Help restore Shoreline parks with the Green Shoreline Partnership

Wednesday, March 19, 2025

Join other volunteers this week to restore parks in Shoreline with the 
Green Shoreline Partnership!

This week we have events at the following parks:


Thursday, March 20

  • Richmond Beach Saltwater Park, 10am – 12:30pm

 Friday, March 21

  • Hamlin Park, 12 – 3pm

Saturday, March 22

  • Hamlin Park, 10am – 1pm
  • Boeing Creek Park, 10am – 12pm
  • Richmond Beach Saltwater Park, 10am – 12:30pm
  • Shoreline Park, 11am – 1pm

Sunday March 23

  • Twin Ponds Park, 9am – 12pm


Register here:


St. Patrick's Day lunch and unveiling of time capsule at Shoreline-LFP Senior Center's 50th Anniversary Monday

Over 100 people attended the luncheon at the Senior Center

Story and photos by John Boril

On Monday, March 17, 2025 more than a hundred people enjoyed a Saint Patrick's Day luncheon at the Shoreline - Lake Forest Park Senior Center. 

It was the Center's 50th Anniversary
It was also a celebration of the Center's 50th Anniversary.

So in addition to a fine meal that included lamb and beef stew and traditional Irish soda bread, the guests got to take a look into the past. 

Center Director Emily Jones and Program Coordinator Kevin Hallagan opened the capsule

The Time Capsule
Center Director Emily Jones and Program Coordinator Kevin Hallagan cracked open a Styrofoam beer cooler... I mean Time Capsule... which had been sealed at the center 30 years ago. 

Inside were lists of names and photographs of some of the center's members back in 1995.

A gift from the Quilting Club of 1995
And there were gifts to the present, including a small quilt from the Quilting Club. And a tiny ceramic Fairy made by Edna Short in the center's ceramics class.

Contribution from a member of the 1995 ceramics clubs
Treasures from the time capsule will be on display at the Center.  And, yes, they are already gathering items for a new time capsule to be opened in 2075.


Lake Forest Park’s Climate Goals face roadblocks

Transportation is Lake Forest Park’s largest source of pollution fueling climate change, but steering policies to drive down emissions faces a rocky road.

The Lake Forest Park Climate Policy Advisory Team (CPAT) met on March 12 to discuss actions the city might take to reduce climate-warming pollution in the city. 

The city’s Climate Action Plan identifies transportation as the primary source of climate-warming pollution in Lake Forest Park. Increasing transit ridership, allowing higher-density development near transit, improving walkability, and making the city more bike-friendly can reduce emissions according to the study reviewed at the meeting.  

With a $500,000 state grant, the city hired consultants to author the “Vehicle-Miles-Traveled (VMT) Reduction Strategies” study and help the CPAT committee propose a Greenhouse Gas Sub-Element for LFP’s comprehensive plan by May. Under the state’s 2023 Climate Change Planning law, the city is required to adopt policies to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and driving. 

A graph from the LFP Climate Action Plan shows transportation is the city’s leading source of climate-warming pollution

The city’s Climate Action Plan says transportation is the largest source of greenhouse gas emissions in Lake Forest Park, with drivers emitting 31% of LFP’s total greenhouse gasses. LFP passenger vehicles drove 56,142,000 miles in 2023, generating 23,510 metric tons of climate-changing pollution according to the report.

Amongst the recommendations: the city could reduce emissions with Transit-Oriented Development (TOD) by allowing higher-density residential, commercial, and mixed-use development in walking distance of transit stations. Increasing affordable housing in LFP (especially near transit) could also reduce driving by allowing more employees who work in the city to live locally, rather than commuting from outside the area due to high housing costs. 

Another option recommended could be to reduce parking requirements within a half-mile of transit stops. 

However, the Lake Forest Park Planning Commission did not discuss Transit Oriented Development at their meeting on March 11. Instead, the planning commission is focused on updating the city’s development code to bring the city into minimum compliance with the Middle Housing law before a June 30th deadline.

