Aurora Construction Update 05-28-2010

Monday, May 31, 2010

This week crews will:

* Install a temporary traffic signal at N 175th Street and Midvale Avenue, and continue installing the joint utility trench on Midvale Avenue. A single lane closure is likely on N 175th St and on Midvale Ave. Please drive safely and pay attention to signage and flaggers.

* Remove asphalt and excavate the roadway on Aurora Avenue between N 175th and N 185th Streets.

* Install underground components for landscaping.

* Prepare for underground electrical connections to businesses.

* Prepare for driveway and sidewalk construction.

Questions or concerns about construction?

24-Hour Construction Hotline 206-801-2485

Photo by Steven H. Robinson

Shoreline identified again as a “must-live” regional location

By Tavia Tan, City of Shoreline

The City of Shoreline has once again been featured as a top place to live in the greater Seattle region. In fact, Shoreline and one of its oldest neighborhoods, Richmond Beach, fill two of the 15 spots on the list for “must-live” neighborhoods in Seattle Met’s Best Places to Live 2010 issue on newsstands now.
Photo: Shoreline City Hall.

Shoreline has been in Seattle magazine’s Best Places to Live list regularly over the years – ranking number one in 2005 and 2008. In both magazines, cities and neighborhoods are ranked according to a number of criteria such as home values, park acreage, crime rates and other quantitative data that helps determine the quality of life residents enjoy.

“Shoreline’s recognition as a great place to live is a much-deserved testament to our community’s dedication, hard work and investment over the years to maintaining – and improving – Shoreline’s quality of life,” says Shoreline Mayor Keith McGlashan. “And what perfect timing! Yet one more accomplishment to add to the list as we celebrate our 15th anniversary of incorporating as a city.”

In determining this year’s list, Seattle Met (aka Seattle Metropolitan magazine) looked at market value data such as median home price, information about people such as diversity and basic facts such as minutes to downtown Seattle both during peak and off-peak times.
Besides enjoying an overall high quality of life, the City of Shoreline was also recognized as having some of the best home values in the region. Seattle Met says “…Shoreline is as close to a suburb as you’re going to find on this side of the lake. But in actuality, it’s a city of 14 well-defined neighborhoods, each with a character all its own.” It continues with, “Put simply: You get more for your money in Shoreline, and you don’t have to cross the 520 bridge to do it.” Other communities noted in this category include Columbia City, Ballard, Maple Leaf and Renton Highlands.
Kayu Kayu Ac Park in Richmond Beach. Photo by Steven H. Robinson

One of Shoreline’s neighborhoods, Richmond Beach, was noted as one of the locations with the most stable home prices. “Even with Puget Sound views and access to the recently renovated Richmond Beach Saltwater Park, home prices in this waterfront enclave aren’t nearly as expensive as you might expect,” notes the magazine. Normandy Park, Woodinville, Capitol Hill and Kirkland are also listed as solid investments.

Richmond Beach Saltwater Park

Seattle Met gathered data on 116 communities, much of which is charted in the magazine with even more available on its website. Relative to the eastside cities of Bellevue, Redmond, Bothell and Kirkland, Shoreline has a higher walkablity quotient and a lower crime rate than most. Of the non-Seattle neighborhoods in King County, Shoreline has a walk score of 65 (versus 68 for Kirkland, 53 for Bellevue, 48 for Redmond and 45 for Bothell). Shoreline also ranked fairly well on the “crimes” index (remember, lower is better) scoring 33 versus 42 for Kirkland, 37 for Bellevue, 27 for Bothell and 34 for Redmond.

Free workshop for property owners on marine bluffs and beaches

King Conservation District is offering a morning workshop and optional afternoon field trip on Saturday, June 26, for property owners who live on marine bluffs and beaches. 

If you are interested in stabilizing natural marine shorelines and in reducing the potential for erosion and landslides, the workshop will provide you with an opportunity to learn about the ecology, geology and vegetation management techniques for marine bluffs and beaches. 

To register or for more information, call 425-282-1924.

Date: June 26

When: 9:00 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. workshop (indoors)

12:30 – 3:30 p.m. optional field trip

Where: Discovery Park Environmental Learning Center

Cost: No charge for workshop

Lunch can be pre-ordered for $12.50 or bring your own

Silva Cells - Aurora Phase II Is Top Project

City of Shoreline Aurora Project Silva Cell Installation. Photo courtesy City of Shoreline.

By Janet Way

Shoreline's Aurora Phase II Project is now the largest ever use in state of "Silva Cell" Deeproots System for tree planting.

The concept is designed to allow the street trees to thrive and let their roots expand without disrupting sidewalks or pavement. Street trees traditionally have a difficult time because of the conflicts that will result with adjacent paved areas. This technique allows the trees to grow naturally, because of the surrounding gravel beds and pervious sidewalks, which are supported by the "cells". It also combines stormwater runoff infiltration technology and water quality benefits.

