
Monday, March 8, 2010

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Editor: Diane Hettrick
Assistant Editor: Carl Dinse
Photographers: Steven H. Robinson, Mike Remarcke, Wayne Pridemore, Lee Lageschulte
Cartoonist: Whitney Potter

Many community members are regular contributors.

We welcome photos and articles for consideration.

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  1. Curious as to what the Green Film is on Echo Lake at the North End / Park area>!?

    Walked 'Dawg' up there the last few days.. Today it also looked like there may be a fuel substance floating on the surface? Baby Ducks are down to 2 .. and didnt see them either..?!

    Curious Park Visitor...

  2. Hi Linda,

    I checked it out a couple of years ago. It's alarming looking but it's a natural part of the cycle of plant life in the lake.

    You may not want to hear this next part. Last year someone wrote and talked about the adorable baby ducks in the lake and the very next day someone else wrote about watching the eagle swooping down and snagging baby ducks. Part of the normal cycle of life, I suppose.


  3. Hi. I am curious about the construction site on the west side of Aurora, just south of 200th, between the pawn shop and Starbucks. What is this?


  4. Oops - I meant just south of 205th, not 200th... Sorry!


  5. I am extremely disappointed that we did not get our bird article this week from Christine Southwick. I look forward to reading those each week. I always learn something new and she always puts in in "language" I can relate to and I apply much of what she writes to enhance my yard.

  6. I have really missed the the articles on the birds. Are you not running them anymore? The articles are always so informative and makes you excited to have a "bird friendly" yard. I have discovered ways to tell certain birds apart and good ideas for plants that will encourage them to come to my yard. I am hopeful that you are continuing to run them. Ms. Southwick is a gifted writer and really brings the subject alive. Thank you for making them a part of the Shoreline Area News!

  7. Wow, another day with no bird article. How sad is that?

  8. Folks, could it be possible that Christine is not actually submitting articles about birds to the editors?? And that maybe instead of posting here, you Google her up and send her a note asking her to submit more? Or do you think that the volunteer staff who publishes the SAN is supposed to go to her house and squeeze her really hard until some articles fly out?

  9. Not to worry. Christine is an important part of the SAN team and you will see her next article very soon.

  10. Thank you, DKH, for letting us know. As for "Anonymous#2" I'd like to reassure them that the articles DON'T need to be SQUEEZED out of her. She writes them every week and they are subject to what you have going on that might take a priority. That is totally understandable. She enjoys writing them and she is excellent!

  11. Christine spends much for her private time working with and for our local birds. I have enjoyed each article that has been published. I learn a lot of interesting things about our local birds. Assuming that she is willing to write them, I'd like to see them be published as a regular column on the same day each week. Something to look forward to.....

  12. As usual another piece of enjoyable reading on bird lore in this morning's SAN, this time on Cooper's Hawk. Ms. Southwick knows how the reader's mind works and lays out the info in a way that is easily absorbed. I now feel closer to the hawk in many ways. Thank you Chris.

  13. Is there any info on how the Cascade Bingo Hall property will be used?
    So appreciate the local news you provide. Thank you!

  14. I am unable to find anything about the SWAT action at Rodeway Inn, in Shoreline on March 27th. In fact only one news station has information about it (King5:

  15. The headline for the Police report today was mis-leading. "Jail time for 5 bags of chips." It sounds good and maybe makes people look, but the story was he was arrested for outstanding warrants. How about checking what the warrants were for -murder? theft? shooting? stabbing? etc. I think that would be interesting. Then you could say "Theft of potato chips leads to arrest of scofflaw," or "Man arrested for minor theft was wanted man."

  16. Thank you for the info (and picture) about Shoreline Walks.. it was a lot of fun last year and hey, I'm in the picture..

  17. Any chance you could report on the results of Shorecrest's high school boys lacrosse games similar to your reports on other high school sports? They are one of the best Div. II teams in the state after all and a lot of community effort has gone into making it the successful program it's become since its creation just a few years ago.

  18. Hello-In your crime report for The
    City of Shoreline I would suggest that the
    readers should be informed of when a
    burglary takes place to not touch anything
    that has been disturbed. Too many think
    they need to clean it up right away.

    A Volunteer for the Shoreline Police

  19. Hello,
    I am interested in attending the meeting that Haggen's having regarding store changes. However you said the date was Wednesday, March 12th and according to my calendar the 12th is on a Thursday. Which day is it? By the way, I enjoy getting the Shoreline Area News in my email.

  20. The meeting is actually on THURSDAY - I've corrected the story.

  21. Dan Short appears to have been on N 185th St a short distance west of 10th Ave NE--facing what must be Shoreline's answer to San Francisco's Lombard Street (only without the kinks).

  22. Very interesting to see how Parkwood Elementary is coming along. I drive by each weekly and glad to see an article about it. Maybe you could update us about the expansion of Cascadia K-8. I live close to it and not much info about it.


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