Making the city a friendlier place to walk and ride a bike is another recommendation for reducing emissions in front of the Climate Policy Advisory Team. Building a pedestrian and bicycle network, possibly funded by the state’s Safe Routes to School program, could reduce school-related trips and other short drives. 

However, a property tax levy to pay for park improvements and sidewalks was rejected by a whopping 65% of LFP voters in 2021, indicating little support for walkability and bike safety in the city. LFP could also reduce driving with more secure bike storage and shared-use electric bicycle and scooter programs.

Transit numbers are rebounding from pandemic lows, increasing 12% to 151 million trips last year

A map from the climate committee meeting shows that travel times via bus have not improved significantly for residents of LFP

However, according to data presented at the climate team meeting, transit trips in Lake Forest Park are remaining low compared to the King County average. While Metro’s ridership decreased by approximately 35% between 2019 and 2024, Lake Forest Park experienced a much steeper 50% reduction during the same period. 

Why is not clear. But unlike neighboring cities, an LFP bus rider’s trip has not improved with the arrival of Light Rail stations in Shoreline and Mountlake Terrace. 

The climate team discussed recent changes to Route 522, noting the route now “truncates at light rail” at the Roosevelt station, meaning for some riders, the change turned a one-seat ride into a ride that now requires a transfer. 

And Route 331, the bus that runs along Ballinger Way connecting the LFP Town Center to the Mountlake Terrace station, only runs every 30 minutes at peak times. 

An illustration from Sound Transit shows the S3 will speed the trip from Shoreline to Bothell from 69 minutes to under 35.

The Stride S3 Bus Rapid Transit project, featuring all-electric, battery-powered buses and modern station stops, might improve transit ridership. Planned to launch in 2028, it will feature dedicated bus lanes, signal priorities, and queue jumps to reduce travel times from 69 minutes to 34.5 minutes and run every 10 minutes throughout the day

Lake Forest Park has sought to delay the Stride S3 and passed regulations requiring Sound Transit to build decorative retaining walls (a non-transit expense voters did not approve). 

A group led by city council member Paula Goode has opposed the project, saying it would deforest the state highway. Warning of an impending traffic armageddon, the group recently hired an attorney and public relations firm and is threatening legal action to delay the project, reduce property acquisition, limit tree removals, and eliminate a dedicated bus lane in front of council member Goode’s business, Sheridan Market. 

Cartoon by Whitney Potter: Armordillo

Fastpitch softball: Shorewood vs Nathan Hale March 17, 2025

Coach Paul Jensen and Belle Bliss
Photo by Chris Stuvek

Shorewood vs. Nathan Hale 
at Meridian Park 3-17-25
Shorewood 17 - Nathan Hale 7


Pitcher(s) and Catcher(s)

Nathan Hale: 
  • G. Drohan
  • L. Lobkovich (4)
  • F. Shutts (5)
  • A. Spencer (catcher)
  • Rose Gallagher
  • Ellie Van Horn (3)
  • Grace McLaughlin (Catcher)

Nathan Hale: 
  • A. Spencer 3-3
  • C. Low 2-3
  • Grace McLaughlin 3-5 (2B)
  • Lillian Perrault 2-2 (2B)
  • Rose Gallagher 1-3 (2B)
  • Ellie Van Horn 2-3
  • Lilah Pickett 1-3 (2B)
  • Bella Bliss 1-1 (2B)
Coach: Paul Jensen

What’s Happening This Week in Shoreline? March 19 - 25

By Kate Ledbetter, Destination Shoreline
What’s Happening This Week in Shoreline? 
March 19 - 25

