Driftwood Players present Tom Stoppard's Arcadia

Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays at 8:00 pm
Sundays at 2:00 pm
$23 General Admission
$20 Junior/Senior/Military (18 and under, 60 and over)
For tickets, call 425-774-9600 or purchase on-line
The Production
Driftwood's production of Arcadia is set in Sidley Park, an English country house, in the years 1809-1812 and today, juxtaposing the activities of two modern scholars and the house's current residents with the lives of those who lived there 180 years earlier.
In 1809, Thomasina Coverly, the daughter of the house, is a precocious teenager with ideas about mathematics well ahead of her time. She studies with her tutor, Septimus Hodge, a friend of Lord Byron (who is an unseen guest in the house). Back in our own time, a writer and an academic converge on the house: Hannah Jarvis, the writer, is investigating a hermit who once lived on the grounds; Bernard Nightingale, a professor of literature, is investigating a mysterious chapter in the life of Byron. As their investigations unfold, helped by Valentine Coverly, a post-graduate student in mathematical biology, the truth about what happened in 1809 is gradually revealed.
The play's set features a large table, which is used by the characters in both 1809 and 2010. Props are not removed when the play switches time period, so that the books, coffee mugs, quill pens, portfolios, and laptop computers of 1809 and today appear alongside each other in a blurring of past and present.
Critical Acclaim
The London Times, reviewing the first production, praised the "perfect marriage of ideas and high comedy," but for some the ideas overwhelmed the comedy: "...too clever by about two-and-three-quarters. "One comes away instructed with more than one can usefully wish to know..." noted The Daily Mail.
The transfer to the West End (London's Broadway), after eight months, gave an opportunity for re-appraisal and The Daily Telegraph commented: "I have never left a play more convinced that I had just witnessed a masterpiece".
Vincent Canby of The New York Times described the play as "Tom Stoppard's richest, most ravishing comedy to date, a play of wit, intellect, language, brio and, new for him, emotion." Read more...
Shoreline Police blotter 1-7 to 1-19-2010 - crime in neighborhoods
During the period 1-7 through 1-19-2010, Shoreline police investigated these neighborhood crimes. Please note that addresses are given for the block, not the specific address of the incident.
1-7 A sister stole her brother's cell phone and pawned it in Shoreline. He found it at the pawn shop and called the police.
North City
1-11 Kellogg Middle School. Suspect followed a Kellogg student as she walked to school.
1-16 17500 8th Ave NE. Outboard motor stolen - probably by someone known to victim.
1-17 Park Place Apartments, 18200 15th Ave NE. Radio stolen from locked vehicle. Thief probably used a Slim Jim.
1-18 1600 NE 169th Perp entered through unlocked front door, kicked in bedroom door and assaulted victim.
Echo Lake
1-11 19000 3rd Ave NE. Front door damaged by forced entry attempt. Deadbolt lock broken and door jam torn up with a pry bar.
1-17 Soccer fields by Shoreline Pool. Backpack stolen from side lines of soccer field. Cell phone, wallet, keys.
1-17 Shoreline Park by Shoreline Pool. Items taken from unlocked car.
1-17 180 N 190th (down the street from Shoreline Pool). Car prowl. Car was locked. Rummaged but nothing taken.
1-12 15000 Wallingford Ave. Car window shattered.
Meridian Park
1-12 16700 Corliss Ave N. Larceny
Richmond Highlands
1-13 17800 Linden Ave N. 1990 jeep Cherokee stolen from in front of house.
1-17 Highland West Apartments. Car broken into. Driver's side window broken.
1-19 18000 3rd Ave NW. Repeated eggings.
1-14 800 NW 205th St. Car prowl. Car in home driveway. Items taken.
Highland Terrace
1-14 400 NW 163rd St. Theft of box from front porch.
1-17 14700 Bothell Way. Briza Apartments. Suspected drug dealing.
