
Friday, March 5, 2010

Evan Smith: Kenneth Callahan named to Shoreline fire commission

By Evan Smith
ShorelineAreaNews Politics Writer

The Shoreline Fire District board has named Richmond-Beach-area resident Kenneth Callahan to a new position on the board.
The Board appointed Callahan at a meeting Thursday.
The appointment, along with that of David Harris, appointed Monday, brings the board to five commissioners as required by State law.
The District had only three commissioners until the beginning of January, when it ended its volunteer force, a change that required it to expand its board to five members.
The three elected commissioners appointed Harris, a former part-time Shoreline fireman, to one position Monday from among nine applicants.

The Board, including Harris, appointed Callahan Thursday from among the remaining eight candidates.
Harris will serve until the November 2011 election, Callahan until the 2013 election. The terms were determined by a coin toss at the Thursday meeting.

The position now held by Commissioner Jon Kennison also expires in 2011, when it will appear on the ballot along with Harris’s position. The position held by Commissioner Jim Fisher will appear on the 2013 ballot along with Callahan’s position. The position held by Commissioner Rod Heivilin will be alone on the 2015 ballot.

Callahan is retired from a company that builds cabinets for dental offices. He has been a youth basketball coach and an active member of the Masonic lodge.

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