
Sunday, January 24, 2010

To the Editor: School District denied the community a full airing of the issues

While I appreciate the concept of saving taxpayers' money, the official King County Voters' Pamphlet is the publication that most voters turn to, especially for these special elections. In addition to offering voters the text of the actual measure, the Voters' Pamphlet also allows for arguments for AND against the measures, giving voters a fuller picture of what they are being asked to approve or reject.

This is a significant issue for the Shoreline/Lake Forest Park area, as we no longer have a local publication to assist in informing residents of the issues before them. By only using a mass mailing from the school district that most people will not even recognize as voter information, the community has been denied a rigorous debate about the measures in this special election - particularly the bond measure for Shorewood and Shorecrest.

I truly hope that the Shoreline School Board was ONLY thinking about saving district funds. Even if that is the case, they have denied the community a full airing of the issues by failing to include ballot information in the King County Voters' Pamphlet, with arguments for and against included.

Carolyn Armanini
Lake Forest Park