Evan Smith: Time for single-member legislative districts
After this year’s census, Washington and every other state will have to redraw the boundaries for its legislative and congressional districts.
A bipartisan commission will meet next year to draw lines to create “substantially equal” districts, in line with U.S. Supreme Court decisions.
Before the commission starts poring over census data, let’s change the law under which they draw legislative districts.
Now, we divide the State into 49 legislative districts, each with one senator and two representatives.
Instead, let’s continue to give each of the 49 districts one senator but let’s divide each of those districts into two representative districts
That way, each senator would represent one forty-ninth of the State and each member of the House of Representatives would represent one ninety-eighth of the State.
Under current population estimates, each senator would represent about 136,000 people and each House member would represent about 68,000 people.
This would be particularly important in Northeast Washington, where one senator and two House members represent three counties.
With House members representing fewer people, they would be closer to the voters, and candidates would have to campaign in a smaller area at lower costs. Now, senators and House members represent the same people. With single-member House districts, they would represent different constituencies.
Shoreline Police blotter 1-7 to 1-19-2010
by Diane Hettrick
During a 12 day period in January, here are some of the things our Shoreline police spent their time on:
- Several people driving drunk or stoned and/or with drugs in the car.
- Working with the Shoreline Customer Response Team, police investigated eight abandoned vehicles, most of which were stolen in Seattle and left on Shoreline streets.
- Three people died at home and the police were called.
- 17 cases of threats, stalking, violation of restraining orders, expelled students showing up on campus, juvenile runaways, family fights, and several suicidal residents.
- One person was so unwise as to spit at a deputy when he was being questioned.
- A teenaged girl woke up half-naked at a party and reported rape.
Businesses in Shoreline came in for more than their share of crime:
- Goodwill - a female shoplifter was stashing items in her purse. She seems to be known by name to the store personnel.
- Rite Aid at Ballinger Village - a vehicle in the parking area was broken into and items were stolen.
- 24-Hour Fitness at Ballinger Village - a patron had items stolen from an unlocked locker.
- Walgreens at 17524 Aurora - three juveniles shoplifted bottles of cologne.
- Fortune Cafe at 14725 Aurora - windows broken with a rock.
- Everest Chicken at 14561 Bothell Way - window smashed with a rock, but no entry to the premises.
- 24-Hour Fitness at Ballinger Village - a few days after the first incident - this time someone picked the lock and stole items from a locked locker.
- Costco - larceny.
- Public Storage at 200065 15th Ave NE - locks were cut off three units - unknown at that time what was stolen.
- Public business at 18300 Aurora - shoplifting.
- SeaShore Mini Mart - broke glass door with rock. Stole a lighter.
- North City Elementary - cell phone stolen from unlocked car.
- Shoreline Health at 2818 NE 145th - stolen license plates.
For this same time period, see Crime in the Neighborhoods Read more...
Evan Smith: We need a new approach to voters’ pamphlets
Commentary / Evan Smith
We’ve all seen complaints here and elsewhere about the Shoreline School ballot measures’ absence from the voters’ pamphlet.
The explanation is that the District would have had to pay its share of printing and distribution of the local edition of the pamphlets, three-fourths of which went to people outside the District.
Instead, the District sent its own mailing titled “Facts – Shoreline School District Levy and Bond Propositions.” This was more cost effective than the voters’ pamphlet, but it lacked the credibility of the pamphlet, with its explanatory statements, fiscal statements, statements from groups favoring and opposing each measure and rebuttals of the statements favoring and opposing each measure.
Also, a publication from the elections office has an appearance of credibility that something with the School District logo can never have.
The County sends the pamphlets by ZIP code because it costs less to have the pamphlets delivered to “Residential Customers” in the specified ZIP codes than it does to mail pamphlets to registered voters' addresses.
Instead, for special elections, let’s have the County prepare individualized voters’ pamphlets that it would mail with ballots. I know this is possible because it happened 15 years ago when Shoreline incorporated. A voters’ guide with statements from every candidate for the interim city council came with the ballots.
