Design Shoreline’s Town Center – Make It Your Destination

Monday, November 30, 2009

A chance of a lifetime! 
It’s time to plan a Town Center for Shoreline.

Citizens have envisioned Town Center to be between North 170th and North 188th Streets and between Linden and Stone Avenues, with Aurora Avenue in the middle. The Town Center Subarea Plan is the City's effort to create a distinctive center in Shoreline that: 
  • generates activity around existing public facilities and services; 
  • sparks desired commercial and residential redevelopment; and 
  • creates great public places.
What types of services and businesses would you like to have in Town Center? 
How should Town Center look and feel? 
How can Town Center be designed to minimize impacts to nearby residences? 

Please visit the Town Center Web Page where you can share your ideas, learn about upcoming planning events and take the Town Center Survey. Also, you can become a fan of Shoreline Center on Facebook. 

Click Here to take survey   This is a direct link to the Shoreline Town Center Survey

This is a direct link to the Shoreline Town Center Facebook page.

Shoreline PTA Council Holiday Food and Gift Baskets

To the Editor: Yahoo Parents Group?

Dear Editor,

My family just bought a house in Shoreline, and we're in the process of moving. Does anyone out there know whether the Shoreline_Parents Yahoo Group still exists? I tried to sign up for it a while ago but have yet to hear back from the moderator. Any input on this would be useful! I've found the Ballard, Queen Anne, and Magnolia Yahoo Groups for parents very helpful and would love to tap into a similar parenting network in Shoreline, especially as a newbie to the area.



High school basketball live on Shoreline Education Access Channel

Selected Shorecrest and Shorewood High School basketball games will be telecast this season on the Shoreline Education Access channel. The games are produced by the Live Video Production class made up of students from both high schools. Frank Workman calls the play-by-play.

Shoreline Education Access is available on Channel 26 (Comcast) and Channel 36 (FIOS).

The schedule:

December 1: Shorecrest boys vs. Everett, 7:30 pm

December 7: Shorecrest girls vs. Edmonds-Woodway, 7:30 pm

January 16: Shorewood vs. Shorecrest girls, 6 pm; Shorewood vs. Shorecrest boys, 8 pm

The games will be repeated the following week on Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday and Sunday.

Photo by aladybug

Dolphins Defeat Columbia Basin to Capture Consolation Bracket at Pierce CC Tournament

The SCC Men's Basketball Team defeated Columbia Basin College on Sunday, 85-74, to win the Consolation Bracket at the Pierce Community College Thanksgiving Tournament.
Evin Jones was named All-Tournament for SCC. The Dolphins are now 3-1 on the young season and play at Northwest Indian College on Sunday, December 6 at 5:00 pm.

Photo of Evin Jones by Wilson Tsoi

Holiday Hazards for Cats

Reprinted with permission from the Mewsletter of Cats Exclusive

The risk of foreign body ingestion and accidental poisoning for cats increases during the holiday season. Here is a list of potential holiday hazards to help you decide what you need to do to make your home "cat safe" for the holidays.

Poinsettias are considered non-toxic but if chewed can cause significant mouth and throat irritations and gastrointestinal issues, leading to vomiting and diarrhea.

Mistletoe can be very toxic and if swallowed could cause problems ranging from gastrointestinal issues to potentially fatal cardiac problems.

Lilies that may be found in holiday arrangements could be deadly to your cat if ingested. Many types of lilies such as Tiger, Asian, Japanese Show, Easter, Stargazer and the Casa Blanca can cause kidney failure in cats.

Amaryllis Bulbs are toxic to cats and if chewed can cause vomiting, diarrhea and potentially tremors.

Ribbons and Tinsel are very appealing targets for cats and kittens, but if ingested they can obstruct or perforate the intestines, requiring surgical removal. Ribbons, tinsel, mylar, string, yarn or any other thin, linear object will stick to a cat's barbed tongue during play and then be swallowed unintentionally.

Ornaments can be deadly in the mouths and stomachs of cats, especially glass ones which can cut the tissues of the gastrointestinal tract. Ornaments with small pieces that could be chewed off are a also a potential danger.

Light Cords should be covered up or hidden, and chewing should never be allowed as they could electrocute your cat. Kittens are especially known for chewing cords.

Christmas Tree Water may contain fertilizers which, if ingested, could cause gastrointestinal upset. Likewise, stagnant tree water can be a breeding ground for bacteria, which can lead to vomiting, nausea and diarrhea.

Holiday Foods, as a rule, should not be shared with your feline friends. This time of year it is tempting, but it is not a good idea to share foods they are not used to eating such as rich, spicy or fatty foods or chocolate - this can trigger a bout of intestinal upset. For some cats, this could even trigger a serious inflammation of the pancreas, which may require hospitalization.

Hazardous Cat Toys abound in retail stores this time of year, which can pose serious health problems for cats. Make sure the toys you purchase do not have dangerous ribbons, yarn, tinsel and small pieces that could be ingested by your cats. If you buy any toy from Cats Exclusive, you can rest assured that it has been approved by our veterinarians for safety.