Shoreline is buzzing with community events this week, offering something for everyone! Engage in meaningful conversations at the Washington State LGBTQ Commission update or the “Fireside Chat” with Congresswoman Pramila Jayapal at Shoreline Community College. 
Get creative at the Fix-It Night, brush up on your sewing skills with Zippers 101, or explore landscape design in Garden Design I. Families can enjoy the Shorenorth Spring Carnival, plant strawberries at Sky Nursery, or test their knowledge at Trivia Night. 
Don't miss the Highland Terrace Bloomin' Bulb Sale or the New Parks Design Workshops for a chance to shape Shoreline’s future green spaces. Check out the full schedule and make the most of this exciting week!
For more details and upcoming events visit
Washington State LGBTQ Commission Updates and Dialogue
Wednesday, March 19, 2025
10:00AM - 11:30AM
Shoreline Community College 9000 Building, Quiet Dining Room
Please join us this Wednesday, March 19, 2025 from 10:00-11:30am in the 9000 Building, Quiet Dining Room to hear from Executive Director of the Washington State LGBTQ Commission, Lisa Keating. She will be updating our community on the Commission's legislative work and engaging us in dialogue on how to continue to support one another. This event is free and open to the public.
Please RSVP at:
Tutors at Shoreline Library (Study Zone)
Wednesday, March 19, 2025
5:00PM - 7:00PM
Shoreline Library
Volunteer tutors provide homework help for grades K-12. They can also give language support for homework or translation in many languages. Students may drop in any time during Tutor hours.  Look for volunteers wearing the Tutor t-shirt.
Fix-It Night at the Shoreline Tool Library
Wednesday, March 19, 2025
5:00PM - 8:00PM
Shoreline Tool Library
It’s time to start collecting all those items around the house that need to be fixed but you don’t know how. We are having a fixing night at the new Shoreline Tool Library. We will help you fix and learn to fix your broken tools, lamps, toys, furniture, appliances, and any other broken items that you can carry in on your own. We encourage you to help as much as you can and enjoy the community of reuse! If you are excited about fixing and want to help out with this event or other fixing opportunities we are looking for more fixers. Sign up to help out at this event here or join our list of fixers by sending us an email at
New Parks Design Workshop - West Echo Lake and Hemlock Parks
Wednesday, March 19, 2025
5:30PM - 7:30PM
Dale Turner YMCA Teen Rec Room
The City of Shoreline invites you to participate in upcoming design workshops - all ages welcome!
Thank you to everyone who has contributed input to jump-start the design process for these parks! We’ll be sharing the current community priorities and concept plan options for your feedback. So far, we’ve heard the importance of connecting to nature, creating spaces to gather, and adventurous play!
"Fireside Chat" with Congresswoman Pramila Jayapal
Thursday, March 20, 2025
11:45AM - 12:45PM
Shoreline Community College 9000 Building Main Dining Room
We are excited to announce that Congresswoman Pramila Jayapal will be joining us this Thursday, March 20, 2025 for a "Fireside Chat" from 11:45am-12:45pm in the Main Dining Room of the 9000 Building. As Shoreline’s Congressional Representative for Washington’s 7th District, Congresswoman Jayapal will share insights about her background, her work in Congress, and her efforts on behalf of Washington State. She will also take questions from our campus community, creating an opportunity for meaningful dialogue. Elected in 2016, Congresswoman Jayapal is now serving her fifth term in Congress. She is the first South Asian American woman elected to the U.S. House of Representatives and one of only two dozen naturalized citizens currently serving. She is a Ranking Member of the House Judiciary Subcommittee on Immigration Integrity, Security, and Enforcement and also serves on the House Foreign Affairs Committee and the House Budget Committee.
This is a wonderful opportunity for Shoreline, and we hope you’ll join us. A big thank you to the WAVES Center for helping to organize this important conversation.
Author Talk: From Trail Notes to Publication
Thursday, March 20, 2025
2:30PM - 3:30PM
Shoreline/LFP Senior Activity Center
Join Ken Wilcox, author of four hiking and walking guide books, to learn how this longtime guidebook author turns a big idea and illegible field notes into a finished book. Please call the Reception Desk to register. Location: Exercise Room
Trivia Night at Shoreline/LFP Senior Activity Center
Friday, March 21, 2025
6:30PM  9:00PM
Shoreline/LFP Senior Activity Center
Hosted by Jeopardy! Champions Sally Neumann and Leah Caglio, Head in the Clouds Trivia
Doors open at 6:30pm
Games from 7:00pm to 9:00pm
Tickets are $10
Trivia table teams of 6
Put together a team or join one and make new friends at Trivia Night!
21+ event
Snacks, beer, wine, and soft drinks for sale
Strawberry Plant Up for Kids at Sky Nursery
Saturday, March 22, 2025
10:00AM - 2:00PM
Sky Nursery
Parents and kiddos, team up to plant your own strawberry plant then watch it grow with good care and attention at home! Drop in any time to plant and enjoy more activities at the Young Gardener Shed. FREE EVENT, While supplies last.
MARCH Getting Beyond Burnout: A Workshop for Everyone in Healthcare
Saturday, March 22, 2025
10:00AM - 12:00PM
Virtual Via Zoom – Register Here
