Courtney Brown Selected as 2010 WRPA Young Professional

Friday, May 7, 2010

By Lynn Cheeney, Recreation Superintendent

Courtney Brown, Recreation Coordinator for the City of Shoreline was the recipient of the 2010 Washington Recreation and Park Association’s Young Professional. He received the award at the Washington Recreation and Park Association’s annual conference in Tacoma. It is given to a person who has worked in the parks and recreation profession at least five years, is under 35 years old and considered to be an up and coming future leader in the parks and recreation field.

Courtney was recognized for his efforts as chair of the Education Committee, the Program Section Committee and his accomplishments in the City of Shoreline. In Shoreline, he is responsible for adult leagues, facilities, Specialized Recreation and the popular “Camp Shoreline” program. He has worked for Shoreline since 2006 representing the department on several important committees. Courtney is also a member of the Dale Turner YMCA Board. Before coming to Shoreline, he worked for the cities of New Castle and Renton and as Athletic Director at the Bellevue Boys and Girls Club.

“Courtney is a natural leader and is respected by participants, fellow staff members and other City of Shoreline personnel…we are fortunate to have this outstanding young man on our team” said Dick Deal, Shoreline’s Director of Parks, Recreation and Cultural Services Department. “I have been in the parks and recreation field for thirty-eight years. Courtney is the kind of person who I have come across maybe a dozen times in my career.”

When not at work, you can find Courtney golfing, watching Seattle sports and spending time with his wife Shaina and their 20 month old son Emmett.

On Monday May 17, Brit Kramer, Executive Director of the Washington Recreation and Park Association will present the award to Courtney at the Shoreline City Council meeting.

Photo courtesy Shoreline Parks 


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