Antifreeze has a pleasant taste to cats, but very small amounts can be lethal. In fact, less than one teaspoon can be deadly. Be sure to thoroughly clean up all spills, store antifreeze in a tightly closed container, and store it in secured cabinets.

Ice melting products can be irritating to a cat's skin and mouth. Depending on the actual ingredients of the ice melt and the quantity, signs of ingestion include excessive drooling, depression, vomiting.

Rat and mouse poisons are used more commonly during colder weather and can be deadly to pets. When using rat and mouse bait, place the products in areas that are inaccessible to your pets.

For information on other feline health related topics, visit the Cats Exclusive online library.

Behind the walls tour of Fish Singer Place

Sunday, November 29, 2009

ORCA bus cards - ride the wave of the future

By Brian Doennebrink
Special to the ShorelineAreaNews
Brian Doennebrink lives in Shoreline, works for a major transit organization, and follows transportation issues closely.

One Regional Card for All, a.k.a. ORCA, is the wave of the future, and if you think you and/or your family will be riding a transit bus anytime in the next several years, you can save yourself money by getting one for each member of your family now, because as of February 1, 2010, a $5.00 fee will be charged to get an ORCA card. Each person should have an ORCA card because, once the card has been tapped at a reader, it won't be recognized again at that reader for 5 minutes.

As of December 14, 2009, Puget Passes will stop being sold. U-Passes, Ed Passes, and FlexPasses will follow suit depending on their contract renewal. Come January 1, 2010, no more transfer slips will be given or applicable except on King County Metro buses, to transfer to another King County Metro bus. ORCA will be the only way to get a 2 hour transfer window for transferring to another participant in the system: Community Transit, Everett Transit, Sound Transit, Pierce Transit, or Kitsap Transit.

Still not convinced? Let's say that you take a trip from 175th and Aurora in Shoreline to Everett Community College. Come January 1, 2010, that round-trip will cost $9.00 per day, and you'd need exact change for each bus! This same trip with the ORCA card: $4.50 per day. If you took this routing 20 weekdays a month, you'd save $90/month by using ORCA! If you walked or biked to Aurora Village, you'd save another $30!

There are adult. youth, or Regional Reduced Fare Permit (RRFP) ORCA types, and for each, there are 3 options: (1) E-purse, which you can think of like a Starbucks card. Value is loaded on the card from $5.00-$300.00, but there are no fees and the value doesn't expire. This is the best if you only ride occasionally. (2) Monthly pass, the equivalent of a Puget Pass. This is best for a person who rides the same/nearly the same bus routes/system for at least 18 days per month. (3) Hybrid, which has a monthly pass and e-purse. If you take trips with differing total fares each day, this might be for you. With this product, the monthly pass value is applied first, and any extra that's needed comes from the e-purse.

ORCA cards are available online, by phone at 1-888-988-ORCA (6722) or TTY: 711/888-889-6368, at ORCA customer service locations (RideStore at Lynnwood Transit Center, Everett Station, Metro Pass Sales Office - 201 S Jackson St/Seattle, Westlake Tunnel Station -West Mezzanine/Seattle). Youths and current Regional Reduced Fare Permit (RRFP) holders need to get their cards in person. ORCA cards are not valid on DART/paratransit systems, but those riders may find some benefit from having an ORCA card; they're advised to contact their transit agency.

It's best if you register your card - online, by phone, or at an ORCA customer service location - in case it's lost or stolen, as that's the only way for your e-purse balance or pass to be transferred to a replacement card; otherwise, all value is lost. None of your personal information is stored on the ORCA card.

Lastly, a big tip for in-Shoreline riders: if you're only riding a King County Metro bus within Shoreline (145th - 205th) without ever riding into Seattle, be sure to tell your driver that you're only traveling in a single zone, as their machines are typically set for two-zone fares applicable to travel to Seattle. Otherwise, you'll get dinged for the two-zone fare.

Swift Bus service

Swift Bus service, running from Everett to the Aurora Village Transit Center, began today, November 29.  For a video explanation, click here.  Metro Transit is planning a modified version of the rapid transit busses, which will be ready by 2012.

Police blotter - Lake Forest Park

The Lake Forest Park police department records its crime reports onto the website CrimeReport.
Type your Lake Forest Park address into the address field to see how close the reported crimes were to your home.  Or simply type "Lake Forest Park WA 98155" to see all reported crimes in the city.

The LFP Police report a rise in home burglaries and ask for citizens to be vigilant.

Police are asking that citizens keep an eye out for each other, be aware of surroundings and report suspicious activity.  Frequent walkers may want to carry a cell phone, a notebook and a pen or pencil.  Citizens are asked to gather as much information as possible but never confront a suspect or announce that the police are being called.
Report suspicious activity by calling 911 as soon as possible.  Direct questions to Sgt. Jason Becker, 206-364-8216.