The City of Shoreline is undertaking a huge remodel on the second phase of the Aurora Project with additional state of the art technologies to better address stormwater issues. The Shoreline City Council approved the "Hybrid Plan" Phase II project unanimously in 2007, and one of the major factors in arriving at a consensus was inclusion of this suite of Stormwater Control techniques. The Silva Cell Deeproot System is just one of many technologies being utilized including natural stormwater treatments such as pervious pavements and filtration concepts. The business community worked with the City to achieve working solutions to connect the highway to local businesses. The project is supported by grant funding from the State and Federal governments.

Providing Street Trees and landscaping was one of the goals of the project along with BRT (Bus Rapid Transit), safety and improved pedestrian facilities. Silva Cells are a great way to achieve this goal and allow the trees to prosper. That way they will hopefully avoid the fate of other street trees in our community recently.

Shoreline Police Blotter 5-13 to 5-25-2010

By Diane Hettrick
(Categories and Comments are mine)

Liquid Sunshine (Moonshine?)
5-13…..N 185/Aurora, Darrell’s. DUI.
5-23…..146xx 17th NE. Drinking beer on public street. Outstanding warrant for child support.
5-24…..148xx Aurora. Passerby called to report transient individual stumbling along Aurora.
5-24…..191xx Aurora. Stopped for seat belt violation, arrested for DUI.

5-14…..22xx NE 197th. Level 2 sex offender in possession of child porn.

5-14…..170xx 12th NE. Check scam sent to elderly woman. (Publisher’s Clearinghouse?)
5-19…..145xx Whitman. Resident received phone call with phishing scheme.
5-23…..157xx 2nd NW. Someone tried to open a Charles Schwab and then a Bank of America account in victim’s name.

You try to raise them right
5-18…..16268 5th NE, Jim Adams Auto Repair. Friend of owner’s son steals tools from employee.
5-17…..19343 3rd NW, Einstein. Student brought Airsoft pistol to school
5-20…..15343 25th NE. Shorecrest students went to one student’s home for lunch. Two of them took another student’s computer out of his back pack and demanded $50 to return it.
5-21…..15343 25th NE, Shorecrest. Stole trumpet and case from band room before school. (The instrument room is inside the band room and is locked off hours, but opened in the morning so the kids can get their instruments.)
5-21…..15343 25th NE, Shorecrest. Stole laptop from backpack student left at cafeteria table when she went to get food.
5-21…..15343 25th NE, Shorecrest. Student left her computer in her gym locker. Someone unlocked it, stole the computer, and relocked the locker. (What happened to the SRO – the school cops? They used to have the crimes solved before they happened.)

Must have been a full moon (or maybe the rain)
5-17…..148xx Densmore. Bipolar individual threatened suicide to parents.
5-18…..151xx Stone. Individual with Asperger’s and Paranoid Schizophrenic threatens to kill himself.
5-19…..16526 Aurora, Shoreline Motel. Woman hears voices, is suicidal.
5-19…..16xx N 175th. Involuntary commitment at Harborview.

It fell off a truck
5-18…..15711 Aurora, Sears. Shoplift of clothing.
5-21…..Top Foods. Woman in mobility scooter shoplifting.
5-24…..17212 Aurora, MJD Garden Center. Stole tree.

Family drama
5-18…..17202 15th, Safeway parking lot. Family disturbance in car. H doesn’t approve that his cousin T is dating her baby daddy E. H thinks they are using meth. (I’m with H)
5-22…..The Blakeley, Senior Apts, South Echo Lake. He broke up with her. Verbal altercation.
5-23…..14622 15th Ave NE, Zaika’s Bar. Bartender called cops when a male slapped his female companion. (Good for the bartender.)
5-23…..167xx 2nd NE. Roommates can’t get along over house rules and call 911. One roommate has confrontation with deputy. (Also filed under “Not the Sharpest Knife”)
5-24…..195xx 21st Pl NW. Long on-going dispute between brothers over their elderly mother. One brother alleges that the other brother has been unlawfully taking money form the mother. (I was sure this was the same family that came to blows over helping Mom with her bath. But it’s a different family. Make a note: have daughters.)
5-24…..155xx 27th NE. Runaway juvenile.
5-25…..174xx 12th NE. Runaway juvenile.
5-25…..155xx 27th NE. Runaway juvenile. (No, I don’t know what’s happening here.)

Something strange / in the neighborhood
5-18…..5xx N 181st. Owner discovered that the vacant house he has for sale was burglarized. Neighbor saw two men loading items from the house. Burglars used a bolt cutter and sawz-all to get in. (Wish the neighbor had called 911 when he saw the guys)
5-22…..14xx NW 198th. Professional firm was setting up estate sale in unoccupied house. Someone broke in through rear slider and burglarized house.

