Shoreline Police Blotter 4-28 to 5-12-2010

Monday, May 17, 2010

Police activity in Shoreline
By Diane Hettrick
My categories - my comments. (You got a problem with that?)

Burglars use rocks for keys

4-28…..11x NE 145. Burglary. Entered home through unlocked side window. (Didn’t need a rock).

5-9…..195xx Aurora. Burglary to apartment above bar. Suspect entered using key. (Ok, so this one didn’t use a rock either. Wonder if resident was in the bar at the time?)

Squatters in unoccupied homes for sale

5-3……18x N 204th Pl. Unoccupied house for sale. Real Estate agent discovered a burglar had been squatting there. He used a rock to break a window to get in. (Real Estate Agents – be careful entering empty houses. I wonder if this is what happened to that real estate agent who was murdered in Bellevue?)

5-11…..18x N 204th Pl. Owner went to check on house for sale and found transient there, carrying two kitchen knives in his waistband. (Previous warning applies to homeowners, too. And remember to remove the knives and hammers. And rocks.)

There’s an endless supply of these guys

4-30…..193xx Meridian. Driving While License Revoked.
5-3…....17xxx Aurora. No vehicle tags. Driving While License Revoked.
5-6……N 185th / Aurora. Driving While License Revoked.
5-6……N 175th / Aurora. Traffic stop for improper turn. Driver booked into King County Jail for Driving While License Suspended out of South Carolina. Found marijuana cigarette. (So, South Carolina has been good about doing the data entry and Shoreline has been good about checking the database. Good job, guys!)
5-7……145xx Aurora, Goldies. Driving While License Revoked.
5-7……N 155 / Aurora, Safeway. Driving While License Revoked.
5-7……N 175 / I-5. Driving While License Revoked.
5-8……205xx Aurora. Driving While License Revoked.
5-9…..16100 Linden, Linden Apts. Driving While License Revoked plus three misdemeanor warrants. Passenger in vehicle had non-extraditable warrant. (They got a two-fer on this stop.)
5-11…..N 192nd / Aurora. Traffic stop. Marijuana.

They say it’s because of the meth epidemic – people with skills are becoming addicts

5-4…….6xx NW 183rd. Someone used victim’s stolen credit card to buy things.
5-5……3xx N 205th. Someone cashed a check at the bank on the victim’s account.
5-7……145xx 28th NE. Victim discovered fraud on her Wells-Fargo checking statement. Four individual charges for I-Tunes. (Wonder what the songs were? Might be a clue.)
5-7……14510 Aurora, Walgreens. Forged prescriptions. (We seem to get about one a week of these. The pharmacies all seem to catch them. Remind me to interview a pharmacist.)

Cars – the movie

5-5……1404 NW Richmond Beach Rd, Meadowbrook Apts. Stole car from parking lot.
5-5……172xx Ashworth. Abandoned vehicle.
5-11…..N 201st / Palatine. Citizen reported abandoned car. Turned out it was stolen from Edmonds.

Testosterone on parade

5-5……3xx NE 159th, track. Two Kellogg Middle School boys got in a fight.

5-8……172xx 12th NE. R refused to leave apartment and got in fight with M. Fight spilled into street. Police called. No one wanted to press charges.

5-11…..15343 25th NE, Shorecrest HS. Suspect grabbed student’s cell phone off desk. (Maybe just a bully… or a kid with poor impulse control… or a future jail inmate.)

5-12…..192xx Aurora, Echo Lake Apts. Domestic dispute over welfare check.

Jack in the Box

5-6……18213 Aurora, Jack in the Box. Suspicious person possibly attempted to lure children earlier in the week. (Wait for it…)

5-8……18213 Aurora, Jack in the Box. Trespassed male. (Ba-da-boom! Got him. Won’t hang out at Jack’s and the police know who he is.)

Oh, dear

5-6……204xx 16th Pl NW. Parents just adopted another daughter recently and their first daughter has been very angry since then. Daughter #1 was at a friend’s house and decided to run away. Friend’s mother called the parents, parents called the police.

5-7……17300 Fremont, Shorewood HS. Student at Shorewood was expelled for using drugs at school. Told school staff he was going to kill himself. (Probably self-medicating with the drugs. Hope they get him on legal drugs that won’t make him suicidal. This country sucks at handling mental illnesses.)

5-9…..145 NE 155, Shoreline Fire. Confused elderly man walks away from assisted living facility. (Not sure if he wandered into the fire station or if the medics were called. I assume he was found, since I didn’t hear about him on the TV stations.)

5-10…..1524 N 204th, AV Transit. Victim fell asleep on bus and someone stole her wallet.

5-11…..167xx 8th NE. Daughter lives with father and his wife in Missouri City. Told her father that she was raped in Shoreline. Father called police.

Check out the neighbors

5-7……1xx NE 147th. Resident found chunks of rat poison in his yard and feels someone is attempting to use it to harm his dogs. (Last time I heard a story like this, there was a drug dealer living next door who didn’t want the dogs barking at his customers.)

5-7…..13x N 165. 165th between Aurora and Ashworth is posted 25, but during commute times vehicles drive 40-50. (No doubt, but it’s probably people who live in your neighborhood. This is where you get into speed bumps and traffic circles and make everyone miserable.)

5-8……15741 Aurora, Sears. Guy shoplifted tool boxes. White male, late 30’s, 5’10” about 240 pounds, brown hair. Wearing black hat, black shirt, green-blue pants. (So if your neighbor has just offered to give you his old tool box…)

You need to know when you’re not wanted

5-7……1335 N 205th, Home Depot. Banned from Aurora Village Home Depot for making rude comments. (Somehow I suspect this is an understatement.)

5-10…..1175 N 205th, Costco. Caught guy trying to steal a digital camera, then discovered he had been previously trespassed from property.

Hey – good folk in Parkwood – heads up!

5-11…..146xx Stone N. Suspicious vehicle parked in known drug area. Driver Driving While License Revoked and had contraband which was submitted for disposal. (So, did you know you were living in a “known drug area”? This is Parkwood – the only neighborhood in Shoreline without a neighborhood association. Looks like it’s time to get one started.)

Probably should go under the testosterone category

5-11…..17077 Meridian Ave. Disposal of explosives, IED located on track behind school. (See story.  Police say it was a small package the size of a tennis ball that needed to have a fuse, lit, in order to explode. Bomb squad disposed of it with no difficulty.)


Anonymous,  May 20, 2010 at 2:34 PM  

Did any one hear about a 14 year old bringing a gun to shcool?

Anonymous,  May 21, 2010 at 6:49 PM  

According to the school district, a Kellogg (male) student was expelled for bringing a "look-alike" BB gun to school.

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