Sunset Park / Boeing Creek open space community meeting

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

We hope that you will join us at the next
Sunset Park/Boeing Creek Open Space community meeting 
Tuesday, April 6
6 to 8 pm 
First Lutheran Church of Richmond Beach
18354 8th Ave NW
in the Richmond Highlands neighborhood
At this meeting, we will review the current interpretation of the community vision for the Sunset Park and Boeing Creek Open Space properties.

Friends of Sunset Park website update!

Please visit, as we have added a lot more information! To read more about this process, go to the Process FAQ page. To read more about the current draft designs, go to the Design FAQ page. To see the process in pictures, visit the Photo Journey page.

Photo and data courtesy Friends of Sunset Park

Third Annual Poetry Month Celebration

The Shoreline-Lake Forest Park Arts Council announces the Third Annual Poetry Month Celebration with a free community event on Thursday, April 29, 7 pm at the Third Place Commons in Lake Forest Park Towne Centre.

Winners of the annual poetry contest in student and adult categories, juried by poets Belle Randall and Janee J. Baugher, will read their poems. Published poets Jared Leising and Kelli Russell Agodon will then read and discuss their work. Sponsored in part by Friends of Third Place Commons and Humanities Washington.

More on the featured poets:
Jared Leising

Poet Jared Leising has been selected by Jack Straw Productions as the curator of their 2010 Writers Program. Jared is the author of the chapbook The Widows and Orphans of Winesburg, Ohio. His poems have appeared in various Washington publications such as Pontoon, Crab Creek Review, and Stringtown, as well as on Metro Buses and local radio. Jared was selected by Nancy Rawles as a Jack Straw Writer in 2001, has worked as a writer-in-residence for Ballard and Nathan Hale High Schools, been a nominee for Seattle Poet Populist, and before moving to Seattle, he received his M.F.A. in Creative Writing from the University of Houston. Currently, he teaches English at Cascadia Community College, serves as president of the Washington Community College Humanities Association, and is on the board of directors at 826 Seattle.
Kelli Russell Agodon

Kelli Russell Agodon is the winner of the 2009 White Pine Press Poetry Prize judged by Carl Dennis. Her manuscript, Letters from the Emily Dickinson Room, will be published by White Pine Press in the fall of 2010. Kelli was born and raised in Seattle, is a graduate of Shorecrest High School, and attended the University of Washington and Pacific Lutheran University's Rainier Writing Workshop, where she received her MFA in creative writing. She is also the author of Small Knots (2004) and Geography, winner of the 2003 Floating Bridge Press Chapbook Award. Currently, Kelli lives in the Northwest with her family. She is the co-editor of the literary journal, Crab Creek Review.

Third Place Commons is located inside the Lake Forest Park Towne Centre, 17171 Bothell Way NE, Lake Forest Park, WA 98155. For more information please contact the Arts Council office at 206-417-4645 or email.

Police disperse party with alleged gang affiliations

From Sgt. Katie Larson, Shoreline Police

On March 6 at about 12:30 am, Shoreline Police responded to a call about a fight (Ed. in the vicinity of 12th NE). The reporting party said that 20+ subjects, male and female, were involved and that cars were seen speeding up and down the street. When the first officer arrived, the majority of subjects had dispersed. Officers contacted two subjects who said they were in the area looking for a party. These two have had prior contact with law enforcement and claim a gang affiliation.

The police were contacted approximately one hour later for a noise complaint. Officers responded to a residence about one block away from the incident described above. As they walked towards the house they heard yelling and loud music. At one point, they heard someone shouting that the “cops” are here. Two males walked out the front door and asked the Officers to help them “kick everyone out of the home.” There were approximately 50-60 people inside and some of them began pouring out of the front and back doors, some yelling at the officers.

One of the participants told the officers that there were multiple “gang members” at the party and that earlier a fight had erupted between two gang members and that he heard there might be retaliation. The police made one arrest for a non-related matter.

Lake Forest Park City Council considering levy lid lift

The Lake Forest Park City Council is considering a levy lid lift, which is a proposal to increase property taxes. This can only be done by a vote of the people. As part of their review process, the City Council will host a Public Hearing on April 22 at 7:45 pm to get formal input from citizens. If a levy request is put on the ballot, it will only be after all available ideas and alternatives have been carefully considered.