An alternative would be an on-line voters’ pamphlet. Every ballot would come with instructions on finding the individualized on-line voters’ pamphlets. Counties already have a way for voters to get an individualized on-line sample ballot. You can type an address and get a sample ballot for someone at that address. Let’s use a similar system for voters’ pamphlet material.
Either of my proposals would cost a jurisdiction like the School District less than paying for printing and distributing pamphlets to everyone in seven ZIP codes, four of which are completely outside the District and the other three partially in the District and partially outside the District. At the same time, they would have the credibility that comes with the County voters’ pamphlet.
An on-line voters’ pamphlet would have another advantage. Groups could amend their statements. This year, a voters’ pamphlet sent Jan. 20 would have had a statement opposing the bond issue coming from the Save-the-Museum group.
If the pamphlet material were on line, the group could have amended its statement after its agreement with the School District. It would have said that as a result of an agreement between the Museum board and the School District, “this group now supports the bond.”
An amended on-line pamphlet could have a statement from a new opposition group.
Highland Terrace pancake breakfast, open house, and book fair
All families and alumni are invited.
Photo courtesy of the Shoreline School District.
Shoreline Bank under regulatory oversight
Per a January 29 article in the Seattle Times, by Times business reporter Drew DeSilver,
Shoreline Bank is the latest Washington community bank to come under closer regulatory oversight, the Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. disclosed Friday.
In a consent order issued by the FDIC and the state Department of Financial Institutions, Shoreline Bank was ordered to raise its capital ratios, reduce problem loans, lower its concentration of construction and land development loans and set aside more money to cover expected loan losses.
With respect to a statement about the regulatory oversight matter, I refer you to our Bank web site. On the financial information page I articulated some thoughts back in November that are still relevant today. I would add the following.
Our Board, management and staff have been engaged in a series of action steps over the past year to address the the severe decline in real estate values resulting from the weakness in the residential construction industry. These steps have been formalized in the improvement plan referred to as a "Consent Order." The Order was entered into in late December 2009 between Shoreline Bank, the FDIC and the State Department of Financial Institutions (DFI).
The Order addresses the need for more capital, reduction in the amount of troubled loans and concentration in construction, maintaining strong cash liquidity and returning to Bank profitability over time. These will be areas of continued and serious focus during the coming year.
We have made significant progress reducing exposure in our construction and development loans. During 2009 we reduced this category by $36.5 million. We have a lot more work to do since real estate values are still weak.
I will add that bank customer deposits are safe and fully FDIC insured up to $250,000 per account holder. In fact, significantly more than this amount can be insured and we can help customers work with the FDIC guidelines on this matter.
Shoreline Bank is a community business. We appreciate the continued support of our customers, local shareholders and the community at large. We need help if we are to succeed with the improvement plan for 2010. We welcome new deposit accounts. Local deposits help us reinvest in this community. We also need to raise capital during 2010 and more information about this will be forthcoming later this spring.
Jeff Lewis
President and CEO
Shoreline Bank
Comments on stories in the ShorelineAreaNews
We encourage the thoughtful sharing of information and ideas. We expect comments to be civil and respectful, with no personal attacks or offensive language. We reserve the right to delete any comment. In other words, please be polite and use common sense.
That said, we'd love to hear your opinions on local news stories, and feedback on how we can best serve the Shoreline and Lake Forest Park areas.
If you receive the News by email or RSS feed to your browser page, click on the story title to read or make comments.
Bellevue Sweeps SCC Basketball on Saturday
The Bellevue College basketball teams sweep Shoreline CC on Saturday at Bellevue College. The SCC men's teams dropped a 86-83 game to the Bulldogs while the BC women dominated the Shoreline women's team, 70-40.
The SCC men's squad was up by two at half-time, 46-44, but Bellevue was able to pull out the game in the second half using their bench scoring as the BC bench outscored the SCC bench, 22-4 in the game. Sean Jones, playing with a dislocated finger on his shooting hand, led SCC with 22 points, Jesse Vaughan added 21. Alfie Miller and Shawn West added 17 and 15 respectively to round out the Dolphins double-figure scoring.
