Abuse of 92 year old woman

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Shoreline Police are investigating charges that a 92 year old female resident at Anderson House was sexually abused. Police have a suspect, but advise that this type of case can take months to investigate.

Andy Anderson, owner/administrator of Anderson House, provided this information,
“On July 5, 2010 Anderson Retirement Center Administration reported to Shoreline Police Department and DSHS Elder Abuse Hotline that Anderson Retirement Center Staff suspected inappropriate contact in a private apartment between a retirement center resident and 'the suspect,' a non-related family member of that resident. A City of Shoreline No Trespass Order has been issued and the suspect has agreed not to enter the Anderson Campus. The incident is under investigation from Anderson Retirement Center Staff, DSHS, and the Shoreline Police Department.“


Anonymous,  July 14, 2010 at 12:15 AM  

Anderson House has been a dedicated Pro Shoreline donor to all local city council campaigns, don't you forget.

Anonymous,  August 26, 2010 at 12:18 PM  

SO WHAT!!!!!

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