To the Editor: A great resource for us all
Friday, November 6, 2009
Like many others, I have been lamenting the abrupt folding of the Shoreline/LFP Enterprise edition. I felt especially informationally homeless when I tried to obtain updated Shoreline city council election results this morning. I couldn’t find them on the Seattle PI or Seattle Times websites. I searched Google News—no dice. Finally, I typed in a search string that led me to Shoreline Area News and there was the info I’d spent 15 minutes looking for. In a word: thanks! I’m delighted that longtime Shoreliners, Evan Smith and Diane Hettrick, are stepping into the breach and I look forward to reading what they have to tell us. May this fledgling endeavor prosper and garner community support from individuals, business, and organizations of all kinds. This promises to be a great resource for us all.
Nancy Thalia Reynolds