SCC Men's Basketball Rips Linn-Benton

The Shoreline Community College Men's Basketball Team rebounded from its first loss on Friday night to pound Linn-Benton CC 92-63 on Saturday afternoon.

The Dolphins will now face Columbia Basin College on Sunday at 11:00 am in the Consolation Final of the Pierce Community College tournament. SCC is 2-1 on young season.

Fairley home honored with Trillium Heritage Award

The home of Sen. Darlene and Mr. Michael Fairley in Lake Forest Park was honored with the Trillium Heritage Award, presented by the Shoreline Historical Museum at its annual meeting November 21 2009.

The Trillium award recognizes outstanding examples of pre-1941 architecture in the communities of Lake Forest Park, North Seattle and Shoreline. According to the Shoreline Historical Museum, the purpose of the Award is to “raise awareness of the community’s past, as well as encourage excellence in maintenance and perpetuation of historic buildings in accordance with their original style.”

The Fairley’s home, built in 1924, is already on the King County historic homes list. It is a modified English Cotswold style, built as a family home by Gardner Gwinn, who also built the Ben Franklin Hotel in downtown Seattle. The Ben Franklin was demolished in 1980 to build the Westin Hotel.

Darlene Fairley says that she and her husband were attracted to the house because of the large Batchelder fireplace in the living room with its original American Art Pottery tiles, as well as the three-layer oak floors, the mahogany trim and the leaded glass windows.  “As antique dealers, we appreciate the artistry of vintage homes.  This is actually the newest home we have owned."

The Fairleys found out about the fish pond when they were inspecting the property and their then-two year old son ran into a grove of trees and dropped out of sight. Michael Fairley dug the toddler out of what proved to be a 12 foot marble-bottomed fish and water lily pond which was completely filled with debris.

Mrs. Gwinn told the Fairleys that there had originally been a sundial on the lawn but the family who purchased the home from them parked a large piece of construction equipment on the lawn and knocked over the sun dial. The Fairleys recently commissioned a sun dial from artist Tony Angell. Forgetting to mention that they wanted it to be functional, Tony included his trademark birds, resting on the top of the dial. 

The "C" on the chimney was originally a "G" for Gwinn. The next owners, whose name began with a "C", chiseled off part of the letter to fit their name. "Since my maiden name was Cook," said Sen. Fairley, "I was happy to leave it that way." 

Take The High Road - article by Colleen Foye Bollen

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Shoreline resident Colleen Foye Bollen has an article in the November 2009 New Spirit Journal.

It happens all the time.  Drivers do squirrelly things, dangerous antics that could cause a wreck.  When I am on the receiving end and feeling Zen-like, I wish the driver a safe journey.  Otherwise, I fling a few choice words at the driver as he zooms past.  Occasionally, we all do stupid things while driving...
 Take The High Road

Shoreline PTA Council Holiday Food and Gift Baskets

Shoreline PTA Council
Holiday Baskets
Food, Toys, Teen Gifts

Collection dates:  December 7 – 18

The Shoreline PTA Council and the Shoreline Fire Department is collecting food and gifts for the annual Holiday Baskets” Food, Toys and Teen Gifts Drive.  The goal is to provide a holiday meal and food support for the winter break and gifts for Shoreline families in need during this holiday season.  Collection boxes will be placed in all Shoreline Schools classrooms for donations of non-perishable foods and other essential items. 

Each school is encouraged to collect 500+ of their assigned item along with their regular food donations.  These items will be pooled together to create a “Holiday Basket” for a holiday meal.  Community members are encouraged to participate by bringing items to the nearest school office.
For more information, email the Holiday Basket chairperson.

These are the special items being collected by each school:      

Shorecrest                          Canned meat (chicken, turkey, roast beef, tuna)

Shorewood                         Rice (bag, box, instant)

Kellogg                             Juice (in plastic bottles)

Einstein                             Cooking oil 

Briarcrest                          Canned vegetables (no home-canned items, please)

Brookside                          Flour

Echo Lake                         Dried/canned fruit

Highland Terrace               Sugar

Lake Forest Park                Cooking Oil

Meridian Park                     Flour

Parkwood                            Packaged or boxed potatoes

Ridgecrest                           Sugar

Syre                                     Stuffing 

Home Education                 Chicken broth

Children’s Center                Chicken broth

Room 9                               Chicken broth

These food staples are needed:       

• Peanut Butter                              • Condiments (mayo, mustard, ketchup)

• Pasta                                            • Beans (Baked or bagged)

• Canned soup                                • Cereal (hot/cold) & breakfast items

• Canned tomato products            • Granola bars, snack items
Other donations will be gladly accepted, including basics like soap, toilet paper, facial tissues, feminine hygiene products, paper towels, shampoo, deodorant, toothpaste, laundry detergent, dish washing soap, baby food/cereals/formula.

No glass jars or home canned foods, please!


Thank you for caring enough to share.