Additionally, citizens are encouraged to communicate your questions, thoughts, concerns and opinions regarding levels of service and the City budget to City Hall.  At the May 13 Council meeting it is anticipated that there will be a vote to place the levy on the ballot. If it is on the ballot, then the citizens of Lake Forest Park will vote on the proposal on August 17.

The City will be developing responses to frequently asked questions that will be posted on the City website.

To submit a question, email, or call 206-957-2804. The Mayor and City Council encourage your input and participation in this challenging process.

The City has developed an information page on the web. Click here to go to the city web page on the levy. 

From LFP's etc*

What is that red sign on the old James Alan building?

Readers have noticed signs which appeared on the old James Alan Salon on 185th and Fremont Ave N, and buildings on Bothell Way in Kenmore.

According to Melanie Granfors of Shoreline Fire, these placards were put up by the Fire Marshall's Office and are an international symbol to alert emergency workers that the building is empty.
Photos by Diane Hettrick

Lake Forest Park apparently escapes garbage strike

The apparent settlement between the Allied Waste trash-collection company and its drivers means that the City of Lake Forest Park can cancel plans to delay garbage pickup.

Lake Forest Park officials had said earlier Wednesday that a possible strike would delay garbage pickup by only one day.

A strike would have not affected Shoreline, which gets garbage service from a different company.

Photo courtesy Lake Forest Park

COMMUNITY ALERT: Shoreline ‘Cat’ Burglar Attempts To Assault Victim

According to police spokesperson Sgt. John Urquhart, a burglar who came into an occupied house overnight attempted to sexually assault one of the residents. The victim resisted and the suspect ran off, but not before stealing a laptop computer and cell phone.

The incident happened about 2 am in the 14900 block near Fremont Ave North.

One of the two female residents of the house, age 26, was awakened by a man in the doorway of her bedroom. She said something and he left, but he returned and placed his hand over her mouth and attempted to assault her.

The woman screamed and punched and kicked at him until left the room.

The disturbance woke her the woman’s 18 year-old roommate. She got up and saw the suspect run down the hallway and out of the house. The women called 9-1-1.

The suspect was a white male 20 to 30 years old, about 6’ 2” and 180 lbs, possibly with blond hair. He apparently entered the house through a window.

Shoreline Police checked the area but did not locate the suspect. No similar incidents have been reported.

Maximum Exposure Basketball Spring Seattle Showcase

The 2010 Maximum Exposure Basketball Spring Seattle Showcase will be held on Saturday May 15 at Shoreline Community College. The event is open to any High School, Prep School, Junior College, or other available players that are looking to gain exposure and help with their college recruiting.

Each player will get to play 3 games in front of college coaches and scouting services, as well as be evaluated by our staff. These evaluations will then be sent to EVERY college basketball program in the country. For more information or to find out how to register please visit our website or email us.

Brad Estes
The Juco Journal
Phone: (786) 709-7080

Local Teams Advance to Semifinals in State Challenge Cup Soccer

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Both the girls’ and boys’ FC Shoreline Select U14 teams advanced against two very tough Crossfire opponents in Quarterfinals games at Marymoor Park on Sunday March 28.

The Surge team won against Crossfire Premier-Saunders
Photo by Lori Koidahl

The FC Shoreline Sapphires (girls) won 2-1 against Crossfire Premier-Schmetzer in the pouring rain, and the Surge (boys) team won against Crossfire Premier-Saunders with a hard-fought goal in the last few minutes of overtime in their game.

The Sapphires won against Crossfire Premier-Schmetzer
Photo by Kim Josund
Both teams will advance to the Semifinals at Starfire in Tukwila on April 10. The winners of the Semifinals games will match up in State Challenge Cup Finals games on April 11.

Story courtesy Kim Josund

Celebrate the largest solar photovotaic (PV) system in Shoreline

The City of Shoreline and non-profit Shoreline Solar Project are pleased to invite the community to a ribbon-cutting ceremony on Wednesday, March 31, 4 to 6 pm, to celebrate the new 20.2 kW solar electric system -- the largest solar photovotaic (PV) system in Shoreline -- on Shoreline City Hall's parking garage. The celebration will begin in the City Hall lobby, 17500 Midvale Avenue N.

