
Saturday, November 28, 2009

Public hearing on Point Wells December 3

A public hearing on the Point Wells Subarea Plan and Pre-Annexation Zoning Regulations will be held by the Shoreline Planning Commission on December 3, at 7:00 p.m. in the Mt. Rainier Room of the Shoreline Conference Center, at 18560 1st Ave NE.

The hearing will provide opportunity for public input, feedback, and concerns The packet of information from the Planning Commission can be downloaded directly from the city of Shoreline website.

The packet summarizes information related to the site, the process and issues with Snohomish County and the Richmond Beach neighborhood, and has a recommendation from Staff regarding the site. There will be a staff overview and presentation of preliminary staff recommendation, then Commission questions before public testimony. In the package, staff noted that the deliberations may be continued due to the complexity of the information, concluding at the next Commission meeting.

 Photo courtesy of the City of Shoreline