Men's Basketball Loses Lead and Game To South Puget Sound

The Shoreline Community College Dolphins had an 11 point lead early in the second half, but could not hold it, as SPCC took control let in the game and SCC lost 76-66 in the first round of the Pierce Community College Tournament.

Shoreline will face Northern Region rival, Whatcom CC, in the second round. WCC lost to Linn-Benton CC 79-59 on Friday night. Game time is 1:00 PM. SCC is now 1-1 on the season.

Public hearing on Point Wells December 3

A public hearing on the Point Wells Subarea Plan and Pre-Annexation Zoning Regulations will be held by the Shoreline Planning Commission on December 3, at 7:00 p.m. in the Mt. Rainier Room of the Shoreline Conference Center, at 18560 1st Ave NE.

The hearing will provide opportunity for public input, feedback, and concerns The packet of information from the Planning Commission can be downloaded directly from the city of Shoreline website.

The packet summarizes information related to the site, the process and issues with Snohomish County and the Richmond Beach neighborhood, and has a recommendation from Staff regarding the site. There will be a staff overview and presentation of preliminary staff recommendation, then Commission questions before public testimony. In the package, staff noted that the deliberations may be continued due to the complexity of the information, concluding at the next Commission meeting.

 Photo courtesy of the City of Shoreline

Evan Smith: Hall, Roberts, McGlashan, Tracey win in Shoreline

By Evan Smith
ShorelineAreaNews Politics Writer

Incumbent Shoreline City Councilman Keith McGlashan and newcomers Will Hall, Christopher Roberts and Shari Tracey all won Shoreline City Council elections when King County certified results Tuesday, Nov. 24,

Roberts won the most lopsided and surprising victory, taking 59 percent of the vote to 40 percent for 14-year incumbent Councilman Ron Hansen. More than 3,000 Shoreline voters left this position blank on their ballots, and 65 cast write-in votes. Roberts won by 2,826 votes.

Planning Commission Chairman Hall scored a comfortable 54 percent to 46 percent victory over Patty Hale for the position now held by Councilwoman Janet Way, who had finished third in the August primary. Way then threw her support and that of the 32nd District Democrats to Hall, who had finished second to Hale in the primary. Again, the 2,535 undervotes and 55 write-in votes exceeded Hall’s 1,214-vote margin. An undervote is a ballot returned with no vote marked for a particular contest.

The closest Shoreline Council election was challenger Shari Tracey’s 50 percent to 49 percent victory over incumbent Councilwoman Cindy Ryu. Tracey won by 183 votes, with 2,054 undervotes and 43 write-in votes.

McGlashan, the only incumbent elected, won 79 percent of the vote against write-in candidate Wendy DiPeso. We’ll never knew how many votes DiPeso won because officials count write-in votes only when the number of write-in votes plus undervotes is enough to affect the election.

The high number of undervotes in both Shoreline and Lake Forest Park indicates that many people voted in the high-profile State and County contests and skipped the down-ballot local elections.

Here are final Shoreline election results:

Evan Smith: School directors re-elected

By Evan Smith 
ShorelineAreaNews Politics Writer

Shoreline School Board members Debi Ehrlichman and David Wilson have been re-elected to new terms. Each will begin a second four-year term in January.

Ehrlichman defeated challenger Cory Murata by a 72 percent to 28 percent margin. Wilson was unopposed.

The re-election of Ehrlichman and Wilson marks a return to stability for the Board.

Board members Maren Norton and Dick Potter were newly elected two years ago, Ehrlichman and Wilson were first elected four years ago, and member Mike Jacobs was first elected six years ago.

For more than a decade board members Bryce, Giboney, Parsons, Robinson and Schnall were permanent fixtures on the Board. Since then, the Board has had regular turnover.

Murata had won the endorsement of the 32nd District Democrats and was named the preferred candidate of the 32nd District Republicans. Ehrlichman and Wilson did not seek the endorsement of either party.

Metro Transit seeks members for Accessible Services Advisory Committee

King County Metro Transit is accepting applications for several vacancies on its Accessible Services Advisory Committee (ASAC). You are invited to apply if you are a King County resident with an interest in providing suggestions for improving public transit for people who are elderly and/or have disabilities.

The committee’s purpose is to:

  • Advise Metro’s general manager, the King County executive, the Metropolitan King County Council, local jurisdictions, and sub-area transportation forums on transit matters of concern to people who are elderly and/or have disabilities;
  • Provide advocacy and leadership in the disability community toward obtaining equal opportunity and maximum independence in the use of public transit; and
  • Monitor, oversee, evaluate, and improve transportation services for people who are elderly and/or disabled.
The committee usually meets once a month for two to three hours during a weekday evening or on Saturdays, in addition to an all-day Saturday meeting each January. Participation in subcommittee meetings might be necessary. Members serve two-year staggered terms with a possibility for a second term.

Metro seeks members who represent a variety of ages, disabilities, income levels, ethnic backgrounds, cultural communities, geographical areas, and transit needs. Preference will be given to applicants who frequently use Metro’s bus and/or Access Transportation services.