The SCC men fall to 13-4 overall, 7-2 in the NWAACC Northern Region. Both region losses are to Bellevue. Shoreline still leads the region by 1 game over Bellevue and North Seattle who are 5-3 in the region. SCC plays again on Saturday, February 6 against Olympic College in the SCC Gym.
The Shoreline women's basketball team could not overcome turnovers against the Lady Bulldogs. Bellevue scored 47 of their points off turnovers as SCC could only muster 17 first half points. Ana Haberman led Shoreline with 17 points, while Lynsey Sandum added 15.
The Lady Dolphins are 1-16 on the year, 0-9 in the region. Bellevue is tied for the lead in the region, with a 13-6 overall record, 8-1 in the region. SCC hosts Olympic College on Saturday, February 6, at 2 pm in the SCC Gym.
SCC Men's Basketball Team Continues Balanced Attack
SCC's Haberman #2 Scorer In the NWAACC, Leader In The North Region
Saturday, January 30, 2010
Photo by Wilson Tsoi
Prolific commercial burglars arrested by Shoreline police
by Sgt. Katie Larson, Shoreline Police
Thanks to an observant citizen in the Richmond Beach neighborhood two prolific commercial burglars have been arrested.
Photo by Steven H. Robinson
Seattle Musical Theatre presents Company by Stephen Sondheim
Book by George Furth
Music and lyrics by Stephen Sondheim
February 12 – 28, 2010
Fridays & Saturdays at 8:00 pm
Sundays at 2:00 pm
Thursday February 25 at 7:30 pm
Set in New York, Sondheim's groundbreaking musical Company tells the story of five couples and their mutual friend Robert who, at age 35, is reluctant to settle down and get married like the rest of his friends. He’s sure that the perfect girl is waiting for him, and until she makes herself known, he is content to amuse himself with the countless women who come to New York every day. So, he watches and learns from the various couples and sees both the wonders and pitfalls of relationships. In the end though, Robert realizes that while relationships rarely turn out like they do in fairy tales, life is still better when you have someone to share it with.
7400 Sand Point Way, Seattle 98115
Tickets $25 - 35
(Ticket Information) or call (206) 363-2809 for tickets
Seattle Musical Theatre - quality entertainment close to home

Years ago, my husband and I had tickets to five theatre seasons a year. From our home near the Snohomish county line we could hop on the freeway and be at a Queen Anne theatre in 15 minutes. As time went by, travel time took longer, parking was more expensive and difficult, and the quality of the plays seemed to diminish. One by one, we dropped our season tickets.
Later, downtown Seattle opened theatres with touring companies of New York shows. The quality was excellent, but prices were high, parking expensive and difficult, and the commute was not any better, so we never got into the habit.
Now there is a local option, specializing in musical theatre - the Seattle Musical Theatre. The SMT began life in 1975 as the Civic Light Opera. After the first two seasons, they realized that their patrons wanted musicals rather than operettas. In 2006, they changed their name to reflect their productions.
In 2008, they signed a long-term lease with the Seattle Parks Department and the City of Seattle for a facility in Magnuson Park at 7400 Sand Point Way NE. It's a safe environment with ample free parking. It took us 15 minutes to get to the theatre from our home, and 15 minutes from the theatre to Lake Forest Park Commons for a cup of coffee after the show.
The theatre itself is a comfortable size, 425 seats, with a sharply slanted floor so that all seats have clear sight lines. Acoustics and sound are excellent. It's very plain, but the SMT has a fund drive running for planned upgrades.
Their season runs September to May. There are two productions left this year. Company, a Stephen Sondheim musical, runs from February 12 - 28 and 100 in the shade runs May 7 - 23, 2010. For information and tickets call the box office at 206-363-2809 or visit them on the web. Read more...