Feeling angry at the world or stuck in burnout? This 90-minute workshop helps healthcare workers understand how nervous system dysregulation, emotional coping, and workplace culture fuel burnout—and what to do about it. Gain tools to reclaim control, reduce overwhelm, and build resilience. Nurses earn 1.5 CEs through Debriefing the Front Lines. Cost is $75, facilitated by Doris Taylor, RN BSN, who left a 20-year career due to burnout to coach others in finding relief.
Highland Terrace Bloomin' Bulb Sale
Saturday and Sunday, March 22-23, 2025
11:00AM - 3:00PM
The corner of 2nd NW and 159th near Highland Terrace Elementary (close to 160 at Greenwood)
This popular sale of plants will be held the last two weekends of March. 4 pots $30, 3 for $22.50 and 2 for $15. March 22+23 and 29+30 from 11-3pm at the corner of 2nd NW and 159th near Highland Terrace Elementary (close to 160 at Greenwood). Six varieties of Daffodils and 5 varieties of Tulips come with instructions on how to plant later after the foliage dies back for years of enjoyment. These are hardly proven varieties; choose pots of either mixed Daffodils or mixed Tulips. Pre-orders available: Presented by: Highland Terrace Neighborhood Association.
New Parks Design Workshop - Westminster Park
Saturday, March 22, 2025
11:00AM - 1:00PM
Westminster Park
The City of Shoreline invites you to participate in upcoming design workshops - all ages welcome!
Thank you to everyone who has contributed input to jump-start the design process for these parks! We’ll be sharing the current community priorities and concept plan options for your feedback. So far, we’ve heard the importance of connecting to nature, creating spaces to gather, and adventurous play!
Shorenorth Cooperative Preschool’s Spring Carnival and Online Auction
Saturday, March 22, 2025
12:00PM - 4:00PM
Shorenorth Cooperative Preschool
Welcome to Shorenorth Cooperative Preschool’s annual Spring Carnival event and Online Auction. Bring the whole family to play classic carnival games or grab a tasty treat from Sugar & Spoon!
 Carnival event: March 22, 12-4pm
 Admission and open to the public
 Online auction opens: March 19 at 9am and closes on March 22 at 12 pm (noon)
 Auction pickup: March 22 from 1-4 pm
 Enter through the rear (West) parking lot
 Blind Date with a Book titles available for adults and children
Children can exchange their winning game tokens for a new to them toy from our Toy Trade-Up booth. We are excited to announce Sugar & Spoon will have their food truck at the carnival from 2-4pm.
How to Buy a Used Bike
Saturday, March 22, 2025
3:00PM - 5:00PM
Shoreline Tool Library
Spring is the best time to look for used bicycles. André and Nancy will teach you how to determine if a bike fits, how to make sure everything works, what to look for during your test rides, where to shop, and what questions to ask. Join us for a lively and informed discussion on all things used bicycles. About the instructors, André and Nancy: André and Nancy are both seasoned cyclists. Nancy teaches bicycling, and Andre makes sure that all bicycles donated to our tool libraries are in good working condition before we sell them.
Zippers 101
Sunday, March 23, 2025
10:00AM - 1:00PM
Shoreline Tool Library
In this class, students will learn how to use a sewing machine to install a zipper. We will focus on (and practice!) basic zipper installations using acrylic coil zippers. We will also discuss more complex applications such as invisible zips, metal zippers, and zip flies.
Prerequisite: Sewers of all levels are welcome, as long as they have at least a basic practical understanding of machine sewing, including terms such as backstitching, seam allowance, and stitch length.
About the instructor, Amelia: Amelia taught adult general and apparel sewing classes for four years. During that time, she taught zipper classes for beginning-level sewers as well as a backpacks class and some garment sewing classes which involved more advanced zipper installations (beefier zippers, invisible zippers, etc).
Garden Design I
Sunday, March 23, 2025
3:00PM - 5:00PM
Shoreline Tool Library
We’ll cover the aspects to consider when dreaming of turning your outdoor spaces into more productive, beautiful and functional places to be. Topics like screening, paths and patios, irrigation, lighting, plant selection, edible landscapes, and retaining walls will be covered.
Attendance at the second class is not required, but it is recommended, and you can sign up for the one at the Shoreline Tool Library here and the one at the NE Seattle Tool Library here!
About the instructor, Susan Gregory: Susan is a landscape designer with many years of experience both designing and implementing small and large landscape projects. She holds a degree in landscape design from Edmonds Community College and completed a permaculture course with Toby Hemenway. She ran a successful design/build company for 12 years.
Tutors at Shoreline Library (Study Zone)
Tuesday, March 25, 2025
5:00PM - 7:00PM
Shoreline Library
Volunteer tutors provide homework help for grades K-12. They can also give language support for homework or translation in many languages. Students may drop in any time during Tutor hours.  Look for volunteers wearing the Tutor t-shirt.
What’s Happening at the Shoreline and Richmond Beach Libraries?
Find all upcoming library events HERE.
For more information and more upcoming events, visit the Shoreline events calendar on
To have your event included please email
Destination Shoreline is presented by Kate Ledbetter, Real Estate Broker with Windermere Real Estate/Shoreline. Whether you’re planning to sell, buy, or simply explore your options, Kate Ledbetter is ready to provide expert guidance tailored to your unique real estate needs, visit for more information.