Shoreline based Northwest Mechanical, Inc., installed the Made-in-Washington solar modules from Arlington-based Silicon Energy. The solar array generates electric power while also providing shade for a row of cars on the upper parking level. Seattle City Light provided assistance for solar modules and system display and monitoring services in conjunction with the Bonneville Education Foundation.

The celebration includes a tour highlighting Shoreline City Hall's extensive energy saving "green" features and a free "Solar 101" seminar covering solar electric and solar hot water systems by Shoreline Solar Project's co-founder Larry Owens. The Shoreline Solar Project has been promoting solar installations in the City of Shoreline for the past six years.

Several electric cars will be on display, including the Tesla, a roadster promising 0-60 mph in 3.9 seconds with the top speed electronically limited to 125 mph. It has a 236 mile range and costs about $110,000.

Shoreline Deputy Mayor Will Hall will be speaking and other City Councilmembers will be attending. Besides City and Shoreline Solar Project officials, participants include representatives from the other organizations that helped make this a successful project including Northwest Mechanical, Seattle City Light, Bonneville Environmental Foundation, Silicon Energy, Rainier Industries and OPUS (the contractor that built City Hall).

For more information, contact Shoreline Solar Project at 206-306-9233 or Shoreline Environmental Programs Coordinator Rika Cecil at 206-801-2452. 

Information from the City of Shoreline
Photo courtesy Shoreline Solar

Driftwood Players Theatre Arts scholarships

The Edmonds Driftwood Players, a regional non-profit theatre performance company, will award scholarships ($500 or more) to deserving 2010 high school graduates who live in or attend school in the South Snohomish or NW King County School District areas. Student applicants shall have demonstrated talent in the theatre arts (performance or technical areas) and intend to continue studying theatre arts in college. Deadline for applications is April 30, 2010.


Students are required to submit the following information for consideration for the scholarship awards:

1. Student name, address, phone number. Parent name(s) and address (es)
2. Name of your current high school and counselor or advisor.
3. A list of high school and extracurricular activities, and any awards or honors received.
4. Intended college for fall 2010.
5. A letter from your teacher in your high school's Theatre Department or other theatre mentor.
6. An essay of 300 words about your interest in theatre arts and what you plan to study in college.
7. Transcript of grades, including the 1st semester of senior year.
8. Date of awards ceremonies at your high School.

Winners will be selected by an evaluation of the above information, along with a personal interview.

Send application information postmarked by April 30, 2010 to:

Silas Lindenstein, Chair
Driftwood Scholarship Committee
P.O. Box 385, Edmonds, WA 98020

Teddy Bear patrol - one more day to give bear hugs

Bartell Drugs is helping to give "bear hugs" to children in need by being designated locations for teddy bear donations for the Annual Warm 106.9 FM Teddy Bear Patrol campaign, March 1 - 31.

Designed to help bridge the communication gap between a frightened child and an adult stranger, the program puts a teddy bear in the hands of community police departments, hospitals and emergency response teams so they may give the bear to a child involved in a stressful situation.

You can help by purchasing the Bartell Teddy Bear Patrol Bear for $7.00 and Bartell Drugs will donate a second bear to the campaign

You can make a monetary donation towards the purchase of a bear.

You can donate a new bear, 12" and under.

The campaign ends on Wednesday, March 31.

Shoreline Bartells is at Gateway Plaza, N 185th & Aurora.

Shorecrest Hip Hop State and National Champions

By Cheryl McKeon
The Shorecrest Hip Hop team recently took First-Place at the WIAA State Dance/Drill Championships (Washington Interscholastic Athletics Association) in the Hip Hop and Show category on March 27. This was their first year competing in the Show category and the team was excited to be State Champions in two events this year (Hip Hop and Show). 

Jessica Le of Shorewood won first place in the state 4A Drill Down competition, and Shorewood was second in the military category, fifth in kick and sixth in show.

But before the State Championships, the Shorecrest team traveled to New York City for the Champion Dance Nationals where they brought home 3 First-Place trophies in the Small and Medium Hip Hop category as well as being named the overall hip hop category winner. Shorecrest Hip Hop has had a very successful season of dance. 

The team is led by co-captains Emiko Minatoya-Shields and Christina Kim with coach Rex Kinney and community volunteer adviser Robin Martin.