Metro is now reviewing applications, and will continue to review applications until positions are filled. To be appointed to the committee, applicants must be approved by Metro staff, nominated by the King County executive, and confirmed by the Metropolitan King County Council.

Applications and more information are available online. Or, contact Sarah Luthens, Community Relations planner by email. Alternate formats are available by calling 206-684-1154 TTY 711.

Evan Smith: Tracey beats Ryu by 183 votes

Friday, November 27, 2009

By Evan Smith  
ShorelineAreaNews Politics Writer

Shoreline City Council candidate Shari Tracey held a 183-vote lead over incumbent City Councilwoman Cindy Ryu in the final certified vote count Tuesday.

County elections officials met Tuesday to certify results. Ryu gained nine votes from the unofficial count posted Monday afternoon.

Tracey’s 183-vote margin keeps her well out of the range for a mandatory recount.

State law requires a recount when the margin between two candidates is less than 0.5 percent of the total vote cast for the two candidates – in this case 80 votes. The law requires a hand recount when the margin is 0.25 percent – in this case 40 votes.

Any candidate can request a recount by paying 15 cents per ballot for a machine recount or 25 cents per ballot for a hand recount. With 18,132 ballots cast in Shoreline, a machine recount would cost $2,719.80 and a hand recount $4,533.

Although any candidate can request a paid recount through Dec. 1, a County elections spokeswoman told me Tuesday that she considers the election over.

At Monday's City Council meeting, Ryu said that, since she would miss the December meeting, this week's would be her last meeting.

Tracey won 50.4 percent of the votes to 49.3 percent for Ryu.

Shoreline ballots left blank on this contest total 2,054.
Here is the final vote count:

Council Position No. 5

Shari Tracey


Cindy Ryu

Candidate total




 Total Votes




Shorecrest, Shorewood girls lose opening soccer playoff games

Girls’ soccer teams from Shorecrest and Shorewood high schools both qualified for post-season play but lost their opening games.

Shorecrest lost 2-1 to Mount Vernon in a Northwest District 3A tournament first-round game.

Shorewood lost 2-0 to Stanwood in a qualifying game for the Northwest District 4A tournament.

Both games were played October 31.

--Evan Smith

Shoreline urban farm

Brian and Meghan Peterka have created an urban farm at their Shoreline home and in the process are well on their way to a "zero-waste" living style.  They have been profiled in a KING TV segment and the Yes! sustainability blog.

 KING 5 TV did a segment on the Shoreline family of Brian and Meghan Peterka.  

A family of four has moved from the farm to an urban Puget Sound community and is now plowing its way to zero waste.

When the Peterka family moved to Shoreline, they brought part of the farm with them. They ripped up the backyard lawn and planted a large garden.

They built a fenced chicken coop in one corner, and worm and compost bins in the other. Then they made some sacrifices.

"We stopped buying groceries that came in plastic, essentially which was a big deal,

From the Yes! blog:
By 2006, Brian had been an environmental consultant for nearly 10 years. Though they owned a nice house in the Seattle area and Meghan was able to spend her days at home with the kids, the Peterkas felt that "Life was going by too fast.” So they packed up their two young children, Devon and Zeth, and interned at a berry farm for two years. Brian and Meghan are now in the process of converting their Shoreline, WA, home into an urban farm.
Continued on the Yes! blog

Candy Cane Dash

It’s Candy Cane DASH time!  Support a high school Senior Project and the Shorecrest cross-country team on Saturday, December 12 at 9 am at the Shoreline Stadium. This year, there will be prizes for the best costume, so dress to impress! The $25 Day of Race registration starts at 8 am. For more information, email Candy Cane Dash.

Photo by Labryinthx
Art Design by Sonya Reasor

Evan Smith: Lake Forest Park results hold

Thursday, November 26, 2009

By Evan Smith 
ShorelineAreaNews Politics Writer

Final certified election results confirmed the election of Sandy Koppenol, John Wright, Don Fiene and Bob Lee to the Lake Forest Park City Council.

Councilwoman Koppenol won 53 percent of the vote to 47 percent for incumbent Councilman Alan Kiest. Koppenol gave up her current position, then challenged Kiest.

This was one of several intra-council challenges in north King and south Snohomish counties but the only one that was successful. Incumbents easily beat intra-council challengers in Lynnwood, Mill Creek and Mountlake Terrace.

Koppenol’s margin of 325 votes was far less than the 771 ballots returned with this position blank. Many voters marked their ballots for the high-profile state and county contests and skipped the down-ballot local races.

The number of “undervotes” was even higher in the other two contested elections in Lake Forest Park.

John Wright defeated Jean Thomas by 351 votes. Undervotes totaled 996. Wright won for the position that Koppenol now holds. Wright had 54 percent of the vote to 46 percent for Thomas.
In Lake Forest Park’s closest race, Bob Lee defeated Tom French for the position now held by retiring Councilman Donovan Tracy. Lee won by 271 votes, with 1,138 undervotes. Lee had 53 percent to 47 percent for French. Councilman Don Fiene was unopposed for re-election.