Evan Smith: Is cost really not a factor in the School-Museum settlement?
After I wrote a few days ago that cost isn’t a factor in the settlement between the School District and the Shoreline Historical Museum, I got a comment from a reader.
I had noted that the $1.5 million that the District will spend to move the old Ronald School building for the Museum is no more than the School District would have had to spend to retrofit the building under its earlier plan to incorporate the building into a rebuilt Shorewood High School.
The reader said this:
“If the district were just to leave the Museum as it is and build on the rest of the campus, that $1.5 million would be available for education. It’s all in the spin.”
Tweedy and Pop - Ace Hardware in Richmond Highlands

Store photos by Steven H. Robinson.

Our reporter says, "I talked with the staff and they were helpful. They did not have something in stock and offered to order the item once their supplier has them in stock. I noticed they have two stores, the other one is in Wallingford. They had a large selection of tools and supplies.
I was surprised to find a custom framing area in the store."
Panel discussion on Point Wells
Friday, January 29, 2010
During the first part of the meeting, panelists introduced themselves and spoke academically about the Point Wells development. The second part was facilitated by Richmond Beach Community Association Board Member Jack Malek where audience members wrote out questions for the different panelists to answer. The conclusion to the meeting was an informal meet and greet among audience and panelists.
Discussions and neighborhood concerns predominantly centered on traffic. Other concerns regarded tax base for the community and decision making as to how big the project can get.
The meeting was civil and neighbors seemed to prefer a direct and unfiltered access to expert panelists. The panelists also seemed to appreciate the format and the opportunity to communicate directly with the community to share updates and information.
Photo by Rick Ashelman. Story information from Jack Malek and Sheri Ashelman Read more...
Legislative Update from Rep. Ruth Kagi - Week 3
We have finished the third week of session. The days are long, but the time is passing quickly.
This week I was joined by many elected officials and staff from the cities of Lake Forest Park, Shoreline, Kenmore and Kirkland. We talked about issues that are affecting local communities and how we can partner together to accomplish common goals.
Law-Enforcement Update
After the shootings, Gov. Chris Gregoire brought together police, prosecutors and corrections officers to discuss how we could better take care of police families and close loopholes in the system that allowed Maurice Clemmons to get out of jail.
The task force came out with recommendations and proposed legislation that we are supporting in the House. Among the ideas that we expect to vote on next week:
Helping the children and families of fallen officers and firefighters
House Bill 2519 by Rep. Tami Green (D-Lakewood) does two important things:
1) It removes the requirement that police officers and firefighters serve for 10 years before their family qualifies for benefits if they die in the line of duty.
2) It gives the children and surviving spouses of officers who die in the line of duty free tuition to public colleges and universities in Washington state, so they can get an education and rebuild their lives.
House Bill 1679 by Rep. Geoff Simpson (D-Covington) gives police officers and firefighters better catastrophic disability insurance, providing for their families if they are injured or maimed in the line of duty.
Closing loopholes that helped Lakewood shooter Maurice Clemmons get out of jail
House Bill 2625 by Rep. Troy Kelley (D-Lakewood) eliminates the practice of letting offenders post bail on the weekends according to a set schedule, without seeing a judge, as Clemmons did.
House Bill 3056 by Rep. Kirk Pearson (R-Monroe) creates public safety conditions for judges to consider prior to withholding bail for an accused offender
House Bill 2932 by Rep. Troy Kelley (D-Lakewood) improves how our criminal justice system handles mentally ill offenders.
House Bill 2781 by Rep. Christopher Hurst (D-Enumclaw) adds a one-year mandatory sentence for offenders who assault a law enforcement officer, as Clemmons did, while on community custody.
No law can guarantee that a determined criminal will not hurt or kill a police officer. If that were possible, we would do it. But we have listened to police officers, prosecutors and corrections officers, and we agree that these are common-sense reforms that can patch holes in our criminal justice system, better protect the police officers who protect our families every day – and take care of the families of fallen police officers and firefighters who die doing their duty.
