
Friday, January 22, 2010

Free Winter Concert

On Saturday, January 23 at 7 pm in the Richmond Beach Congregational Church UCC Sanctuary, there will be a Piano Concert featuring pianist Elizabeth Morgan. This performance is free to all and open to the public.

A native of San Francisco, Ms. Morgan grew up studying piano with Sharon Mann. She was teaching assistant to David Dubal at The Juilliard School and radio host of Tuesday Morning Classical on WKCR, 89.9 FM, New York, for two years. Ms. Morgan graduated from the University of California, Los Angeles, in the spring of 2009 with a PhD in historical musicology. She is currently completing a Doctorate of Musical Arts in piano performance, also at UCLA, and living in San Francisco.

The performance is called “The Virtuous Virtuoso.” It is a conversational recital program of works taken from Jane Austen’s collection of keyboard music. The recital will include some talking in-between pieces, where Elizabeth will tell the audience about the accomplished woman in the late Georgian and Regency periods, and talk briefly about Jane Austen and her relationship to music. Read more about Elizabeth Morgan on her website.

The church is at 1512 NW 195th on the corner of 15th NW and Richmond Beach Rd. 

Photos from Elizabeth Morgan website