CORRECTIONS- 32nd District Democrats unanimous in support of both Chase and Ryu; McConnell wasn't at meeting

Friday, May 14, 2010

By Evan Smith
ShorelineAreaNews Politics Writer

I said in an earlier post that when the 32nd District Democrats had announced that they had voted unanimously to support State Rep, Maralyn Chase for State senator, they said nothing about the vote to nominate former Shoreline Councilwoman Cindy Ryu for State representative.

District Democratic Chairwoman Carin Chase now tells me that both Rep. Chase and Ryu won unanimous votes of the District Precinct Committee Officers (PCOs) who assembled Wednesday.

In addition, a reader points out that Doris McConnell's statement of possible candidacy was read at the meeting. McConnell wasn't present,  She told me that she was unable to attend because as chair of the Domestic Violence Initiative Committee, she was required to make a presentation at a meeting at the same time as the Democrats' nominating meeting.


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