Tree Lighting Ceremony in North City December 5

Shoreline's Annual Tree Lighting Ceremony will take place at 6:30 pm on Saturday, December 5, at Les Schwab at 177th on 15th NE

Everyone will enjoy this annual Tree Lighting Ceremony. Around the Sound band will provide music and a sing-a-long while Santa hands out candy canes and toys to the children. Parents can have hot coffee with cookies and enjoy the scene.

Shoreline students named to all-state music honor groups

Shoreline School District student musicians were recently selected to the All-State music honor groups. They will perform at the Washington State Music Educators Association convention February 12-15 in Yakima.

Shorecrest High School All-State

Anna Mines, Trumpet (Cornet); Sho Kato, Flute; Spencer Feathers, Trombone; Todd Matsunami, Euphonium; Declan Sullivan, Percussion; Max Reikosky, Trumpet (Cornet); Amy Williams, Flute; Matthew Rotterr, Euphonium (Baritone horn); Daniel Baker, Trombone; Amy Glaskova, viola; Katie Peabody, Mixed Choir. 

Shorewood High School All-State

Carly Backman, trombone; Mackenzie Bang, violin; Tory Bredinger, string bass; Ashley Greyell, string bass; Margaret Hendricksom, violin; Paulette Kang, string bass; David Kim, violin; Jeane Marinella, soprano (choir); Nate Matthews, bass (choir); Grady McDonald, trumpet; Laura Rohrer, viola; Meghan Stavig, soprano (choir); Evan Strandberg, trombone; Mike Wennerstrom, trombone.

Einstein Middle School Junior All-State

Riley Backman, Trumpet; Forest Clements-Gallagher, Cello; Echo Davidson, Violin: Nikka Dellosa, French Horn; Danny Han, Violin: Ali Jackson, Flute: Katy Kuznetsova, Violin; Wing-Sum Law, Trombone; Ustino Lee, Cello; Jeffrey Li, Violin; Toni McGowan, Viola; Emily Perry, String Bass. 

Kellogg Middle School Junior All State     Annie Lisanti, alto (choir).

Trombone photo by Kaja Thrastar 
Photos of Shorewood and Einstein musicians from Shoreline School District

Ferguson to serve as Chair of King County Council

Bob Ferguson represents the 1st District of King county, which includes Shoreline and Lake Forest Park.
Council Vice Chair Bob Ferguson has become Chair of the King County Council following Tuesday’s certification of the election making Dow Constantine King County’s new Executive.  Constantine served as Chair prior to assuming the County Executive position.

“A number of crucial issues are currently before the Council. My goal is to ensure that we address these issues through the bipartisan cooperation that culminated in Monday’s unanimous vote on the 2010 Budget,” said Ferguson.

Ferguson outlined four immediate goals to be addressed by the Council:

· Fill the Council seat vacated by Constantine;

· Select an option for replacing the deteriorated Youth Services Center, whose current facilities located at 12th Avenue and East Alder Street in Seattle are in disrepair;

· Advance King County's role in a multi-jurisdictional partnership to purchase the BNSF Eastside Rail Corridor for public ownership;

· Continue oversight of the potential flood threat from the federally owned and operated Howard Hanson Dam. As this year’s chair of the Committee of the Whole, Ferguson held numerous hearings on the efforts to protect the Green River valley from potential flood waters.

Ferguson, a King County native, was elected to the County Council in 2003. Following the reduction of the 13-member Council to nine, Ferguson won his current seat representing District 1 in 2005 with 74 percent of the vote. District 1 includes North Seattle, Shoreline, Lake Forest Park, Kenmore, Bothell, and parts of Woodinville and unincorporated King County. He ran unopposed in 2009.

Ferguson received his bachelor’s degree from the University of Washington and his law degree from New York University. Prior to joining the County Council, he practiced law at Preston, Gates, and Ellis and is a licensed Washington attorney.

Ferguson will serve as Chair as the Council completes its 2010 reorganization. The Council’s annual reorganization process, which traditionally occurs in January, determines committee memberships and Council leadership, including Chair.

SCC Men's Basketball Defeats Northwest Indian College

The Shoreline Men's Basketball Team routed Northwest Indian College 102-54 at the SCC Gym on Tuesday night. The Dolphins started fast as they jumped out to an early lead and never looked back, never trailing in the game or being tied. Shoreline led 51-22 at the half and pushed the score to a 50 point lead at 102-52 in the final seconds.

Jesse Vaughan led a balanced attack, scoring 17 points. 6 other Dolphins scored in double figures, with Spencer Wozniak and Joseph Holifield adding 16 each.

Shoreline travels to the Piece Community College tournament over the weekend, facing South Puget Sound Community College of Olympia in the first round of the eight team tournament on Friday at 4:00 pm.

Pictured: Jesse Vaughan
Photo by Wilson Tsoi

Evan Smith: Where are DiPeso’s votes?