Don’t come around here no more
5-18…..18325 Aurora, Fred Meyer. Robert and friend causing a ruckus in grocery.
5-19…..1295 N 205th, Starbucks. Individual has been Trespassed but came back.
5-21…..Home Depot, Aurora Village. Aggressive petitioners for state initiatives.
5-21…..10xx NW 175th. Stalking / harassment.
5-24…..15252 Aurora, Shari’s Restaurant. Ordered food, couldn’t pay for it. No charges, but Trespassed from restaurant.

Vroom vroom
5-19…..165th/Aurora. Abandoned car.
5-20…..145xx Stone, Linden Apts. Driving While License Revoked.
5-20…..12xx N 178, Newcastle Apts. Car in parking lot. Someone attempted to steal bicycle and other items from car.
5-21…..198xx Ashworth N. Car prowl. Car parked in home driveway.
5-21…..17xx N 204th. Stole locked bike from in front of house.
5-22….14xx RB Rd, Meadowbrook Apts. Car stolen from parking lot. (I think if I lived in the Meadowbrook, I’d arrange to park my car elsewhere.)

5-22…..The Highlands. Natural death.
5-23…..10x N 178th. Victim drove motorized wheelchair into ditch, was pinned underneath, and died.

1-800-222-TIPS – Report Taggers
5-19….19601 21st NW, RB Library. Tagger spray painted PAC and pictures of Pac-Man in white paint on the exterior walls of Richmond Beach library. (Someone turn these guys in – there’s even a reward.)

Not the sharpest knife in the drawer
5-20…..18030 Meridian, Shoreline District Court. In-custody defendant spit in attorney’s face. Charged with assault.

5-20…..Drift On Inn. Angry customer started throwing glasses.

Sticky Fingers
5-23…..Top Foods Café. Wallet stolen from open backpack while sitting at table at café. (Are you sure you didn’t go for the free coffee refill and leave your backpack at the table?)
5-25…..17935 Aurora, Deseret. Stole purse from shopping cart. Victim had put clothes on top of it (but it just kept her from noticing it was gone. Strap it into the baby straps – that way they have to take the whole cart.)

The end of the bus line can be an odd place
5-17…..1524 N 200th, AV Transit Center. Arrested for drugs out of Portland and probation violation from Pierce County. Fugitive from justice. (Love that phrase – so dramatic. Dum, dum-dum Dum)

5-19…..SCC Lobby. Woman was up for 3-4 days speedballing on crack cocaine and this morning she had taken the bus to “sleep it off” at a house near NW 85th/3rd NW in Seattle. She fell asleep and wound up getting off the bus at SCC. Took her crack pipe and walked into the lobby. Taken in for an overdose. (It’s a long walk from the bus to the lobby, so I suspect she was smoking on the way.)

Shorecrest, Shorewood students win BioExpo awards

By Craig Degginger

Shorecrest and Shorewood High School students won several awards in the 10th annual Student BioExpo in Bellevue on May 24.

High school students from around the Puget Sound area entered projects at the Student BioExpo, a unique science fair that draws entrants from biology, biotechnology and molecular biology classes.

The students researched a molecular level biotechnological subject and represented it through a creative project. They were judged on their ability to communicate the science concepts in understandable, clear style through interviews, research papers, and their projects.

Photo: Sue Porter, director of teaching and learning, with Shawn Fernandes of Shorewood, honorable mention in Molecular Modeling, for Actin and Myosin in Muscle Contraction.

The event is sponsored by the Northwest Association for Biomedical Research. Students developed their projects with the help of advisors from the region's bioresearch community.

From Shorecrest:
  • Samuel Chudler, second place, Drama/Dance, for The Killer Klone. This entry also received a third place People's Choice award.
  • Ashley Gaston, honorable mention, Molecular Modeling, Mesenchymal Stem Cells in Ligament Regeneration
  • Ryan Canfield, honorable mention, Molecular Modeling, The Dopamine Hypothesis for Schizophrenia.
  • Celia Gorbman, first place, Multimedia, Platelet - Rich Plasma Therapy
  • Elliot Fisher and Pierce Faulkner, honorable mention, Multimedia, Synthetic Biology
  • Kelsey Josund, honorable mention, Teaching, A Deadly Disease as a Cure for Another.
  • Stephen Rimbakusumo, third place, Website, Prostate Cancer
  • Tyler Hartje, honorable mention, Website, Celiac Disease
The Shorecrest students’ teacher is Jennifer Johnson.

Photo: Christy Samuels of Shorewood won honorable mention for her Web site at the Student BioExpo. Courtesy Shoreline Schools.

From Shorewood:
  • Shawn Fernandes, honorable mention, Molecular Modeling, Actin and Myosin in Muscle Contraction.
  • Ariel Ramirez, honorable mention, Teaching, Stem Cells: The Future of Medicine.
  • Heaven Tekleab, honorable mention, Teaching, Mutation.
  • Alex Rattray, first place, Website, Turning Algae into Oil.
  • Christy Samuels, honorable mention, Website, Epigenetics.
The Shorewood students’ teacher is Connie Kelly.