Sustainable gardening class April 2, 2025

Learn how to grow sustainable, beautiful, drought resistant and chemical-free gardens!


A Better Way to Beautiful
Wednesday, April 2, 2025
6:30–8:00 pm
North City Water District
1519 NE 177th St, Shoreline WA 98155

About the Class:

It’s possible! – a healthier garden of easy-care plants, fewer weeds, less watering, and without all the chemicals. Peggy Campbell provides successful techniques and practical tips for transitioning your garden to a sustainable one. And discover how to select resilient plants for a changing climate that will thrive for you.

Class is free, but you must register to attend.

Contact us in advance by email to or call our office at 206-362-8100.

About The Presenter:

Believing gardening should be fun and satisfying, Peggy Campbell enjoys showing others how to take the work out of gardening. She shares tips learned while transforming her own time-intensive, weed-filled yard into an easy-care landscape of seasonal color every week of the year! 

An ecoPRO Certified Sustainable Landscape Professional, her gardening roots include a Bachelor in Horticulture from Washington State University.

15 year old joyrider saved from serious injury by a maple tree

Photo by Dana Niblack

On Friday night, March 14, 2025, a 15 year old boy in Innis Arden, driving without a license, put this SUV through a hedge.

Photo by Dana Niblack

The vehicle was stopped from flipping by a ~30 year old maple which will likely have to be replaced. 

