Shorewood video segement on Rachael Ray show
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
Shorewood High School video production teacher Marty Ballew and student Javier Caceres appeared on a segment of “Rachael Ray” on Monday, January 18. Ballew and Caceres traveled to New York City for the show’s taping, and a film crew from “Rachael Ray” came to Shorewood on January 8.
They have the best explanation so far of how the SW crew managed to film and sing backwards.
Watch the Rachael Ray show segment on the making of the Shorewood video
But if you haven't seen the videos yet - watch them first.
Shorecrest "Hey-Ya" has over 298,000 hits
Watch the Shorecrest video on YouTube
Shorewood "You Make my Dreams Come True" has over 793,000 hits
Watch the Shorewood High School video on YouTube
The Shoreline School District website has links to all the media coverage.