to respond to the letter from Patricia Weber. I have lived in the 32nd District for 55 years and have been active in the Democratic Party during most of my adult life. I have served in the 32nd LD as PCO for 20 years, 32nd LD State Committee Woman, King County State Committee Woman, State Platform Committee, League of Women Voter's Unit Chair, and District Caucus Chair. I was also active in many community organizations, as a volunteer. In the last 3 years, I have been working and going to school. Unfortunately my classes often conflicted with the meeting night for the 32nd LD. During this time, I had 3 immediate family members pass away as well. Having finished my Associate in Business Management this past spring, I decided it was the right time to run for Senate and serve the citizens of the 32nd LD again.

Patty Burke Butler


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