Getting the vehicle out dislodged two 4-man boulders from the rockery and destroyed plants in the path.

Shoreline Fire responded.

Exploring possibilities for a Shoreline pool facility

Tuesday, March 18, 2025

The site of the old Shoreline Pool was leveled and planted with grass.
A picnic shelter will be built there, next to Shoreline Park
Photo by Gidget Terpstra

The City of Shoreline is beginning to explore the possibility of placing a ballot measure before Shoreline voters to build, run, and maintain a public indoor pool facility. This work builds on years of public input. Residents have expressed interest in a new pool that meets the community’s needs while also not overburdening taxpayers.

King County built the former Shoreline Pool in 1971. When Shoreline became a City in 1995, we took control of the pool. We maintained and ran the pool for more than two decades. However, in its later years, it became clear that the pool was reaching the end of its useful life. Maintenance costs increased and it became harder to make the repairs on the aging equipment.

In anticipation of eventually needing to close the pool, we conducted a feasibility study on building a new pool facility. We also sought community input and heard from hundreds of community members through development of the 2017-2023 Parks, Recreation, and Open Space Plan and other outreach. Most people expressed interest in a new pool facility.

Through a concept design process that involved input from a resident advisory committee, the City Council decided to place a Parks and Pool bond measure on the November 2019 ballot. The bond measure asked Shoreline voters if they wanted to fund a new 75,000 square foot pool, recreation, and community center, in addition to funding for redevelopment of four parks. Although the measure received a majority “Yes” vote (54%), it did not receive the required 60% “Yes” vote needed to pass a bond measure.

Following the failed bond measure, the Council made the difficult decision to close the Shoreline Pool in the fall of 2021. However, in 2020 with the COVID 19 pandemic, we had to suspend Pool operations. This lead to permanently closing the Pool earlier than anticipated in the fall of 2020 (a year earlier than scheduled). This left a gap in access to pool activities for Shoreline community members.

The cost of the proposed facility in 2019 was a significant concern for many residents. Many asked the City to look at ways to bring down costs including through partnerships. The City has spent several years exploring potential partnerships with neighboring cities and organizations to see if a larger joint pool project would work. Unfortunately, due to a variety of factors, we concluded that a partnership wouldn’t work. If the community wants a new pool, the City needs to build it itself.

In March 2024, the City Council directed staff to explore designing a new pool-only facility. The new facility would focus on a lap pool and warmer water recreation spaces. It would be smaller in overall size than the facility proposed in 2019. 

The new facility would not include sport courts and other gym-type recreation spaces. Spartan Recreation Center would continue to be the City’s primary recreation center, with its two gymnasiums, weight room, and several recreation multipurpose spaces. The proposed pool-only facility would be located in the same place as the proposed 2019 facility, north of City Hall.

Exploring a pool-only facility will include creating an initial design, managing a community advisory committee process, seeking public input, and developing costs and impacts to property taxes. The City Council would then decide on whether to place a measure on the ballot for voters to consider.

Gloria's Birds: Rita the American Robin

Photo copyright Gloria Z. Nagler

 prefers to inspect each berry before committing to it...

--Gloria Z. Nagler

Celebrating women’s businesses at Town & Country Market March 15, 2025

Celebrating women-owned businesses that empower our world one bite at a time

Town & Country Markets were proud to partner with so many wonderful women-owned businesses, and on March 15, 2025 they hosted open houses in all six of their markets featuring and highlighting some great WOB brands.

In Shoreline, customers were able to meet some of T&C's favorite WOB partners and hear their stories.

They brought some goodies to share, and cooked up some tasty treats, accompanied by wine from Cedergreen Cellars.

Shoreline Town & Country is located at 15505 Westminster Way N, Shoreline, WA 98133

--All photos by Claudia Meadows

Lake Forest Park Climate Survey

Earth from space
Residents of Lake Forest Park were sent a postcard encouraging them to take the Climate Impacts survey.