The team would especially like to thank all those businesses, SC Boosters, Shorecrest community, friends, and family who have helped and supported the team all season.

Photos courtesy Cheryl McKeon

Shorecrest boys soccer team top-ranked

The Seattle Times lists the Shorecrest boys' soccer team as the top-ranked 3A team in the state.

Nationally, ESPN Rise has Shorecrest boys' soccer ranked second in the nation.

The National Soccer Coaches Association of America has them ranked fourth in the nation.

Three of their April games will be broadcast locally. See the ShorelineAreaNews story.

Pianist Monica Ohuchi in concert April 30

Richmond Beach Congregational UCC  welcomes the internationally acclaimed Monica Ohuchi back home to Seattle. Ms. Ohuchi will be presenting a program of Chopin Ballades and chamber pieces with select members of the Seattle Symphony at the Church on April 30 from 7 pm to 9 pm. Richmond Beach Congregational UCC is located at 1512 NW 195th St.

Chamber music is often described as the music of friends, due to the intimacy of the performance, which is often in a private salon. The music itself is performed by a small number of players with one player to a part.

Voluntary donations at this concert are welcome and will benefit local charities.

Childcare will be available for those who contact the church office at 206-542-7477 by Friday, April 23.

About the artist:

Japanese-American pianist Monica Ohuchi has performed to wide acclaim from audiences across the United States, Canada, Japan, and Europe both as a soloist and chamber musician. Hailed as a pianist performing “brilliantly with clarity, nuance and natural musicality” (Times Argus, July 24, 2009), Ms. Ohuchi’s concert engagements have brought her to such prestigious venues as Lincoln Center's Alice Tully Hall, Juilliard's Peter Jay Sharp Theater, Meany Hall of Seattle and the Canadian Opera Company’s Richard Bradshaw Amphitheater. She has been featured in live radio and television broadcasts on New York's WQXR, Seattle's KING FM, Delaware Today, a television broadcast of rising stars, and the WE Network.

A native of Seattle, Ms. Ohuchi began her piano studies at the age of two with her mother. Ms. Ohuchi holds both a Master’s and Bachelor’s degree in Piano Performance from the Juilliard School where she studied with Julian Martin. Her past teachers include Marc Durand, Martin Canin, Bela Siki, and David A. Brown. She has also coached with such distinguished artists as Murray Perahia, Jacob Lateiner, Robert McDonald, Brian Zeger, Toby Appel, Bruce Brubaker, and Craig Sheppard.

Shorecrest soccer team tops Shorewood

Shorecrest’s boys’ soccer team beat Shorewood 5-0 Monday evening in a non-league game at Shoreline Stadium.

Michael Harris and Eli Blauser each scored two goals for Shorecrest. Glenn Paden scored a goal and assisted on both of Harris’ goals. Hiei Rose, Joe Schober and Ian Adams each had assists. Eric Baker and Sam Schober recorded the shutout in goal. Shorewood’s goalies were Maxwell Wright and Simon Aspinall.

The two teams will meet again April 30 in a game that will count in the Wesco South standings.

Shorecrest’s victory extended the Scots record to five wins and no losses. All five Shorecrest victories have been shutouts.

Shorewood’s record is now 2-2 with one tie.

The game is scheduled for repeat showing on the Shoreline Education Access Channel (Comcast 26, Fios 36) at 7 pm Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday.

Both teams play their next games Wednesday, March 31.
Shorewood plays Mariner at Shoreline Stadium at 7 pm. Mariner has a 3-2 record after beating Glacier Peak Monday. Junior varsity teams from the two schools play at 5 pm.

Shorecrest plays at Kamiak at 7:30 pm. Kamiak has a 3-0-2 record after beating Jackson Monday. The junior varsity game is at 5:30 pm.

The next live televised game will be the Tuesday April 6 game between Mountlake Terrace and Shorecrest at Shoreline Stadium. Mountlake Terrace has a 1-4 record after beating Meadowdale in overtime Monday.

Shoreline Police Blotter 3-4 to 3-23-2010

By Diane Hettrick,

This Blotter is long because it's almost three weeks worth - please don't think that the crime rate has increased. It does catch us up to life in the fast lane, so starting next week we'll do one week at a time. I'll bet you've figured out by now that the cops don't write the headers for these, although I'm sure they are tempted sometimes. And now for the police activity:

Mental and/or Homeless

3-8      Shoreline Library. “Floyd” has been banished from the library for one year. (As soon as we changed the involuntary commitment laws, the downtown library became a very scary place. Suburban cities aren’t immune.)

