
Sunday, August 22, 2010

Letter to the Editor: A final thought on Prop 1

To the Editor:

Well, the election is over. The voters have spoken and LFP Proposition 1 has been soundly defeated. It is time to move on, but there is one thing we should all keep in mind.

No matter how you felt about Prop 1, we must remember that this was brought before the voters by dedicated City Council members who firmly believed that this was in the best interest of our community. This was not a whim of "Big Government" to raise our taxes and grow even bigger. It was instead, a carefully thought out plan to preserve the level of services our community now enjoys.

But, as I have said, the voters have spoken. These same elected officials that have been strongly criticized will come back to the next council meeting, roll up their sleeves, and do what must be done to balance the budget and continue their service to our community. It remains to be seen what the true effects of this election will be, but somehow, I think we will all be a bit poorer as a result.

George Piano
Lake Forest Park

1 comment:

  1. Poorer-in some ways, maybe. All, eventually, will be effected by the current economic meltdown we are all faced with. City governments are no exception. We are all a part of the same economic system, unfortunately. At least around here.

    I've heard of some towns that are trying to get out of it. Can't remember that town on the East coast where everyone is paid the same amount per hour of work. I'll post here if I find it.


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