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

By Evan Smith 
ShorelineAreaNews Politics Writer

Records show that Shoreline City Councilman Keith McGlashan has been re-elected with nearly 79 percent of the votes cast for Council Position 1, but they don’t show how much of the other 21 percent went to write-in candidate Wendy DiPeso.

I had been under the impression that County elections officials counted all votes for write-in candidates who had registered their candidacies.

Now I’ve learned that officials count write-in votes only if the number of write-in votes plus undervotes was enough to affect the outcome.

County records show 2,762 write-in votes and 5,098 undervotes for Position 1. That total of 7,860 is 2,412 votes fewer than McGlashan’s 10.272, a difference of 13.3 percent of the 18,132 ballots cast in Shoreline, far greater than the 0.25 percent required for a mandatory hand recount.

I’d like to know how many of the write-in votes were for DiPeso, and I’m sure that she would want to know how many votes she got for the $21,072 she reported raising and the $16,802 that she spent.

However, King County has other demands on the $4,500 cost of looking at all 18,132 ballots.

I’d like to know DiPeso’s vote total, but not at that cost.

Sky Nursery's 11th Annual Holiday Open House

Lights! Music! Santa!

Please join us for Sky Nursery's 11th Annual Holiday Open House
Saturday, November 28, 9:00 am - 6:00 pm
It's our first holiday event in the new greenhouse!

Preview our fine selection of specialty wreaths and garlands.
All Holiday Decorations are 10% off during the event.
Bring a gift of canned food for the Hopelink Food Bank 
and we'll give a coupon for an extra 10% off Holiday Decorations.

Enjoy complimentary refreshments.
Bring your family... bring your pets... 
bring your camera for a photo op with our man of the season - Santa! From 1 P.M. - 4 P.M.
Holiday Color - Holiday Cheer!

Sky's indoor gardening department is filled to the brim! The first poinsettias are here, just in time for Thanksgiving. Bright poinsettias, amaryllis, fragrant paperwhites and Christmas cactus all are wonderful for holiday decorating and hostess gifts. Don't miss our new colorful plant bags!

Orchid Expert - a Holiday Open House Bonus
Alan Mathews of will be at Sky to answer all your orchid questions during our Holiday Open House on Saturday, November 28, 1 - 3 pm

Come to Sky Nursery for your holiday decorating!
Fresh winter color for your garden, Northwest Cut Trees, and holiday ornaments - come to Sky Nursery for all your holiday decorating, outdoors & in.

Christmas Trees A' Plenty

Locally cut Christmas Trees - 100's in stock - from 2' to 10'.
All trees available on water stands (ask about Sky's 'stand exchange').
Delivery 6 days a week.
Holiday Greenery to Make your Home Merry and Bright!

Wreaths crafted with that special Northwest touch.
Mistletoe, fresh greens, berries, and holly to craft your own holiday displays.
Fragrant green garland - two varieties sold by the foot or by the roll.
Try a Living Christmas Tree This Year!
Sky is carrying over two dozen varieties of beautiful evergreens. Enjoy a live tree for the holidays, then plant in your garden for a reminder of a perfect Christmas.

Special Gifts for Special Friends and Gardeners Alike

Plants! Blooming camellias, orchids, winter daphne, bonsai, lucky bamboo, conifers, 
holly & ivy for the season....
Hostess gifts... unique ornaments & wreaths, 
blooming cyclamen, amaryllis, poinsettias & centerpieces.
Luxurious lotions, soaps & creams in floral & herbal scents.
For the birds and the bird lovers we offer decorative feeders, birdbaths, houses & more.
Garden art - and garden-themed art for the house.
Child-sized tools, gloves, hats, to give the gift of gardening to the younger generation.
'Tis the Season for Giving...

Drop off your canned/packaged food donations here at Sky Nursery!
Thanks for supporting Hopelink Food Bank and our community.
Extended Holiday Hours December 6 - 19
Enjoy cookies and hot cider as you shop during Sky Nursery's Extended Holiday Hours:

Monday-Friday 9 am - 7 pm
Saturday 9 am - 6 pm
Sunday 10 am - 6 pm
Wednesdays are always Senior Discount Day!

Save with our Holiday Shopping Coupon, 
good for $10 off any purchase of $50 or more through December 24.

Sky will be closed Thanksgiving Day to celebrate the holiday.

We will be open regular hours the rest of the Thanksgiving weekend
9 - 6 Friday and Saturday, 10 - 5 Sunday.
Happy Thanksgiving!

Sky Nursery, The Gardener's Garden Store
18528 Aurora Avenue North, Shoreline
Phone: (206) 546-4851

Three SCC Soccer Players Named NWAACC All-Stars

Shoreline Community College had three players named NWAACC All-Stars on Tuesday. Precillio Martinez, a defender on the men's team, Rochelle Hann, a midfielder on the women's team, and Kat Donovan, goalkeeper for the Lady Dolphins, were named to their respective All-Star teams. The three will play in the NWAACC All-Star games on December 5 in Vancouver, WA. The women's all-star game is at Noon and the men play at 2:00 pm at Kiggins Bowl in Vancouver. 

