Update: Truck driven into Echo Lake
Thursday, July 22, 2010
City employees rowed out into the lake and discovered a vehicle, fully submerged. When they rowed back to shore they noted tire marks in the grass and sand leading into the lake. They called 911.
Office Souza and Sgt. Bartlett arrived. Office Souza observed a shoe in the shoreline of the lake. Not knowing if the shoe was related to the vehicle or if the vehicle was occupied, they notified the King County Sheriff’s Office Marine Unit.
The Marine Unit arrived a short time later as well as Shoreline Fire. Deputy Marshall immediately dove to the vehicle and discovered it was not occupied.
They attached a cable to the truck and pulled it from the lake.
Officer Souza discovered that a partial cinder block had been placed on the accelerator, holding it down. The keys were in the ignition.
It was a 1980 Chevy pick-up which had been reported stolen from a residence in the 17300 block of 2nd Ave NW at 9 am that morning. The owner saw it last on Sunday evening.
The lake was posted for no swimming to give the oil and gas time to dissipate. A large snag in the lake was dislodged by the truck and is floating free. The Parks department will see about removing it.
The Echo Lake Neighborhood Association held their annual work party and picnic without incident on Tuesday afternoon, July 20, but were requested not to put sand on the beach for fear it would trap pollutants from the truck.
Sources for this story included Shoreline Police and the King County Sheriff's department. Photos courtesy City of Shoreline.
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