To the Editor: Let's save history in Shoreline
Sunday, January 3, 2010
I am hoping you can take the opportunity soon to publicize the peril that the Shoreline Historical Museum is in.
The upcoming School Levy/Bond election and plan by the School District to rebuild the Shorewood HS is a huge threat to the existence of the Museum. As you know the Museum is a rare cultural asset and treasure for Shoreline, Lake Forest Park and the region. It was founded in 1976 in the now Landmarked Ronald School. It contains the history of our communities and should be a key part of our Town Center plan. An yet amazingly, the Shoreline School District which owns the property, apparently doesn’t recognize the implicit value of the Museum and teaching history as relevant to their future.
Part of the problem for this Museum and Ronald School, is that the School District seems to value student parking more than it values living history. Their plan for the new Shorewood includes removal of huge trees, adding huge student parking lots and “incorporating” the Ronald School into its remodel. Unfortunately, this will relegate the Museum to the basement or worse, and mean that the historic building will be stripped inside of its actual integrity to possibly house a “library” or “district offices”. Some think the real plan is to just tear down the building because, Whoops! it costs too much to save.
NOW is your chance to highlight the plight of the Museum and the responsibility of the voters. This is a very real threat, as you know.
How many more historic places in Shoreline will be lost to “Progress”? We’ve already lost many such as, Red Brick Road, Navy Administration Building at Fircrest, Weiman House. What other places are threatened? Museum, Masonic Hall, The Crest, Firlands Buildings at CRISTA??
Who will save the heart and soul of Shoreline? Let’s save history in Shoreline!
Also, you might be interested in my new blog "Of Paramount Importance" started yesterday. I've posted my letter about our new committee to defend the Shoreline Historical Museum.
Janet Way