Shoreline Police Blotter 3-23 to 3-31-2010

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

By Diane Hettrick
One week in the criminal life of Shoreline. Note that the categories and comments are all mine.

Drugs, Sex, Rock and Roll
3-23     Shorecrest students reported that a student was trying to sell an iPhone. The seller was called to the office and willingly turned over the iPhone. However, he also had a scale and marijuana packaged for sale.

3-25     17524 Aurora, Walgreen’s Pharmacy. Woman came through drive-thru and tried to pass a forged prescription.

3-26     149xx Metro bus shelter. Solicited undercover cops for sex for $100.

3-27     Carlyle Rd. Driver arrested for DUI after driving off roadway and getting vehicle stuck in a ditch.

3-27     16x N 183rd. Intoxicated female wants to harm herself. Possibly prescription drugs.

3-28     200xx 3rd NW. Girlfriend says Boyfriend raped her.

3-23     174xx Ashworth, The Gardens. Someone got into a security building and used a fire extinguisher to vandalize the common areas.

3-25     Shoreline Library at 9:45 pm. Tires slashed on vehicle.

3-26    N 155 and Densmore. Graffiti on electrical box.

3-26     174xx Ashworth N, Garden’s Condo. Vandalized door with carving knife.

3-30     172xx 15th NW. Car egged.

3-23     152xx Aurora. Charged with Driving While License Revoked. “Claims Florencia 13.” (This is either a reference to an international Hispanic gang, a rap group, or a restaurant in New York. I’m holding out for the restaurant).

3-26     11xx N 192nd, The Blakeley. Residents fought over Nintendo Wii. Touching, grabbing, charged with 4th degree assault. (The Blakeley is senior housing for active residents.)

3-28     154xx Linden N. Resident came home to find a 30-year-old man sitting in a chair outside his front door. Man said he was with someone who was in back of the house. Man jiggled the door handle and left. House was burglarized, two laptops stolen.

The eagle eyes of the law
3-24     165xx Aurora. Cop ran the license plate and the driver was Driving While License Revoked.

3-24     N 175th and Meridian. Stopped driver for running the light. She had a suspended third degree warrant, two Shoreline warrants, and 1 Issaquah warrant.

3-24    179xx Fremont. Traffic stop. Convicted felon, Driving While License Suspended for unpaid tickets.

3-25    157xx 15th NE. Speeding. Arrested for obstructing, resisting arrest, and DUI.

3-31    5xx NE 145th. Driving While License Revoked.

3-31    18xx N 175th. Speeding, DUI.

We don’t all have garages
3-24    23x NW 193rd Pl. Car prowl. Took items from unlocked car.

3-25    168xx 11th Pl NE. Car in driveway. Tires slashed.

3-25    175xx Linden Highland Apts. Items taken from unlocked car in apartment parking.

3-30    196xx RB Rd. Stole vehicle parked in front of home.

Shoplifting, stolen laptops, stiffing businesses
3-24    Costco. Stuffed clothes in backpack.

3-24    Paramount Park. Left backpack against tree. It was stolen. Laptop inside.

3-29    153xx Aurora, Safeway deli. Person ordered deli food, then attempted to leave without paying for it. Dropped food and fled.

3-29    172xx Aurora Texaco. Left without paying for gas.

3-25    148xx Fremont. Found stolen car. Ignition damaged.

3-26    145xx 31st NW. Vehicle blocking travel portion of roadway.

3-28    172xx 3rd NE. Suspect found inside a stolen car.

It would have been cheaper to go to counseling
3-30    183xx 1st NE. Couple has been together for 10 years, married for 5, have an 11-month-old baby. Husband pushed wife into drywall hard enough to cave it in. Then kicked in panel on wooden door.

White Collar
3-25    17001 Aurora, Parkers. Customer tried to pass bad checks.

3-30    Victim got a letter from a collection agency re NSF checks on an account that someone opened under his name.

Could have been more serious
3-25    417 NW 163rd St. Someone tried to force open the front door during the day while no one was home.

Serious and Scary
3-31    149xx N Park Ave N. Cat Burglar.  (See story).

3-26    176xx Aurora. Person arrested for trespass. He is barred from three places: church, ice rink, and car dealership.

3-29    148xx Ashworth. Chronic speeding. (I’ll bet the neighbors were happy).

Damned if you do, damned if you don’t
3-29    Shoreline District Court. Person appeared as scheduled for court proceeding and was arrested on outstanding warrants.


Anonymous,  April 6, 2010 at 4:55 PM  

Love these police blotters but may I suggest that you folks could use a proofreader? A few typos today. Otherwise - good stuff.

Linda (Reinke) Williford April 7, 2010 at 6:50 AM  

Thank You for All this is accomplishing in keeping us informed about our neighborhoods!

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