3-9      Top Foods, 175th and Midvale. “Dale” was arrested for trespass when he refused to leave the store. (Wonder if he lived there when it was open 24 hours?)

3-9      Starbucks Gateway, 18336 Midvale. Removed person and filed trespass charges.

3-10    Shoreline Community College. Edmonds Police notified Shoreline that a mentally ill man was making threats against his mother who works at SCC.

3-12     24xx NW 197th. Indecent phone calls to man, his sister, and his friend.

3-13     Aurora Village parking lot. A bunch of guys were moved out for trespass and loitering.

3-17     Shoreline Bank employees frightened by man’s loud, angry yelling – in person and on the phone.

3-18     Liquor store at Gateway, 183xx Aurora. Robbery with a knife, stole alcohol. (See full article in the ShorelineAreaNews)

Twilight Zone

3-9      King County 911 Dispatch got a cell phone call. A woman was moaning, then the call was disconnected. Police used mapping systems, IRIS, and Linx to identify the owner of the number and the owner’s address at 25x NW 194th Pl. Police arrived but no one was found.

3-11    Calvary Mission, 15211 15th NE. Someone called 911 and hung up. Police call back got voice mail.

3-11    180xx Aurora. Driver was southbound on Aurora. Heard a loud noise and his windshield cracked.


3-11     Highland Ice Arena, 18005 Aurora, discovered new graffiti tags. The tagger used a signature he had used in the past, when he was arrested and charged by police. Police arrested him again and filed new charges. He was apparently accompanied by other taggers, including one not yet caught who uses the tag “Alter” or “HBC”.

3-13     Richmond Beach Park and Ride. Spray paint and paint pen graffiti.

3-14     185xx 3rd NW. BMW in owner’s driveway. Windshield shattered.

3-16     Hamlin Park. Public art work (brand new!) vandalized.

3-17     Paramount Park skateboard park. Tagger got sign and other places. “Alter”, “Sound” “211PK”.

3-18     Top Foods, 175th & Midvale N. Cut fence wire to get through, apparently just to cover the wall with graffiti, but while they were there, decided to cut the above ground Comcast cable.

3-18     Shorecrest High School. Backpack with laptop computer stolen from classroom while victim was working at the student store.

3-19     11xx NE 155th. Someone threw water bottles through the rear windows of car.

3-19     167xx Burke N. Someone used a BB gun to blow out the windshield of a car parked in the owner’s driveway.

3-20     Rosemont Apartments, 20x Whitman N. Front door vandalized.

The usual

3-11     13xx N 152nd. Car parked at triplex. Someone broke driver’s window and rifled through the glove box.

3-13     Deseret, 17935 Aurora. Purse stolen from shopping cart. (Usually this happens in grocery stores, but apparently thrift stores work just as well. Hint: lock your purse into the basket with the baby strap).

3-18     2xx NW 196th. Mail stolen from mail box with flag up, included bill payments with check enclosed. (Repeat after me: I will take my mail to a post office mailbox.)

3-22     Bus stop by Shoreline Library. Teen-aged girl waiting for bus with purse on bench next to her. Purse stolen by teen-aged boy at same stop.

3-23     183xx Dayton. Car prowls.

The used car lot

3-11     176xx Meridian N. Citizen reported an abandoned car via the hotline.

3-15     25x NW 194th Pl. Abandoned vehicle.

3-17     20xx NW 195th. Car stolen from apartment complex.

3-20     NE 169th and 18th NE. Resident called about car which had been parked a long time. It turned out to be a stolen vehicle.

Cops can spot ‘em

3-11     17xx NE 150th. Cops were on stake-out and ran the plates on a vehicle parked nearby. It came back as a vehicle stolen in Seattle.

3-15     11xx N 185th. Driving While License Revoked.

3-16     145xx 15th NE. Cop ran plate of car ahead of him at stop light. Registered owner had an outstanding warrant.

3-20     Wallingford and N 175th. Driving While License Revoked.

