
Thursday, March 4, 2010

Shoreline Public Schools Board meeting highlights from February 1, 2010

Reports and Presentations

Shorecrest and Shorewood Video Project Recognition
Brian Schultz, Executive Director of Schools; Trent Mitchell, Shorecrest Video Production Teacher; and Marty Ballew, Shorewood Video Production Teacher, presented.

Mr. Brian Schultz, Executive Director of Schools, reported that in his 22 years in Shoreline, he has not seen such a phenomenon as what has occurred as a result of the two videos produced by Shorecrest and Shorewood High Schools.

Mr. Trent Mitchell, video class teacher since 2003, introduced students involved in the Shorecrest video. He reported that this has been a highlight of his teaching career. The “Hey Ya” video was played for the Board and audience. Mr. Mitchell explained that a “lip-dub” is basically a lip sync, but with multiple persons lip-syncing.

Mr. Marty Ballew commented that the Shorecrest video was the inspiration for the Shorewood project and credited Trent for encouraging him to become a teacher. Shorewood wanted to do something different so Mr. Ballew and Javier Caceras, student, came up with the idea of filming the lip-dub backwards. The “You Make My Dreams Come True” video was played for the Board and audience.

Jason Maher, Video Systems Manager, shared some of the media coverage generated by the video competition. Excerpts from KING5 News, MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow Show, and CBS’s Rachael Ray Show were viewed.

P-8 MAT Committee Update
Sue Porter, Director of Curriculum and Instruction, reported that the Committee’s current focus is on P-5 math because the elementary materials currently in use were adopted in 2001.

The programs reviewed were chosen because they were the most closely aligned to the new Math Standards:

• Math Expressions
• enVisionMath (created specifically for Washington State and matches high school program)
• Math Connects

The Review Teams included five or six teachers per grade level representing all schools, with a leader that serves on MAT and a principal at each grade level. Field-testing began with the three publishers presenting to the MAT and all of the Review Teams and then training teachers. Two teachers at each grade level will use all three programs, four weeks at a time; field-testing to be completed the first week in May.

The Review Teams will meet in May to determine final rankings of programs and send the data to MAT. This information will be used by MAT to make the final recommendation to the District Instructional Materials Committee (DIMC) by the end of May. DIMC will recommend the program for adoption to the Board the beginning of June.

December Financials, January Enrollment and Capital Projects Budget Update
Marcia Harris, Deputy Superintendent; and Mark Spangenberg, Director of Business & Finance, reported that the December Cash Flow Report indicates a slight increase to the ending fund balance. Initial payments of approximately $200,000 will begin in the next month for the math curriculum. It is estimated that all of the reserve that was budgeted for math curriculum ($650,000) will be spent by the end of the year.

In December, over $21 million was paid out of the Debt Service Fund in repaying bonds. When bonds were sold in 2008, plans were made to make large principal payments on bonds in 2009 and 2010 so that if successful passage of the 2010 bond measure occurred, the bonds for the high schools could be layered and not impact tax rates adversely.

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