Jacob's Well Project Update

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

At the Jacob's Well housing project just off Ballinger Way, volunteers completed the foundation work and slab is ready to be poured this week for a 20 unit building for homeless women with children.  Pictured are volunteers from Calvin Presbyterian Church at the work party on August  7.
"This has been a huge undertaking by volunteers. They're determined to build housing and a child care center for homeless kids and moms. Their dedication to this project and their hearts for homeless families is truly amazing. We're excited to see Jacob's Well Volunteers at work this far along on construction and to be able to move forward." said Susan Camerer, Executive Director.

The next most critical needs are a utility contractor, HVAC contractor, door supplier and roofing contractor and of course, fundraising efforts are critical right now to avoid major delays.

For more information about the Jacob's Well project and volunteer opportunities, contact Volunteer Coordinator Kristi.


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