King County Council: Making green technologies a reality

On Wednesday, June 2, a special expert panel will brief the Regional Water Quality Committee on up-and-coming green technologies and some of the regulatory challenges that exist with implementation. The meeting will be held in the King County Council Chamber, 10th Floor, King County Courthouse, 516 Third Ave, Seattle.

Panelists will include Denis Hayes, President and CEO of the Bullitt Foundation, who will discuss the foundation’s “living building” project. A living building is the next generation of “green building,” made of sustainable materials and using only as much energy and resources as it is able to generate on-site. Regulations and land use codes often don’t allow for the unique characteristics required to meet living building standards.

“These new technologies and green solutions are really challenging the way we think about and regulate things like water systems and wastewater systems,” said Jan Drago, King County Councilmember and Chair of the Regional Water Quality Committee. “I’m looking forward to the discussion and hearing some ideas about how we can better align the regulatory environment with our sustainability goals.”

The Regional Water Quality Committee develops, reviews, and recommends countywide policies and plans for water quality and sewer service issues for consideration by the King County Council. Committee membership includes area sewer and water district commissioners, elected officials from suburban cities in King County and the city of Seattle, as well as King County Councilmembers Jan Drago, Kathy Lambert and Larry Phillips.

Shoreline Dollars for Scholars Awards Eleven Scholarships for 2010

2010 Dollars For Scholars Winners.

The Shoreline Dollars for Scholars Program awarded eleven scholarships on Wednesday, May 15 in the Shoreline Room of the Shoreline Center. The DFS program is the scholarship arm of the Shoreline Chamber of Commerce and this was the 7th annual awards ceremony for the group. The Shoreline DFS has awarded over 150 local Shoreline students with scholarships over the past seven years.

The ceremony featured presentations to four major sponsors of the event, including Carter Subaru which donated $5000 to the event and was named the “Premier Sponsor” for 2010. Other sponsors were Jerilee Mann of CarePlus who donated $1000, Shoreline City Councilman Chris Eggen and his wife Donna, who donated $750 and Dan Mann of Tropical Tan, who donated $500.

The 2010 scholarship winners were:
  • Jessica Le Shorewood
  • Devon Geary Shorewood
  • Joe Gladow Shorewood
  • Deirdre Peara Kings
  • Kevin Dowd Shorewood
  • Jenna Keeton Shorecrest
  • Nicholas Escalona Shorewood
  • Samantha Gwazdauskas Shorecrest
  • Allison Fasnacht Shorecrest
  • Pamela London Shorewood
  • Kane Thomas Shorewood

Doug Palmer, President of the Shoreline Chamber of Commerce, was the MC for the event. President Lee Lambert of Shoreline Community College (pictured, right) was the keynote speaker. 

Cindy Ryu, President of the Shoreline Dollars for Scholars presented the sponsorship awards to the major donors and along with Sue Walker, Superintendent of the Shoreline School District and State Representative Marilyn Chase, presented the awards to the students. Dollars for Scholars Board Member, Wendy DiPeso, read the academic, school activity and volunteer accomplishments of the students to the crowd. Jeff King, Vice President of the Shoreline Chamber, also took part in the ceremony.

Photo: Award Winner Jessica Le with Marilyn Chase, Sue Walker and Cindy Ryu

Bartell Drugs & Northwest Harvest campaign to replenish food stocks

Bartell Drugs launches its "Stock the Pantry" food drive for Northwest Harvest by accepting nonperishable food items and cash donations at all 57 Bartell Drug locations from June 1 to June 13. The Shoreline Bartells is located in Gateway Plaza at N 185th and Aurora.

This two-week food drive, now in its second year, is especially important to help Northwest Harvest replenish food stocks during summer months--when families that normally depend on free or reduced-price school meals may struggle to provide those meals at home.

Last year the two-week drive generated over 16,767 pounds of food donations as well as cash contributions for food banks in King, Pierce and Snohomish counties. The company also donated 1,500 reusable bags for use by food bank clients.

"Year-round hunger is an unfortunate reality for many children and their families, as well as many seniors. Through the generous contributions by our customers, we're proud to support Northwest Harvest with this effort," said Bartell's Chairman and CEO George D. Bartell.

The "Stock the Pantry" drive builds on a long-time relationship between Bartell's and Northwest Harvest, including holiday food drives.

"Only 2 out of 5 low-income children who receive a school lunch also receive a lunch in the summer months," said Shelley Rotondo, executive director of Northwest Harvest. "Stock the Pantry" represents a major summer food drive and helps replenish food stocks for families in need.

For more information on Bartell Drugs, visit the website.

