Seattle Times mentions Shoreline in jail article

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Shoreline got some nice coverage in the Seattle Times article about the county council's decision not to build a new jail. Mayor Keith McGlashan was quoted and the Ballinger Neighborhood was mentioned by name.

Jail no longer needed: Seattle, Shoreline halt site search

Shoreline Mayor Keith McGlashan said the county's offer to extend cities' use of its jails and work with the cities on long-range jail planning "gives us confidence" to stop the siting process. He said that's "good news for our citizens, particularly the neighbors of Ballinger."

The Ballinger neighborhood of Shoreline was one of six possible jail sites the north and northeast cities were examining in an environmental-impact study that also included locations in Seattle, Bellevue and unincorporated King County.

Full story here.


Anonymous,  May 16, 2010 at 11:28 AM  

In all of his comments at previous city council meeting Keith McGlashan indicated he wholeheartedly supported the new jail. He was just along for the ride - it was Dow Constantine who was able to stop the jail since the staff of the NEC member cities were completely united for its completion.

I would like to see Keith account for the more than $3 million of public money needlessly spent on this wasted effort on a jail we didn't need.

Additionally, the city council met in an illegal executive session to discuss the jail and join NEC back in July 2008, why didn't Keith raise the issue at that time? Several members of the public spoke at the general public comment to this issue, however, Mayor McGlashan has led the push to limit public comment - we can't complain about it anymore when they waste our money and commit illegal acts.

DKH May 16, 2010 at 2:14 PM  

If you will identify yourself and your city of residence, we will solicit a response to your allegations.

Diane Hettrick

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