
Thursday, November 12, 2009

Tell students about your job

Shorewood High School is looking for community volunteers to tell students about their jobs as part of a classroom panel.  The goal is to connect students to the work world by letting them hear about a variety of jobs and careers.  Volunteers would spend about 45 minutes on a Monday, Wednesday, or Friday morning.

Types of questions volunteers might be asked include:
  • Overall, do you like your job? Why and/or why not?
  • What's a brief summary of your job?
  • How did you end up with your job/career?
  • If you could do high school, college and/or job training over again, what would you change?
  • Are there one or two other jobs/careers you happen to know about, perhaps through friends or family that you think would interest students?
  • In your opinion, what makes a job or career satisfying?
For more information, contact Pam Richards, Shorewood Counselor, at 206-361-4383 or email