Shorecrest top Wesco boys' team at State 3A track meet

The Shorecrest boys’ track and field teams outperformed all of their Western Conference rivals at the State 3A championships in Tacoma, Thursday through Saturday.

Shorecrest's girls were the second best Wesco team behind State co-champion Glacier Peak.

The Scot boys tied for 21st with 11 points. The points came from Jordan Brown and Sean Dever, 5th and 6th in the long jump, and from David Cannon, 5th in the shot put.

Shorecrest’s girls tied for 27th with 8 points. The points came from Emily Corona, 4th in the high jump and 8th in the long jump, and from Elisa Ahern, 7th in the triple jump.

Boys’ Team scores — North Central 55, West Seattle 53, Rainier Beach 39, Union 35, Clover Park 34, Bellevue 32, Camas 28, Liberty 28, Prairie 28, White River 25, Foster 18, Bishop Blanchet 17, Seattle Prep 16, Sumner 16, Mount Spokane 15.5, Bonney Lake 14, Hazen 13, Peninsula 12.5, Ferndale 12, Rogers (Spokane) 12, Shorecrest 11, Capital 11, Kennedy Catholic 10, Timberline 9, Columbia River 9, North Kitsap 8, Yelm 8, Shadle Park 8, Everett 8, Glacier Peak 6, Olympic 6, Sammamish 5, Hanford 5, Lakes 4, Highline 4, Mount Vernon 3, Bremerton 3, Port Angeles 3, Mount Si 2, Enumclaw 2, Hudson's Bay 2, Evergreen (Seattle) 1, Lindbergh 1, Franklin Pierce 1, Sunnyside 1.

Boys’ Long jump -- 1, Marquis Davis, Rainier Beach, 22-3; … 5, Jordan Brown (Shorecrest) 22-0, 6, Sean Dever (Shorecrest) 21-9.5.

Boys’ Shot — 1, Jon Lawson, Prairie, 59-7.75; … 5. David Cannon (Shorecrest) 52-5.

Girls’ Team scores — Glacier Peak 49, Columbia River 49, Camas 43, Auburn Mountainview 42, West Valley (Yakima) 42, Mount Si 41, Franklin Pierce 33, Lakeside (Seattle) 33, Juanita 32, Holy Names 30, Union 21, Timberline 20, North Central 20, Highline 19, Prairie 19, North Kitsap 18, Shadle Park 18, Bishop Blanchet 17, Bonney Lake 17, Mount Spokane 12, Nathan Hale 12, Seattle Prep 11, Enumclaw 9, Renton 9, Ferndale 9, Sumner 9, Rainier Beach 8, Sedro-Woolley 8, Port Angeles 8, Shorecrest 8, Mount Rainier 6, Kennedy 5, Lynnwood 4, Capital 4, Tyee 3, White River 3, Bellevue 3, Liberty (Issaquah) 2, West Seattle 2, Everett 1, Peninsula 1, Hanford 1, Mount Vernon 1.

Girls’ High jump — 1, Sasha Weber, Timberline, 5-8; 2, Stevenson, Port Angeles; 3, Grandy, Sedro-Woolley; 4, Emily Corona, Shorecrest, 5-5.

Girls’ Long jump — 1, Kate Adler, Seattle Prep, 17-06.50; … 8. Emily Corona (Shorecrest) 16-4.75.

Girls’ Triple jump — 1, Alanna Coker, Juanita, 36-01.75; … 7. Elisa Ahern (Shorecrest) 34-10.5.

Shorewood boys seventh in State 4A golf championships

The Shorewood boys’ golf team placed seventh in the State 4A championships Tuesday and Wednesday, May 25-26 at Canyon Lakes golf course near Kennewick.

Max McKinley of Shorewood tied for 12th with a 36-hole score of 76-73—149 on the par 72-72—144 course. Teammate Chris Babcock tied for 25th with a 79-75—154.

Cassie McKinley of Shorewood tied for 27th place in the girls’ championship with an 83-80—163.

Lewis and Clark of Spokane won the boys’ championship. Bellarmine Prep of Tacoma the girls’ title.
James Feutz of Bellarmine won the boys’ individual championship with a score of 69-69—138. Chessey Thomas of Lewis and Clark was girls’ medalist with 68-70--138.

Boys’ Team scores—Lewis and Clark 88, Bellarmine Prep 80.5, Kentwood 67.5, Woodinville 59.5, Jackson 56.5, Southridge 45, Shorewood 41, Skyview 27.5, Puyallup 10.5.

Girls’ Team scores—Bellarmine Prep 85.5, Lewis and Clark 80, Newport 78.5, Redmond 72.5, Kamiak 69.5, Decatur 62.5, Richland 54, Eastlake 27.

Shorewood boys seventh in State 4x100 relay

Jake Schiffler, Peter Erickson, Nick Vincent, and Blaine Weber. Photo courtesy Shorewood ASB.