Photos by Wilson Tsoi
Pictured: Precillio Martinez, Rochelle Hann in yellow, Kat Donovan in white.

Swift Bus service from Aurora Village into Snohomish County starts 4 pm Sunday

by Brian Doennebrink
Special to the ShorelineAreaNews
Brian Doennebrink lives in Shoreline, works for a major transit organization, and follows transportation issues closely.
Community Transit's Swift Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) service starts at 4 pm Sunday with full service beginning on Monday, November 30. The only stop in King County is at Aurora Village Transit Center, where the bus will stop and pick up on the same platform as King County Metro's route #358 to downtown Seattle, but on the opposite (east) end. For the fastest trips to downtown Seattle during peak hours weekdays, the #301 and #303 are highly recommended.

The initial Swift line will cover highway 99 from Aurora Village in Shoreline to Everett Station, with a total of 12 stops. A policy decision was made that it would stop as a train does at all of the stations whether there are passengers visible there or not. Coach operators will have a time window of about 10 seconds at each stop, and it remains to be seen how well they'll adhere to that. Another open question is how and if Swift will operate in snowy conditions, as King County Metro management recently publicized their decision to not operate articulated buses during snowy conditions. Lastly, it will be down to the wire whether the station slated for Everett Station will be done on time, as the City of Everett only recently acted on approving the construction.

The Swift line replaces the present Community Transit route #100. Remember, for Swift, you pay before you get on the bus, and ticket machines are conveniently located at each station. Best of all, fares are the same as for "regular" buses, and cash, credit card, or ORCA card may be used for payment. Bicycles are loaded on a Swift bus, through the third door, and there are 3 onboard racks. And, while the #100 that's being replaced stops at all "regular" stops, the Swift only stops at Swift stations. This means that, if you wish to to go somewhere that's not near a Swift station, you must transfer to a "regular" bus. On highway 99, from Shoreline to Airport Road at the City of Everett boundary, CT #101 will run every 20 minutes weekdays and less often on weekends. Within Everett city limits, Everett Transit #9 is the primary route serving the "regular" bus stops along highway 99. Please note: only Swift buses stop at Swift stations, and Swift buses do not stop at regular stops. To transfer to a "regular" bus, you must walk from the Swift station to the "regular" bus stop, and to transfer from a "regular" bus to a Swift bus, you must walk from the "regular" bus stop to a Swift station.

Two new stations in both directions are to be constructed in 2010. Deleted from the original project due to reaching the limit on costs, the City of Everett received A.R.R.A. (American Recovery and Reinvestment Act), a.k.a. economic stimulus monies, to re-add them again. These stations are at 112th SE and at Madison Street, the only two transfer points to the Everett Transit #8 route, which goes northwest to Merrill Creek, Intermec, and Boeing-Everett. To make such a transfer before then, the shortest walk to an Everett Transit #8 stop is from the 4th Avenue West station northwest on 4th Avenue West to just past Holly Drive.

Because Swift will be operating 7 days a week, it opens up some interesting possibilities. For instance, one will be able to take a "one bus" trip from Aurora Village to Everett to: (a) attend an event at the Comcast Events Center; or (b) attend an Everett Aquasox baseball game without much concern about whether the buses are still running; Swift is slated to run 20 hours per day, roughly 5 a.m. through 1 a.m. the next day. At Everett Station, one can connect with Amtrak trains to Vancouver, B.C. and points in-between, including a soon-to-be-opened Stanwood station, Community Transit "regular" routes to Marysville, SW Arlington, Granite Falls, Snohomish, Monroe, and Gold Bar, a myriad of Everett Transit routes, and even Island and Skagit Transit buses during peak afternoon hours.

Photos from Community Transit

Have an eco-friendly Thanksgiving

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Thanks to the City of Lake Forest Park for this timely reminder

 Eat, drink, and be green  
Add local and organic ingredients to your Thanksgiving menu. By selecting organic and local fruits and vegetables, the food you eat will be free from conventional pesticides and you’ll cut air emissions associated with shipping.

Take the pledge to Eat Local for Thanksgiving and add one local item to your meal.  
Cook only what you need. At least 28 billion pounds of food is wasted each year – that’s more than 100 pounds per person.  One of the best ways to prevent Thanksgiving waste is to plan ahead and practice portion control. Use Less Stuff created a handy list of approximate per person food and drink portions  
Set an environmentally friendly table. Use cloth napkins and reusable dishes, utensils and glasses.  
Toss those potato peels, spinach stems and carrot tops in your yard waste bin. All fruits, vegetables, meats, bones, fish, dairy, and other food scraps can be tossed in with the leaves and branches from your yard. Even the leftover turkey carcass, including the bones, can be put in your yard waste bin. The collected material is turned into compost for gardening and landscaping.
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