This is a chance for you to have your concerns and ideas about climate impacts heard. You can scan the QR code to take the survey.

The city of Lake Forest Park has completed the Climate Action Plan in 2024. 

A companion to the action plan is the climate element of the Comprehensive Plan. The climate element is a required element in the Comprehensive Plan. 

This survey is part of the process to build a framework for reducing emissions and building a resilient community.

There will be additional opportunities to voice your opinions and concerns. There will be an open house later in the spring. The draft climate element will be delivered to the City Council. There will be public hearings and an opportunity to make a short statement to the City Council.

Take the survey today. The survey closes on April 10.

Nominations open for Shoreline Community Champion Awards

Last year's Community Champion Silje Sodal
Do you know a Shoreline champion? Are they someone who has shown their commitment to making Shoreline a better community for everyone? 

Then nominate them for the 2nd Annual Community Champion Award. The City of Shoreline Community Champion Award acknowledges and celebrates a leader whose contributions to the community make a meaningful difference. 

There is also a Youth Community Champion Award for people 25 or under.

The City of Shoreline Community Champion Awards will be presented alongside the Shoreline Chamber of Commerce’s businessperson of the year award at a banquet on August 15. 

This event will also honor the many volunteers who help make Shoreline a great community.

The Community Champion Award Criteria:
  • Demonstrative commitment to anti-racism, diversity, equity, and inclusion.
  • Serves the local community through action and participation.
  • Encourages and inspires others to get involved.
  • Contributes to the City’s growth and development as a Welcoming Place for All.
For Youth Community Champion Award, nominee must be 25 or younger.

If you know of someone deserving a Community Champion Award, fill out the online nomination form

Shoreline Mayor Chris Roberts will announce the finalists at the City’s State of the City event on June 12, 2025. The award winners will be announced at a banquet on August 15.

If you would like to fill out a paper nomination form, contact Mallory Van Abbema at or 206-801-2253.

Theatre review: Clue: The Musical - a really fun musical that knows how to make fun of itself

Clue: The Musical
March 14-April 6, 2025

Book by Peter DePietro
Music by Galen Blum, Wayne Barker, and Vinnie Martucci
Lyrics by Tom Chiodo
Based on the Parker Brothers’ Board Game
Directed by Anna Doepp

Review by Kindle Carpp

Clue: The Musical is based on the popular board game and is an interactive whodunit where the audience helps solve the murder of Mr. Boddy. The audience receives clues to help them deduce the solution, which can have 216 possible combinations.

If you are expecting a stage version of the movie Clue you are in for a surprise as this version has its very own plot and character background.

The musical features six suspects, each with an alias and a motive, invited to a dinner party by the host Mr. Boddy. Each of the suspects is color coded. 

I am really impressed with the costuming and color coordination. It is hard to find entire outfits in the hue even if the tint or shade vary.

Rooms are limited to only six. Utilizing clever stage set design, mobile columns on castors delineated the six rooms from one another. Scenery such as curtained french doors, bookshelves and kitchen sinks allowed for minimal props like a simple chair or table to represent a whole room.

The sets are visually appealing, individual enough that you can differentiate them from each other, however they coordinate.

This rendition maintains the six potential weapons which are amusingly in big-ature proportions.

This cast has skilled singers and actors. I particularly enjoyed the ensemble singing as the combination of voices was rather enjoyable.

This is a really fun musical that knows how to make fun of itself. There was a particular scene I appreciated that increased in hilarity as it went on and on only managing to end because of the death of Mr. Boddy.

I urge you to complete your game sheet, as the interactive portion of the musical is a lot of fun. Not to toot my own horn but I was one of the audience members who determined the correct murderer, room and weapon. And I don’t mind giving you a spoiler that it was Professor Plum in the Ballroom with the candlestick.

But here's the real spoiler: Clue is sold out. 

Contact the office (425-774-9600 or if you'd like your name to be added to a waitlist with the number of tickets you are looking for and your preferred performance dates.
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