The Shorewood boys’ 4x100-meter relay team finished seventh in the State 4A Championships Saturday in Tacoma.

The team of Jake Schiffler, Peter Erickson, Nick Vincent and Blaine Weber covered the 400-meter lap in 43.90 seconds. Spanaway from the Tacoma suburbs won the race in 42.39.

The relay team scored the two points that put the Thunderbirds into a five-way tie for 49th. Mead from the Spokane area won the team championship with 82.5 points.

Team scores — Mead 82.5, Skyline 38, Wenatchee 35, Tahoma 32, Ferris 27, Federal Way 27, Woodinville 26, Spanaway Lake 24, Pasco 20, Central Kitsap 20, Cascade (Everett) 18, Eastlake 16, Curtis 15, Edmonds-Woodway 14, AC Davis 14, Inglemoor 13, Stanwood 13, Bellarmine Prep 12, Rogers (Puyallup) 12, Lewis and Clark 11, Gig Harbor 10, Auburn Riverside 10, Kent Meridian 10, Skyview 10, Walla Walla 9, Auburn 9, Jackson 9, Emerald Ridge 8, Snohomish 8, Kentwood 8, Moses Lake 7, Kelso 7, Olympia 7, Heritage 6, Kamiakin 6, Puyallup 6, Jefferson 6, Marysville-Pilchuck 5.5, Mount Tahoma 5.5, Foss 5, Arlington 5, Richland 4, Redmond 4, Shelton 4, Chiawana 3, Bothell 3, Eisenhower 3, Mariner 3, Kamiak 2, Shorewood 2, Lincoln 2, Monroe 2, Gonzaga Prep 2, Central Valley 1, Kentlake 0.5.

4x100 — 1, Spanaway Lake, 42.39; 2, Mead, 42.48; 3, Skyline, 42.73;… 5, Marysville-Pilchuck, 43.07; … 7. Shorewood (Jake Schiffler, Peter Erickson, Nick Vincent, Blaine Weber) 43.90.

Erin Johnson of Shorewood second in State 800-meter run

Erin Johnson 2nd in State 800-meter run. Photo courtesy Shorewood ASB

Erin Johnson of Shorewood finished second in the State girls’ 800-meter run at the 4A State championship Saturday in Tacoma.

Johnson’s time of 2:17.4 was second to Baylee Mires of Mead who had a time of 2:15.46.
Johnson’s eight points put Shorewood into a tie for 32nd place in the team standings.
Mead High School from the Spokane area won the team championship with 65 points.

Team scores — Mead 65, Rogers (Puyallup) 47, Tahoma 42, Inglemoor 39, Emerald Ridge 36, Kentwood 35, Garfield 22, Wenatchee 21, Auburn Riverside 20, Skyline 19, Stanwood 19, Federal Way 19, Gig Harbor 18, Southridge 17, Eisenhower 15, Joel Ferris 14, Pasco 14, Kent Meridian 13.8333, Olympia 13.5, Issaquah 13, Jefferson 13, Bethel 10, Walla Walla 10, Central Valley 10, Lake Stevens 10, Woodinville 10, Mountain View 9, Heritage 9, Oak Harbor 9, Marsyville-Pilchuck 8.33333, Kentridge 8.33333, Skyview 8, Shorewood 8, Chiawana 7, Curtis 7, Shelton 6, Edmonds-Woodway 6, Stadium 6, Lincoln 5, Eastmont 4, Bothell 3, Kentlake 3, Battle Ground 3, Kelso 3, Central Kitsap 2, Newport (Bellevue) 2, Redmond 2, Cascade (Everett) 2, Mount Tahoma 2, Arlington 1, Mountlake Terrace 1, South Kitsap 1.

800 — 1, Baylee Mires, Mead, 2:15.46; 2, Erin Johnson, Shorewood, 2:17.47; 3, Lynelle Decker, Mountain View, 2:17.52.

Evan Smith: Let’s get back to a true Memorial Day


Memorial Day has become a time for the first fling of summer.

It should be what our grandparents called “Decoration Day,” a day set aside to decorate the graves of our ancestors.

It was conceived as a day to honor those who died in war, but many families, like mine, who don’t have veterans to honor, visited the graves of departed relatives.

Much of that changed in the 1970s, when Congress moved Memorial Day from its traditional May 30 date to the last Monday in May.

People who take advantage of the three-day holiday miss the festive nature of a cemetery on Memorial Day with the fresh flowers and the flags put up by veterans ‘ groups.

I usually can’t make it to the family plot, but I’m lucky to have a cousin who goes every year. He reports on decorating the family graves and even the one nearby grave of a man that no one seems to know.

