
Monday, March 15, 2010

Evan Smith: An election sneaks up for Tuesday

By Evan Smith
ShorelineAreaNews Politics Writer

You’ll get to go to the Shoreline Library Tuesday to vote.
It’s an election for a position on the King Conservation District board. Five candidates are on the ballot for a three-year term on the board.
This seems counter to the State’s annual-elections law, which requires local nonpartisan offices to be on the ballot in November of odd-numbered years.
It’s also counter to last year’s legislation that eliminated the March elections date.
And, it’s counter to the County’s all-mail system of voting.
Finally, the election has no accommodation for disabled voters with absentee ballots or specialized machines.
Why? The 1939 law that created conservation districts allows them, not county elections officials, to run the elections.
The polling place in Shoreline, one of seven around King County, will be open from 10:30 am to 8 pm Voters can find out about the candidates by visiting the District’s website.

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