Best regards,
Ruth Kagi
Fire Sirens January 29, 2010
Shoreline Fire Sirens
by Melanie Granfors,
Public Information Officer
Here’s a look at 24 hours of 9-1-1 calls this week:
02:13 Male, 87, rapid heart rate.
06:58 Female, 100, fall at a nursing home.
09:41 Automatic Fire Alarm at multi family residence, false alarm.
10:15 Female, 48, chest pain.
12:18 Female, 46, knee pain and cannot walk.
12:58 Male walks into Fire Headquarters with dislocated shoulder.
14:00 Infant, 12 months, febrile seizure.
15:23 Female, 59 severe abdominal pain and fever.
16:53 Three vehicle crash at 15th NE and Ballinger Way
17:14 Male, 53, cardiac emergency.
17:32 Two vehicle crash on Southbound I-5 at NE 175th.
18:06 Infant, 12 months, ran into wall…possible head injury.
18:27 Male, 50 possibly fainted and fell in Parker’s poker room.
20:20 Female, 85, Fall at home.
20:32 Male, 24, out of control, reported overdose.
00:44 Female, 80, medical alert alarm for elderly female. Unknown emergency.
03:39 Male, 55 outside of Echo Lake Apartments complaining of being cold.
03:48 Female, 37 abdominal pain and fever.
10:31 Automatic Fire Alarm at Department of Transportation building. False alarm.
11:43 Female, 53, said to be a victim of domestic abuse, needs police and fire.
12:09 Automatic fire alarm, smell of smoke in an apartment. Overheated vacuum cleaner.
Have a question about Shoreline Fire? Email our Public Information Officer or call 206-533-6564.
Lake Forest Park Physical Therapy grand opening
Paula R. Johnson, PT, owner of Lake Forest Park Physical Therapy, enjoyed a welcome from the Shoreline Chamber of Commerce at their Grand Opening Thursday evening January 28.
A privately owned clinic that has been in the Lake Forest Park area for over 25 years, Lake Forest Park Physical Therapy recently moved to a larger facility in Shoreline. Along with being a Physical Therapist, Paula also is a Certified Hellerwork Practitioner, which consists of systematic realignment and balancing of the body, utilizing myofascial release and postural reeducation.
Over 35 people showed up to enjoy food, wine, music and light hearted celebration. It was literally a community event with former Mayor Ryu giving a welcome speech, Stellar Event Rentals of Shoreline providing a tent and heater and Jan Doran Faulds of Groovie Impressions offering to provide shuttle service between overflow parking at Thriftway and the clinic.
The clinic is located at 20011 Ballinger Way NE in the same complex as Shoreline Bank. To find out more about Paula R. Johnson, PT and the clinic go to the Lake Forest Park PT website. Read more...
SCC Men's Basketball Wins, Women Lose Against Everett
The Shoreline Community College Men's Basketball Team defeated Everett Community College on Wednesday night, 96-82. The win pushes SCC's record to 13-3 overall and 7-1 in the NWAACC Northern Region. SCC finishes the first half of the region schedule in first place by two games over Bellevue, North Seattle, Peninsula and Whatcom who all stand at 5-3 for the first half.
Jesse Vaughan led the Dolphins with 32 points and 13 rebounds. Alfie Miller added 17, Shawn West 15 and Ryan McCorkle 15 in the winning effort.
The men's squad returns to the court on Saturday at Bellevue College, the only team to defeat Shoreline in the first half of the season. Bellevue posted a 85-69 victory over SCC on January 2 in the SCC Gym.
The Lady Dolphins played Everett CC tough but lost 52-41. The Women's Squad is 1-15 on the year and 0-8 in the region.
Ana Haberman scored 21 points with 15 rebound for SCC and Lynsey Sandum added 17 for SCC.
The Lady Dolphins return to the court on Saturday night at Bellevue at 4 pm.
