Medical services for seniors at Shoreline - Lake Forest Park Senior Center

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Members of the Shoreline - Lake Forest Park Senior Center have access to a variety of low-cost medical services through the Center. For appointments or information, visit or call the Front Desk at 206-365-1536.

Alternative Medicine Clinic from Bastyr University
Appointments available every Monday from 9 am to noon. Assessments are made by 4th year students, supervised by a licensed ND (Naturopathic Doctor), just as they are at the popular Natural Medicine Clinic of Bastyr in the Wallingford area. The fee is $10 for the Senior Center to cover costs.

Dental Care
The Center offers dental hygiene services through All Smile Dental Hygiene Services. This will be a fee-based service with appointments open for the 1st Thursday of each month. No medical coupons or sliding scale as rates are lower than most dentists.

Foot Care Information
Receive care Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday from a CNA, 8:30 am to 3:30 pm. $20 for members and $25 for nonmembers. Bring a clean towel with you to your appointment.

Massage Therapy
Every Tuesday (not a 5th Tuesday) 8:30 am to 12:30 pm, 15 minute chair massage. $10 for members and $12 for non-members. Provided by Sandi Nyitray, LMT.

Medical Equipment
The Center has some items available for loan, such as walkers, bath benches.

Northwest Hospital Visiting Nurse
Nurse's Office. On the 3rd Thursday of each month 9 am to noon. No Charge for visits. Have your blood pressure and/or blood sugar levels checked. Donations to the Center accepted. Blood pressure checks only on the 1st Thursday of each month 10 am to noon, by volunteer Lois Akerman, RN.

Membership 2010
Membership for the 2010 calendar year is $22 for a single household or $35 for a couple. You will be asked to show your membership card in order to get member prices. Sign up at the Front Desk or mail your payment to 18560 1st Ave NE, Ste 1, Shoreline WA 98155. Call 206-365-1536 for more information.

Photo taken December 2008 by Jon Ann Cruver


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