Photo: Decorated grave of William J. "Jim" Harris, Civil War veteran

Community Transit fare increase June 1

Sunday, May 30, 2010

By Brian Doennebrink

Fares on Community Transit local bus and Dial-A-Ride Transportation (DART) paratransit service will increase 25 cents effective Tuesday, June 1. Meanwhile, bus as well as DART paratransit service on Monday, Memorial Day, May 31, will be on Sunday schedule, and there will be no commuter service to King County or to Boeing-Everett. In addition, Community Transit’s RideStore, located at the Lynnwood Transit Center, will be closed. Customer Information Services also will be closed, but information about Community Transit routes is always available online.

Fare Change
Starting June 1, Community Transit fares will be:
  • Local bus - Adults $1.75, youth $1.25, seniors/disabled/Medicare 75 cents
  • Dial-Ride Transportation (DART) paratransit - $1.75 all ages
  • Commuter bus - no change
  • Vanpool - no change, fares are based on mileage and size of the vehicle.

Riders who use an ORCA card are urged to update their monthly pass denomination for June, or make sure they have adequate fare value in their E-purse account to accommodate the increased fares.

ORCA users with an autoload pass must cancel their autoload feature, buy a new pass at the appropriate fare value, then create a new autoload after they’ve used their new pass. Questions about ORCA can be answered at 888 988-6722.

"No LFP Levy Lid Lift" campaign

By Diane Hettrick

A committee has been formed in opposition to the Lake Forest Park Levy Lid Lift proposition. Headed by former council members Stephen Plusch, Carolyn Arminini, and Mary Jane Goss, the campaign has the support of State Sen. Darlene Fairley, current council member John Wright, Water Commissioner Bill Currie, and former LFP council members Ned Lawson, Donovan Tracy, Henry J. Reed, and Alan Kiest.

In a fund-raising letter now going out to voters, the No LFP Levy Lid Lift committee says that the resolution passed by the city council is a "spend more" proposition because of the second part of the council resolution: "...secondarily, to replenish the City's "rainy day" reserve fund and/or to restore positions and services previously eliminated."

The "No" committee says that the tax increase would raise the City's property tax rate 38.6% in the first year with taxes then automatically escalating each year for an additional 5 years. The property tax level at the end of the 5 years becomes the new base; it does not go back to what it was in 2010.

The committee contends that The City needs to focus on providing core services efficiently without increasing taxes. 

LFP Levy Lid Lift proposition scheduled for August 17 primary

The Lake Forest Park City Council voted to place Proposition 1, a levy for retention of basic public safety and other services, on the August ballot.

Proposition 1 asks the citizens of Lake Forest Park to vote on whether to retain basic public safety, parks, community and other services. If approved, the proposition would increase the property tax levy above the limit set by I-747 to $1.85 per $1000 of assessed value. The six year levy amount would increase by inflation as measured by the Consumer Price Index.

This increase amounts to about $11.53 per month for the first year for the average household in Lake Forest Park. The revenue will be used to pay for the current level of services.

“We have cut services down to the bone,” said Mayor Hutchinson, “now the citizens get to decide if we will keep the current level of services.”
City Council Members said they did not want to increase taxes without a vote of the citizens.

The City has already reduced its 2009-10 budget by $931,000 and laid off 8% of its employees, due to structural budgetary problems caused by 1-695 and 1-747 and exacerbated by the current economy. The City is facing a projected budget deficit of $692,000 for the year 2011.

If approved, this levy would fill the budget gap projected for 2011, and allow the City to avoid the need for additional public safety, parks, community and other governmental service reductions; staff layoffs; or utility tax or rate hikes.

The Mayor has been holding a series of Community Conversations to explain the issues to voters.

More information is available on the City website.

Choir of the Sound Spring Concert June 5 & 6 presents the magic of Disney

Disney started with a mouse about 80 years ago and has grown into one of most cherished American entertainment icons ever for young and old alike.

Everybody has their favorite character and story and in our annual Spring Pops Concert Choir of the Sound will bring that magic to life for you. Whether you like the classics or some of the newest stories that Disney has to offer, there will be something for the whole family.

Join COTS at 7 pm, Saturday, June 5 and 3 pm Sunday, June 6, at the Shorecrest Performing Arts Center and help them close out their 2009-2010 concert season. Tickets are available online.

Saturday, June 5, 7 pm
Sunday, June 6, 3 pm
Shorecrest Performing Arts Center
15343 25th Ave NE
Shoreline 98155

Art Coday announces run for State Representative from 32nd district

Art Coday, Jr. M.D. has withdrawn from the race for US Senate and has announced that he will run for the open seat in the Washington State House of Representatives from the 32nd district.
From his Facebook page:
My campaign for state representative will present unmistakably common sense solutions to the issues troubling the people of the 32nd Legislative District – our children’s education, transportation gridlock, and public safety.

Healthcare insurance policy properly belongs at the state level, and my life and work experience equips me to offer solutions that will lower costs, improve the quality of care, increase competition, reduce bureaucracy, and put control back where it belongs – with patients, their families, and their doctor.