Photos by Wilson Tsoi.
Fairley recognized for contribution to Dairy Farmers
Senator Fairley was recognized for her outstanding legislative efforts and dedication on behalf of the Dairy Farmers of Washington, particularly her continued efforts to work with the dairy industry and other agricultural groups on their efforts to standardize the permitting cost and procedures for Agricultural Building structures.
“Normally, a person who lives in a heavily metropolitan area would not be involved in farm issues. However, fair is fair,” Fairley said. “Some counties have been tacking on large permit fees for machinery sheds and other outbuildings. Counties should not use farmers as their cash cow, pun intended, to pay for other county services. Many other states don’t even have permit fees for these types of farm structures.”Read more...
SC Boosters' Dueling Decades Dance
Thursday, January 28, 2010
Shoreline Compass Center for homeless veterans
The Shoreline Compass Center, located across from Aurora Village in the Echo Lake neighborhood, is a 25 bed facility for honorably discharged, homeless veterans, many with drug and alcohol problems. The Center houses 21 men and 4 women in a two-year program which provides intensive case management services. It is staffed by three case managers and one house manager.. The Center works closely with the VA Hospital as well as the VA Benefits division. Most of the residents are served in some capacity at the VA Hospital.
The goal of the program is to help the residents resolve their addiction issues and learn to live on their own as contributing citizens. Residents have individual and group counseling as well as computer classes in the Center's computer lab. After graduation from the two year program, residents are moved into their own apartment and return to the Center for ongoing counseling.
The Center provides two community meals a week, on Thursday and Sunday evenings and welcomes community groups who are able to provide a meal for the residents on either a one-time or on-going basis.
Residents graduate every month and new veterans move in.
The community can help with donations. Socks and hygiene kits are always welcome. Residents who graduate and move to apartments are starting with nothing and need everything to set up housekeeping, such as pots, pans, silverware, dishes, towels, sheets, The Center does not have room to store furniture, but small pieces might be appropriate. Basic clothing in very good condition would be appreciated.
For more information, contact Tracy Jones, Program Manager, at 206-357-3282 or email. Read more...
Citizens for Shoreline Schools Campaign kick-off
Pictured: "Mr. Shoreline," Wes Brandon, in his Shorecrest kilt and Shorewood colors and "Mr. Shorewood" principal Bill Dunbar. Read more...
To the Editor: Your vote will determine the future of the Museum
We at the Shoreline Historical Museum are pleased to have negotiated an agreement with the School District, that when fully implemented, will assure the long-term future of the Museum. For this to be realized there are many steps to be completed and much work to be done.
But before any of that happens, Proposition #2, the School Construction Bond Issue, must be approved by 60% of the voters. Until that happens, the entire agreement is not in force. The election that ends on February 9, 2010 is the key to the Museum's and the School District's entire plan. We at the Museum are glad to have the agreement, and we strongly support passage of Proposition #2. The voters are deciding on the future of the Museum as well as the two High Schools when they vote in this election.
Vicki Stiles, Executive Director
Henry Reed, President, Board of Trustees
Shoreline Historical Museum
School district responds to questions about "voters' pamphlet"
By Craig Degginger, PIO, Shoreline Schools

Voters pamphlets are not provided by King County for special elections--and must be paid for by the District.
King County could not tell jurisdictions back in November what the cost would be.
Given the agreement in principle with the museum, the information would likely have been outdated since it would have been printed in December.
Bellevue, Northshore, Issaquah, Mercer Island and Lake Washington school districts and other jurisdictions also did not request to be a part of the pamphlet. We mailed out our factual brochure to all households in the District earlier this month. It is available on our website.
The voters pamphlet was to be mailed to large areas outside Shoreline and Lake Forest Park, despite being paid for by the District.