3-20     198xx Aurora. Brake light out. Suspended license. Drugs.

3-22     155xx Aurora. Driving While License Revoked, no vehicle insurance, car impounded.

3-22     170xx Aurora. Ran plates (for no good reason other than something about the car or the driver or the behavior raised the cop’s hackles – and guess what!) Driver had a felony warrant.

3-22     145xx Aurora. Driving While License Suspended.

Relationship therapy by cop

3-12     11xx N 198th. Ex-boyfriend threw a beer bottle at the TV and broke it, then threw it in the dumpster. Followed up by burning ex-girlfriend’s shirt in the fireplace.

3-14     13xx N 150th. Husband threw household items at his wife, and slapped her arm.

3-14     3xx NW 185th. Son arguing with mother. Grabs her by arms and pushes her into the wall.

3-15     201xx Whitman. “Robert” assaulted by two males who punched and kicked him.

3-19     18xx NE 172nd. 18 year old male and father get in argument. 18 year-old arrested and booked for 4th degree assault, malicious mischief 3, and resisting arrest.

3-22     Bank of America. Daughter stole checks from her mother, forged mother’s name and tried to cash them at the bank.

3-22     147xx Brisa Apartments. Ex-boyfriend calls and texts girlfriend with messages meant to harass, intimidate, and annoy.

Just fed up

3-12     NW Richmond Beach Rd. Citizen reported stop light and cross-walk violators, every day, all times.

3-13     148xx Wallingford. High school students using caller’s yard as a shortcut. Damage to the yard. They take down part of the fence to get through more easily.

Drugs, Sex, Rock and Roll –- no, just drugs

3-4       145xx 31st NE. While arresting person on a warrant, police discovered he had marijuana in his pocket. (So why didn’t he keep it in the spice rack like everyone else?)

3-12     195xx Aurora #2. Drunk, fell down stairs, broke out front teeth.

3-16     N 205th & Aurora. Drunk driver collided with other vehicle.

3-22     3xx NW Richmond Beach Rd. Drunk driving. Car impounded.

Petty scams

3-13     Goodwill, 145th and 15th NE. Client returned purchases but forged the receipt to get more money back.

3-15     Sears, 15711 Aurora. Shoplifted $554 worth of merchandise.

3-16     158xx 27th NE. Discovered $873.36 worth of fraudulent charges on credit card.

3-18     Safeway, 153xx Aurora. Stealing beer.

3-19     Shoreline Motel, 157xx Aurora. Manager reported that a guest stayed two days longer than they paid for.

3-19     Radio Shack, 1235 N 205th. Someone opened a packing box with a box cutter and shoplifted items out of the box.

3-21     18xxx Aurora. Metro bus fare evasion.

3-22     165xx Ashworth Ave N. Used forged checks at grocery store.

3-23     Richmond Beach Grill. Customer, a young woman accompanied by an elderly woman in her 80s, skipped without paying for the meal.

Who knows? (Well, someone does and they’re not telling so far)

3-17     18xx NE 170th. Homeowner found garage window broken.

3-22     7xx N 204th. Wife has dementia. Husband is caretaker and sleep deprived. He was napping in front of the TV when someone walked into his house and “obtained money from him via deception.”

Not so good

3-16     195xx Aurora. Molotov cocktail (gasoline in a bottle, then lit) thrown under box van. Van not damaged but visible burn marks on pavement.

3-21     Paramount Park skate park. Young male robbed of iPod nano and cell phone by suspect who lifted his shirt to show a gun in his waistband.

3-21     Kellogg student has been receiving threatening and harassing messages via phone, text, and MySpace page.

A little more serious

3-22     12xx N 155th. Rock through glass front door of laundry and pet care store. Took laptop and tools.

Brightwater Ballinger Portal

By Diane Hettrick

I wondered why a plywood wall had gone up at the site of the Brightwater Ballinger Portal in the Ballinger business district, and why there was a large crane on site.

According to my contact at Brightwater, they are getting ready to remove the tunnel boring machine. Her name is Elizabeth and she has performed flawlessly, digging her tunnel from Point Wells to Ballinger, unlike the other machines with male names. Not that names have anything to do with performance, of course.

My contact says that it will require a very large crane, generators, and other equipment, as the shaft is 220 feet deep. The plywood fence is to reduce noise from the equipment. Wonder how that's working?