Instead of soaring unemployment, we need economic growth in the state of Washington. I will campaign for lower tax rates, respect for property rights, and an improved business climate. I am opposed to a state income tax.

Choir of the Sound presents Rose Scholarship to Shorewood student

Scholarship winners John Vogel, Lynnwood HS, and Lauren Sweeten of Shorewood flank COTS presenter. Photo courtesy COTS

During the Choir of the Sound tribute to American composers concert series on March 5 and 6, Choir of the Sound carried on its annual tradition of recognizing a couple of graduating seniors from the local area high schools. They believe strongly that singing and producing wonderful music is a life-long endeavor and want to encourage students to continue this pursuit long after high school.

Each student applicant was nominated by their high school choir director and completed an essay on what singing in a choir meant to them. This year COTS presented $1,000 scholarships to John Vogel of Lynnwood High School and Lauren Sweeten of Shorewood High School.

El Oso restaurant open in Third Place Commons

The El Oso Mexican restaurant is open for business in Third Place Commons in the Lake Forest Park Towne Centre, next to the Big Time which was also added in the past year. It is run by the Honey Bear Bakery people and replaces a previous Mexican restaurant. The seating area to the side of the counter is still being renovated.

Third Place Commons has free, live music on the stage every Friday and Saturday evening.

Tully's Coffee opens in Top Foods

A Tully's Coffee is now open in the space by the front door of Top Foods, N 185th and Midvale N. The space, which has been vacant, was formerly occupied by a different coffee shop.

Hamlin Park Goddess Installation Project cancelled

Artist Leah Liebow has cancelled her plans to ceremonially arrange 1,000 crocheted white doilies on the forest floor in Hamlin Park.

If you have mailed doilies or donations to the artist for the project she will return them to you ASAP.

It is unclear if the Shoreline Parks department was aware of the planned installation.

The Hamlin Park Goddess Installation Project as originally planned:
In August of 2010, 1000+ crocheted doilies, created by women all over the world, will be installed on the forest floor in Hamlin Park in Shoreline, WA, as a way to recognize and celebrate women’s power and wisdom.

The Hamlin Park Goddess Installation Project is a social project that reconnects the Community of Women across the globe with one another, with the Earth, and with the Archetypal Feminine, through the actions of crocheting, of telling and retelling women’s stories, of reconnecting to the earth, and of ultimately installing 1000+ white crocheted doilies on the forest floor and performing a reading of women’s names inside of this installation.

In this Project, the repetitive movement of crocheting becomes a performance. This performance connects with the idea of cognitive memory - the memory of the rhythm or vibration of the universe of which we are an intricate part. All of the women involved in this project will perform this inherent vibration. The very act of crocheting will link them with all women throughout time, with the earth, and with the entire universe. The crocheted pieces themselves will become a map to this connection.

Áegis Living teams up with Mariners for a Salute to Grandparents Day

Áegis Living is celebrating a Grandparents Day with the Seattle Mariners on June 6 against the Los Angeles Angels of Anaheim.

Áegis Living has a center in Shoreline on 1st NE by Twin Ponds offering retirement, assisted living and memory care, and a progressive selection of senior residences to meet the growing needs of today’s aging population.

“This day is for grandparents to bring their grandchildren and their gloves for an afternoon of family fun at the ballpark,” says Dwayne Clark, CEO and Founder of Áegis Living. “We are excited to sponsor an event that allows families to be together and share old memories while making new ones; this is something Áegis Living strives for every day.”

Grandparents, grandchildren and Mariner fans can cheer for Dwayne Clark as he throws out the first pitch at Safeco Field with his grandson.

“More than any other sport, Baseball is passed down from generation to generation. We see grandparents at every Mariners game introducing baseball to a new generation of fans. It’s very fitting for us to join with Áegis Living to salute our grandparents,” said Joe Chard, Seattle Mariners Vice President of Corporate Business and Community Relations.

VIP Experience Contest
Grandparents 50 and older can enter to win for the June 6 Mariners game against the Angels. One lucky winner will receive four Commissioner’s box seats and a pre-game, on-field photo opportunity with a Mariners player.  To enter or for more information, visit any of the 12 local Áegis Living communities or any Mariners Team Store by June 1.

About Áegis Living
Áegis Living operates 35 communities in Washington, California and Nevada. Additional information about Áegis Living and its services is available on the website.  Follow us on Twitter  and Facebook

Cindy Ryu kick off on Thursday, June 3 in Edmonds

Cindy Ryu Campaign Kick Off June 3

Friends for Cindy Ryu
Invite you to join us at our Campaign Kick off to
Elect Cindy Ryu
Washington State Representative
32nd District Position 1

Thursday, June 3, 2010
6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.

8506 240th St SW Edmonds WA

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