
Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Evan Smith: David Harris named to Shoreline fire board; board to fill another position Thursday

By Evan Smith
ShorelineAreaNews Politics Writer

The Shoreline Fire District board has named David Harris, a former part-time Shoreline fireman, to one of two new positions on the board.

The Board of Commissioners, including Harris, will meet Thursday, March 4, to choose another new commissioner from among eight candidates.

The District, which has long had a three-member board, is expanding to five members under a State law that requires fire districts made up entirely of paid fire fighters to have five-member boards. The Shoreline District ended its diminished volunteer group at the end of December.

The three elected board members selected Harris at a special meeting Monday, March 1, after interviewing nine applicants. The now-four-member board will appoint a fifth commissioner from among the eight remaining applicants. The eight are Kenneth G. Callahan, Edward E. Carl, George A. Daher, Kim Fischer, Rod Greeley, Patricia Hale. Dick Nicholson and Scott Soper. Hale lost a City Council election in November to Will Hall. Daher lost a 2005 election to then-City-Councilman Ron Hansen.

One of the two new commissioners will serve until the November 2011 election, the other until the 2013 election. Which commissioner holds which term will be determined by a lot draw.

The position now held by Commissioner Jon Kennison also expires in 2011, when it will appear on the ballot along with one of the new positions. The position held by Commissioner Jim Fisher will appear on the 2013 ballot along with the other new position. The position held by Commissioner Rod Heivilin will be alone on the 2015 ballot.

Harris has been a reserve fire fighter, a member of the Shoreline Planning Commission and the owner-operator of a residential home building company.

1 comment:

  1. For the record-

    I did not run for office against Ron Hansen in 2005. You are confusing me with George Mauer.

    Please make the correction a.s.a.p.


    George Daher


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