Brightwater staff are not sure of the date when removal will begin but should know more soon, and have promised to give me wonderful photos of the removal process.

County Executive to review circumstances of Sunday’s disturbance at King County Jail

Monday, March 29, 2010

From the office of the King County Executive

Department conducting administrative review; Executive thanks Sheriff and Seattle Police for quick response

King County Executive Dow Constantine today said his office will review the findings of an administrative review that is now being conducted by the Department of Adult and Juvenile Detention into Sunday’s disturbance at the King County Jail in downtown Seattle.

“Corrections Officers on duty in the jail acted quickly to contain the situation without injury to inmates or themselves, and I appreciate their work,” said Executive Constantine. “I also thank both the King County Sheriff’s Office and Seattle Police for playing an important role in assisting and securing the scene.”

“Our preliminary review indicates the Corrections Officers on duty acted in an appropriate manner in collaboration with the responding police agencies,” said Acting Deputy Director Herb Myers. “Our focus turns now to the standard administrative review that follows a disturbance such as this.”

Myers said inmates are being questioned to determine the circumstances surrounding the disturbance and whether any underlying situations need to be addressed.

Myers said there was no significant threat of escape due to the many layers of security at the facility. He said there is no information to suggest the incident involved any attempt to escape from the secure facility.

The final report from the department will be sent to the County Executive for his review.

“I will be looking closely at how this incident occurred and whether any further internal security measures need to be put in place,” said Executive Constantine.

Shorecrest drops Thursday softball game at Jackson

The Shorecrest softball team entered its Monday game at Edmonds-Woodway following an 11-0 loss to undefeated Jackson Thursday, March 25 at Jackson High School in Mill Creek.

Jackson’s victory left the Timberwolves tied for first in the Wesco South.

Standings going into Monday's games:

Wesco South softball
Top three 4A to District 1; Fourth 4A to play-in game; All 3A to District 1
Glacier Peak (3A)
Jackson (4A)
Lynnwood (3A)
Edmonds-Woodway (4A)
Meadowdale (3A)
Mountlake Terrace (4A)
Shorewood (4A)
Kamiak (4A)
Mariner (4A)
Shorecrest (3A)

Spartan Irish Dancers perform at Seattle Center

From Mary Anne Kelly, Spartan Recreation Center Manager

Over 35 Irish dancers from the Shoreline Parks and Recreation program performed at the Seattle Center on St. Patrick’s Day. 

Instructor Peggy O’Toole Weber, coordinated and choreographed their performance to a large audience as part of Seattle’s Irish Week festivities.

The dancers meet weekly at the Spartan Recreation Center.

New classes for youth ages 6-10 years will start up again April 7.

For more information, contact the Spartan Recreation Center at 206-801-2600 or check the website

Photos courtesy Mary Anne Kelly

Possible garbage strike on Thursday

The Teamsters' Union is currently in talks with Allied Waste and Waste Management about its new contract period. If an agreement cannot be reached by Thursday, there is a the possibility of a garbage strike for Lake Forest Park.

Shoreline contracts with CleanScapes for its garbage, recycling and yard waste services. CleanScapes' contract with the Teamsters is on a different schedule, so Shoreline would not be involved in a strike.

Here's the statement from media contact John Taylor of CleanScapes about Shoreline.
We understand that workers represented by Teamsters Locals 117 and 174 may engage in labor actions over the next several days as part of their collective bargaining process with Waste Management and Allied Waste Services.

We respect the collective bargaining process and certainly hope the parties are able to successfully reach agreement without a job action. As we are not a party to the talks we will not comment on the negotiations. CleanScapes has a bargaining agreement with the Teamsters that remains in effect through March, 2011.
CleanScapes’ operations may be affected due to picket lines at transfer stations and other related facilities. Our management team has contingency plans and is monitoring the situation. We will do everything we can to minimize any impact or disruption to our customers.

Lake Forest Park contracts with Allied Waste Services of Bellevue. Allied merged with Rabanco some years ago and recently merged with Republic. Their corporate office is in Arizona, but their local customer service in Bellevue says that talks will continue until Thursday of this week. If Teamsters strike, Allied will put management in the trucks and continue pick-up services. They will put news on their website (which defaults to Rabanco).
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