Mayor McGlashan has mild heart attack

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Updated: 5-17-2011 10pm

When Shoreline Mayor Keith McGlashan experienced chest pains on Tuesday, May 10, he did the sensible thing and called 911.

At the Northwest Hospital emergency center he registered no symptoms, but the cardiologist kept him overnight for monitoring. At 4:30 am, a slight elevation in cardiac enzymes indicated that he had, indeed, had a mild heart attack.

An angiogram found a small, blocked artery which is being treated with medication.

The Mayor has been home, experiencing symptoms only from the medication.

He missed the Monday council meeting, but reported on Tuesday that "I'm feeling great and actually getting quite bored with laying around, so ready to get back to my routine."

He will return to his day job on Thursday morning and ease back into his normal schedule.

--Diane Hettrick


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