To the Editor: Bond measure gives School Board too much discretion
The wording of the proposed school bond gives far too much discretion to the Shoreline School Board. It is not clear whether the School Board intends to modernize or to replace one or both high schools. How will the School Board decide? There is a substantial difference in costs between modernization and replacement of one or both high schools. Does either school need replacement, or is this a make-work project of benefit to architects, engineers, contractors, etc.?
This bond also authorizes the School Board to "acquire land such as is necessary for such modernization or replacement." No justification for this is provided. Why is such land purchase necessary? Are sprawling school sites advisable? Does the School Board have a hidden agenda?
The final statement in this bond measure deserves very close scrutiny, since it calls for the School Board’s being able to levy annual excess property taxes to pay for this school bond. The actual cost of the school bond is $2.46/$1,000 assessed value (2010). What will this pay for? While both the levy which replaces expiring educational programs, maintenance and operations, and the levy for technology improvements deserve voter approval (at a cost of $2.83/$1,000 assessed value) the school bond asks too much from voters without giving clear information on what they will get.
Given the continuing loss of jobs and lowered incomes, many Shoreline folk will find it hard to pay for the two levies which should have voter approval. But the proposed school bond needs to be rewritten so that voters know what the School Board has in mind and what voters will get for their hard earned tax dollars.
Gini Paulsen
Campaign in the Rain - Vote Yes for Shoreline Schools
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Shoreline Mayor Keith McGlashan on CNN Headline News
On January 14, Sabrina Register interviewed Shoreline Mayor Keith McGlashan for Comcast Newsmakers that airs on CNN Headline News, channel 45 throughout Western Washington. The interview primarily focused on Aurora. Mayor McGlashan also talked about the budget and the Parks Bond.
The interview is available from the home page of the City’s website, or on YouTube.
Below is the broadcast schedule for Mayor McGlashan’s interview.
12:20 PM 1/28/2010
8:50 AM 1/30/2010
1:20 PM 1/31/2010
7:50 AM 2/2/2010
12:50 PM 2/3/2010
8:50 AM 2/5/2010
1:20 PM 2/6/2010
7:50 AM 2/8/2010
1:20 PM 2/9/2010
7:50 AM 2/11/2010
1:20 PM 2/12/2010
7:50 AM 2/14/2010
12:20 PM 2/15/2010
8:50 AM 2/17/2010
Evan Smith: Cost not a factor in School-Museum settlement
Commentary Follow-up / Evan Smith
Although the Shoreline School District will pay $1.5 million to move the Ronald School building under its settlement with the Shoreline Historical Museum, the arrangement won’t cost the District any extra money.
That $1.5 million is no more than the School District would have had to spend to retrofit the 98-year-old building under its earlier plan to incorporate the building into a rebuilt Shorewood High School.
Museum board member Bob Phelps told me Wednesday that standards for school construction are more stringent and expensive than are standards for other public buildings.
Friends of the Richmond Beach Library celebrate 100 years
In 1911 the first library building was constructed by the community at 2402 NW 195th Place; the doors opened in 1912. The library joined the King County Library System in 1943, and was replaced by the library in the Richmond Beach Community Park in 2001. The number of items checked out each year continues to increase-in 2009 the annual circulation was over 222,000.

Photos, top to bottom: RB Library 1987. RB 1962. Moving the children's book collection 2001. Courtesy of RB Library. Read more...
Evan Smith: Last chance to register to vote
By Evan Smith
ShorelineAreaNews Politics Writer
Monday, February 1, is the last chance for new Washington voters to register to vote in the February 9 special election.
Only new Washington voters can register this close to an election, and they must do it in person at the County elections office in Tukwila. The deadline for previously registered voters to change their registration addresses and for mail and online registration was January 11.
Any new voter can use the accessible voting machines at the elections headquarters or can get a mail-in ballot to either mark and drop on the spot or take home for mailing or for dropping at drop sites in Bellevue, Tukwila or downtown Seattle. They also can get ballots sent to their homes.
Mailed ballots must be sent so that they get postmarked on or before Election Day. Drop boxes close at 8 pm Election Day.
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